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NBC: Mancow Waterboarded


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The thing is, you really don't get to hold your breath, because you don't know when it is coming and once that first bit of water goes up your nose or in your mouth, you can't hold your breath. So, you get the wonderful experience of drowning for 20 seconds or so. Clearly, six seconds is too much.

But it's fine, because torture always leads to 100 percent accurate information.

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that fool had a cow in his mouth like it was some sort of joke. couldnt happen to a nicer guy if you ask me. now if we could just get nancy grace, rush limbaugh, keith olberman, and jeremiah wright to think its a joke too this could be a weekly show.

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The thing is' date=' you really don't get to hold your breath, because you don't know when it is coming and once that first bit of water goes up your nose or in your mouth, you can't hold your breath. So, you get the wonderful experience of drowning for 20 seconds or so. Clearly, six seconds is too much.

But it's fine, because torture always leads to 100 percent accurate information.[/quote']

Even if you did know when it's coming it doesn't matter because you can't hold your nose.

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Even if you did know when it's coming it doesn't matter because you can't hold your nose.

Unlike Mancow, I think your arms are tied too. That is, if they are doing it for real, you know 180 times or so, like for some people.

but wait...

"In my long experience in Washington, few matters have inspired so much contrived indignation and phony moralizing as the interrogation methods applied to a few captured terrorists."

Dick Cheney. Yesterday

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are people shocked that cheney is downplaying it?

predicto, in the confederate thread you just explained it perfectly. he isnt going to say how wrong it is ever..

Of course not.

In my opinion Cheney should just STFU.

He says Obama is making us less safe. You wanna know what makes us less safe? Having the former Vice President telling the world that America is not trying to turn over a new leaf and mend fences, that we were entitled to do all the things that we did that pissed them off so much, that it doesn't matter what we did anyway because we can do what we want, yadda yadda yadda.

That crap is making us less safe, emboldening the radicals we are trying to defeat and cowing the moderates that we are trying to support around the world. Cheney is a goddamn traitor (metaphorically, of course.)

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that fool had a cow in his mouth like it was some sort of joke. couldnt happen to a nicer guy if you ask me. now if we could just get nancy grace, rush limbaugh, keith olberman, and jeremiah wright to think its a joke too this could be a weekly show.

I'll second that motion if you second waterboarding Nancy Pelosi.

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well, just to play DA, would a dip**** DJ really subject himself to torture, live on the air?

I mean- next week is he going to have his toenails ripped out with pliers one by one, then be interviewed afterwards?

Maybe it's not torture?

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I thought this was a very interesting statistic i read today on CNN. It makes no sense whatsoever. What a weird weird world we are currently living in:

A survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that white evangelical Christians are more likely to support torture than people who rarely or never attend religious services.

The survey said that 62 percent of white evangelical Protestants say that the use of torture against suspected terrorists can be often or sometimes justified in order to gain important information.

When asked the same question, 40 percent of the "religiously unaffiliated" say torture can be often or sometimes justified. The survey, however, did not define torture or say whether "enhanced interrogation techniques" like waterboarding are torture.


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well, just to play DA, would a dip**** DJ really subject himself to torture, live on the air?

I mean- next week is he going to have his toenails ripped out with pliers one by one, then be interviewed afterwards?

Maybe it's not torture?

Good point.

On the other hand (as I understand it), until now Mancow was a loud voice for the position that waterboarding was not torture. And he didn't even get the full dose.

But it's still a valid point.

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The thing is' date=' you really don't get to hold your breath, because you don't know when it is coming and once that first bit of water goes up your nose or in your mouth, you can't hold your breath. So, you get the wonderful experience of drowning for 20 seconds or so. Clearly, six seconds is too much.

[b']But it's fine, because torture always leads to 100 percent accurate information[/b].

here's a question, though: What if it did? What if, everytime it was used, waterboarding lead to 1,000% accurate info?...Would that make it more acceptable? Would any of us change our minds on its use?

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Good point.

On the other hand (as I understand it), until now Mancow was a loud voice for the position that waterboarding was not torture. And he didn't even get the full dose.

But it's still a valid point.

Well he is also not the first. Christopher Hitchens had been an ardent voice in the "waterboarding is not torture" crowd. He said he would do it and backed it up. When he did it, from what I saw on video, it looked much more intense than the video of Mancow (the guys doing it were guys with experience in the area and knew exactly what they were doing so it was probably closer to the real thing). His arms and legs both were bound, they put a full hood over him, they didn't hold his nose, and they didn't just dump water on him. They did it more methodically. After about 10 second Hitchens completely flipped out and practically threw the metal rods they had given him to drop as a red light through the concrete floor. After they got him up and the hood off he looked to be in a completely disoriented state of panic and later wrote that the incident gave him nightmares for months and said that if that isn't torture he has no idea what is.

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here's a question, though: What if it did? What if, everytime it was used, waterboarding lead to 1,000% accurate info?...Would that make it more acceptable? Would any of us change our minds on its use?

That's easy, yes. But it doesn't and I'm sure just about anyone who gets waterboarded would tell you anything in time just for the pain to stop.

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