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kickball for grown ups.

Capt Rich Fla

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My wife and I played in a league this spring. It was fun but it tends to get competitive at times. People taking it way too serious. Plus we play softball as well, which was too much. I think that was the first and last time I play kickball. Although my favorite part was nailing people with the ball as they round the bases. I got a slow chunky dude running to first by throwing it from shallow left and leading him about 10 feet. Hilarious.

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It's fun as hell man. I played for WAKA up in DC. We met up every Sunday night in the summer, played two games and would go back to our sponsored bar and play flip cup and get crunk.

Pretty good way to pass the summer by while you're waiting on football season :)

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there are literally dozens of kickball leagues in nyc.

i've got a game today at 4pm. my team is terrible but it's still the highlight of my week.

nothing like $4 pitchers at the bar across the street after each game to help ease the pain of losing.

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