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Top 10 obsessions


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1. Washington Caps

2. Washington Redskins (sorry, but Caps are on now).

3. Jack Daniels

4. Marlboro Reds

5. Country music

6. Classic rock

7. Theory of a Deadman

8. Meeting new people

9. South Park

10. Riding my horses

So, do you come here often?:cool:

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1. Blonds

2. Sailor Jerry Rum

3. Rock and Roll Live music every night

4. Playing my upright bass

5. American Honey

6. My X (glad thats moving down the list)

7. My lil' Mama Bear

8. Working Out

9. Making Money at the Bar

10. Not making to much of a drunken ass of myself, while maintaining a happy buzz.

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1) Extremeskins

2) Redskins (Always)

3) Nationals (How sick am I).

4) Sons little league (spending too much time on it)

hey man, i know this is off topic, but is doing things with your son, the coolest thing EVER ( which im pretty sure it is ) Just curious, cause im having a kid pretty soon. I know its prob. a rethorical (sp) question. Just want a sneak peak of the future of what will become.

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i will say this honestly - i have never once in my entire life owned a single pair of jeans

never liked them

Well then welcome to the club. BUT WAIT! if you dont like sweats or jeans....

I know you dont wear shorts all year long..

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1. Wife- why oh why do you do such silly things?- sometimes I love em so don't stop on my account.

2. Kids - why oh why do you do such silly things?- sometimes I love em so don't stop on my account.

3. work work work

4. fixing home/maintaining home...stupid rain and messed up pump

5. Extremeskins

6. Caps

7. Skins

8. few random stocks I bought to see if I know anything.

9. WoW - how fast this become's old school, but it's still needed break from life.

10. wrapping my head around anything new. I swear as my ability to learn decreases, my desire to learn explodes to new highs.

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1. Wife- why oh why do you do such silly things?- sometimes I love em so don't stop on my account.

2. Kids - why oh why do you do such silly things?- sometimes I love em so don't stop on my account.

3. work work work

4. fixing home/maintaining home...stupid rain and messed up pump

5. Extremeskins

6. Caps

7. Skins

8. few random stocks I bought to see if I know anything.

9. WoW - how fast this become's old school, but it's still needed break from life.

10. wrapping my head around anything new. I swear as my ability to learn decreases, my desire to learn explodes to new highs.

I can def. see the 1st 3 hitting my way any day now.

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untrue. she put me in khakis pretty much the day i was born.

oh damn. I forgot about khakis. Last time i can remember wearing khakis, which i hate. Was back in the 1st grade. I ******* in my pants, in the playground after school. Not only that, but i had to take a ride home with the lady who always drives everyones kid home. After that day i don't ever remember wearing khakis ever again. --TRUE STORY.

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haha i guess you can def call that a poor experience.

when wearing long pants, khakis are pretty much all ive ever worn. i like them.

i mean i was young as hell. But 'WOOO' did i ever felt bad for them kids in the car with me. LMAO, have you ever heard the skit "**** on the coats" by Dane Cook. kinda the same situation. Everyone kept yelling "OMG it smells like ****" so i would join.."your right it does smell like ****". Knowing im the boy who still has **** in his khakis, in the back of a stationwagon.

edit: enough of this, as much as it is funny. Its so true.

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1. Caps hockey

2. The rest of the NHL

3. ES :(

4. Figuring out what to do with my life

5. Staying in shape

6. The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

7. Skins offseason shenanigans

8. Rain

9. The O's

10. Scraping together some cash to do some traveling

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