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Is it be possible we acquire a 1st rounder and keep 13th?


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I was just sitting here reading a lot of rumors about us and what we might do......and then i starting thinking......Is it possible we could send away our 3rd round pick and maybe a 1st and 3rd next year to get another first round pick this year and address 2 needs, maybe getting Orakpo and Maualuga/Cushing.......Or maybe OL and a OLB.....

I don't think its likely but its possible......and I think with the build of our team and the age of our team at a lot of positions, we need to win now. Making it not such a bad idea to trade next years picks in order to gain additional picks this year.......I think its a great idea, but not easy to do.......

Also givin the amount of DE's on our roster (Carter, Wilson, Jackson, Wynn, Danials) compared the the amount of OLBs on our roster (McIntosh, Fincher, Thomas) it appears that we might actually be going LB in the draft......there were plenty of OLBs available through free agency this year and we made virtually no attempt to go out and get a true starter at that position, which brings me to this conclusion....We either

A - Feel comfortable with HB Blades at Strong Side Linebacker and confident that he can play that position well.....


B - We are going to get a sure STARTER in the draft, which in my mind has to be a first rounder seeing as how there is only one OLB we could get after the first round with STARTER ability (Marcus Freeman).....

How amazing would it be if we did acquire another first round pick and got Brian Orakpo and Rey Maualuga........If theres any way we could do that, and get a descent lineman in the late rounds....Then I say trade whatever you have to trade to make that happen.......

Just a thought......

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To the OP's point of trying to win now: that's what they've been trying to do ever since the 2000 season. They've been mortgaging the future for quite some time now and won't stop as long as Snyder owns the team. They don't like draft picks because it usually takes time to scout guys and then develop them once they're drafted. The quick fix has always been the philosophy.

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When was the last time we had a pick in every round of the draft? I don't think we have had a full 7 round draft since Dan has owned the team.

2002 was the closest one. we didnt have a 4th rounder but we had 2 thirds.

and that draft was pretty weak. the only guys that ended up producing were betts/royal/rock. and royals was gone after a few seasons. 2 backup runningbacks, a backup tight end, and a decent KR with 10 picks.

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I'm not sure the team has the cap room to pull this off. I would love to see the Skins get more picks, but I dont think that will happen either.

Cap has room for draft picks but I don't see us having two #1's this year. We will trade the 13 and next years #1 to get a QB this year and then trade Jason for a 3rd this year.

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