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Rotoworld via PFT: Jason Campbell Taking Control "Like Never Before"


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I looked, didn't see it. Search turned up zilch, but knowing the news gurus around here this is old hat...




Profootballtalk.com hears that Jason Campbell is "taking charge like never before" at Redskins training camp.

Contract year. Campbell is also likely motivated by the Skins' attempts to upgrade over him. PFT says he's "yelling at teammates and grabbing them in the huddle" when needed. This sounds nice, but Campbell is going to need to be just as aggressive in the passing game to be a true fantasy asset


As he commences a season that was preceded by multiple attempts to bring in the man who would replace him, Redskins quarterback Jason Campbell is embracing his role as a team leader.

We're told that he's taking charge like never before in practice, yelling at teammates and grabbing them in the huddle, when the need arises.

And his attitude came through when Campbell spoke to the media on Wednesday.

"We all have to be focused," he said. "Being a leader of a football team, practice goes the way you come out here and participate. You play upbeat. I'm coming out here, we're having fun and guys are paying attention to detail. Of course we make mistakes out here at the same time, but there are things you do to correct it. It's all about how you bounce back and continue to move forward."

Campbell also has landed on the cover of the training-camp edition Sports Illustrated, next to the caption "Pressure Points And Pivotal Players."

In the last year of his rookie contract, Campbell is definitely under pressure. But he's also going to be pivotal to the Redskins' chances in 2009. (Maybe that's why they put his picture next to those words.)

So in a conference that's flatter than a runny pancake, we think the Redskins' chances are better than most people realize, as pointed out in our latest offering for SportingNews.com.

Sounds like he's doing a little bit more of what most of you think he has to do. Let's just hope it carries over.

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It sure sounds like it with all the great reports coming out of camp. :doh:



QB Jason Campbell. Maybe it was because of the line or the new plays, but Campbell was late on too many passes this morning. That's often a function of not feeling comfortable with plays so we'll cut him some slack. But the bottom line was that he had a lot of passes broken up because they came out late.


Two minute offense. The Redskins ran it with both the first and second units. They didn't get past the 30-yard line. Both units had two shots to run the two-minute drill.


QB Jason Campbell and Chase Daniel. During a drill in which the QBs throw to a net with three targets on it, both of them hit the target on only two of seven throws.
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again, this is mike florio so shouldnt everybody be bashing his credibility?

I'm not into the whole credibility bashing thing. I take things for what they are. Something written by a person that may, or may not know what they are talking about.

Saying Jason Campbell has grabbed teammates in the huddle should be something that can be proven quite easily as well, but until it is, it's what it is.

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All of that has zero to do with him taking charge of his team. But rather his skill level, lack thereof, or rust level.

Taking charge has more to do with the vocal leadership role, which many here said he couldn't/wouldn't do.

He hasn't looked fantastic in camp, but that's a different thread.

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JC has so much to prove. Like it or not this is make or break year. IMO he has to have a stellar year or the FO isn't going to re-sign him. Enough of the mediocracy Jason. Step it up and prove to the world your capable of being a franchise QB. I have my Tabasco ready for that serving of crow that I will gladly shove down my throat.

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JC has so much to prove. Like it or not this is make or break year. IMO he has to have a stellar year or the FO isn't going to re-sign him. Enough of the mediocracy Jason. Step it up and prove to the world your capable of being a franchise QB. I have my Tabasco ready for that serving of crow that I will gladly shove down my throat.

I think that's exactly what he's trying to do, though, KG. It remains to be seen if it happens on the field, but he's putting in the effort to do just that. Which I applaud.

I'm also not sure if he's going to be with us much longer, but I love that he's trying.

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If he does half what I think he can do we'll have ourselves a recognised franchise QB. Year 3 in the WCO is when QBs usually make the big jump iirc. JC doing it in year 2 will be an indication of how good he will be in that year 3 after we do a DL on our OL, so to speak.

I think our 3 2nd round pass catchers are going to make that draft look good down the road. Tryon and Moore are also supposed to be looking good and we all know about Horton. And to think we've had the same guys in our FO for a long time....

JC stepping up allows us to properly work on our OL. All this team needs is 3 or 4 high picks on the OL over the next 2 years and we are in for a sustained period of good football

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I think that's exactly what he's trying to do, though, KG. It remains to be seen if it happens on the field, but he's putting in the effort to do just that. Which I applaud.

I'm also not sure if he's going to be with us much longer, but I love that he's trying.

I love that he's trying also Dawg. But, let's see what happens when the bullets start flying. Like you, I just don't see it. Wish I felt differently.

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Same old song and dance on these threads.

Have you read the thread? Or do you assume the whole thing is through Campbell lovers eyes?

If you had read it, you'd say otherwise.

And no, this isn't the same song and dance. This is something he's doing that's different than what he's done in the past.

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You can't fake leadership. Suddenly yelling at players and grabbing them in the huddle doesn't make you a leader. We've seen his true nature for a couple of seasons. This isn't real.

But isn't this what alot of people on these forums (not you) wanted? I realize you probably hadn't said that, but it seems Campbell can't win no matter what. He's not doing that and he's not a leader. He does do it, and he's a fake.

What can he do to win you over? Will having a good statistical year make you believe in him? Or is he truly in a can't win situation?

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But isn't this what alot of people on these forums (not you) wanted? I realize you probably hadn't said that, but it seems Campbell can't win no matter what. He's not doing that and he's not a leader. He does do it, and he's a fake.

He needs to go out there and do it on the field. Grabbing guys by the jersey is one thing, but it has to be followed up with performance. This goes double because the guys hasn't actually been able to strap the team on his back and pull them the way a 1st-round QB should be. If he has already lost some of these guys, they'll just say "yeah, whatever" unless he shows it in his performance.

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Year 3 in the WCO is when QBs usually make the big jump iirc.

This right here is a fact for the WC offense. Joe Montana stated the same thing saying this offense took me 3 years to really have it down. JC better learn it in two or he won't see the 3rd year in this system. I hate the WCO myself, this team is built more for the run and shoot that the Patriots switched too in 07. Attacks with every receiver, keeps defenses on their heals, and opens up the running game as well. We could kill with this kind of offense if JC gets it together. But we got the freaking WCO :(

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i thought Florio hated the Redskins? i thought nothing he could say could ever carry any weight?

oh yeah - thats only the negative articles.

he also mentioned the Redskins as a potential sleeper in his latest Sporting News column.

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He needs to go out there and do it on the field. Grabbing guys by the jersey is one thing, but it has to be followed up with performance. This goes double because the guys hasn't actually been able to strap the team on his back and pull them the way a 1st-round QB should be. If he has already lost some of these guys, they'll just say "yeah, whatever" unless he shows it in his performance.

I agree with you. Sometimes I pose questions just for the discussion that follows and that was a great reply. Thank you.

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this team is built more for the run and shoot that the Patriots switched too in 07. Attacks with every receiver, keeps defenses on their heals, and opens up the running game as well. We could kill with this kind of offense if JC gets it together. But we got the freaking WCO :(

this is why i would have killed for josh mcdaniels as our oc :(

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i thought Florio hated the Redskins? i thought nothing he could say could ever carry any weight?

oh yeah - thats only the negative articles.

I don't believe I ever said anything about Florio one way or the other. But thanks for the contribution.

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