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Cowherd compares our plight to raiders, mentions extremeskins.


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Anyone listening to Cowherd? He's going on about how it must suck for us fans to have to keep dealing with insanity in the front office. Then made fun of Snyder saying that this board used to be critical of the skins so Snyder just bought it out. Hit some good points.

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What does us being critical of the Redskins have to do with him buying the site? It's not like we're censored now, obviously.

edit: Here's a censorship test: Dan Snyder is a ****ing idiot that can't run a football team to save his life. Actually, his business skills are questionable too, look at 6 Flags. He has royally ****ed up this franchise and made us a laughingstock around the NFL. After the 07 playoff run, we were so close to being a real contender. Keeping Saunders as OC and letting that offense develop another year, and making Williams the head coach would have paid off big time. Redskins could have easily been 11-5 last year under that scenario. Maybe NFC Championship game or better. But NOOOOO, you have to go and fire Williams, gut the coaching staff, and make us start over again. Now you're going to draft yet ANOTHER bust in Sanchez, and further **** up this team for another 5+ year at the least. Great ****ing job Dan! I ****ing hate you and everything you have done to this team!

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I thought he was right on alot of what he said. Sometimes it is miserable, and we the fans deserve more. We have drafted bad over the last few years, and keep giving our draft picks away. What did he say that was so wrong? He thinks us going after Sanchez and having to give an arm and a leg is a bad idea.

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Can someone get this guy off the air. His voice is annoyong and he talks about the dumbest stuff. Come on Dan, you own the station, I can be your 10-12 man! Anything is better than Cowherd

People rag on B Mitch but he was speaking with passion. B Mitch loves the Skins, I never doubt that and his quotes has meaning but all Cowherd is is a bunch of garbage!

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Yeah, someone should call cowherd up and remind him the time when he had to basically kiss Vinny's feet on his radio show. I have to admit listening to cowherd have to eat crow was one of the best radio I've heard.

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That's the same discussion a buddy and I were having at work earlier...We were talking about the Raiders too, and the general conclusion is that we are pretty much like the Raiders, as far as

Incompetent Front Office

Clueless Owner

Years of Bad Drafting & Bad FA signings

So we pretty much feel like the Raiders; in that until Al Davis dies, they will not get any better, and until Snyder goes bankrupt, OR sells the team, we will be no better.

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I also liked the part he mentioned how Clemson football fans think much higher of their program then they should. Said they weren't relevant in their own conference much less the nation. LMAO!!

He honestly feels sorry for us Skins fans and Raider fans.

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I share his view about Snyder and I think he's hit on something. There are a number of fans who are completely frustrated over the fact that Snyder runs the team the way he does and can do nothing about it. It would be one thing if it were a bad GM or a bad coach that was at the root of the problems, but it's the owner. The 44-year old owner, who shows very few signs that he's learning by watching the practices of the more successful owners in the league.

All signs point to a long journey through the desert my friends.

As far as the board, I can't say for sure if the tone of the board changed after the team bought it, but it did seem very odd when it happened.

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also another about cowherd is that he is walking contradiction i notice someone state he feels sorry for the raiders and redskins fans..

come this football season he will be saying and he does this alot.. you get what you deserve and i have no sympathy for teams like that.. watch

the only constant is that he despies vick

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Here's a censorship test: Dan Snyder is a ****ing idiot that can't run a football team to save his life. Actually, his business skills are questionable too, look at 6 Flags. He has royally ****ed up this franchise and made us a laughingstock around the NFL. After the 07 playoff run, we were so close to being a real contender. Keeping Saunders as OC and letting that offense develop another year, and making Williams the head coach would have paid off big time. Redskins could have easily been 11-5 last year under that scenario. Maybe NFC Championship game or better. But NOOOOO, you have to go and fire Williams, gut the coaching staff, and make us start over again. Now you're going to draft yet ANOTHER bust in Sanchez, and further **** up this team for another 5+ year at the least. Great ****ing job Dan! I ****ing hate you and everything you have done to this team!
Now this is a censorship test!
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