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MSN.com: WV Lawmaker seeks to outlaw Barbie Dolls


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What a waste of time. So we can give all the boys and girls all the positive self image they can swallow, and then when they're older and the pretty people move ahead of them, then what?

Fact of the world: Attractive people have advantages. Considering that is how it is, I can't see how this clown can pin all of that shallow fact on Barbie.


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so apparently WV elected officials dont have anything better to do with their time....or taxpayers money? lol

Anyone who runs against this guy in the next election...just bring up this issue and you've got yourself a slam-dunk win.

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The Barbie Ban Bill, proposed by Democratic Delegate Jeff Eldridge (D) Lincoln County, says such toys influence girls to place too much importance on physical beauty, at the expense of their intellectual and emotional development.
Seems like he knows PLENTY about lack of intellectual development :dunce:
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I'd say the parents are as much to blame, if they cannot find the time or the ability to love their children as they are, and help promote a strong sense of acceptance of both personal and cultural reality.

[but that's my take as a male parent of two daughters]

A toy is a symbol of something, typically fun times using your imagination. If the kids are puking up their food, so they look all thin like Barbie, I have a hard time accepting that is the fault of the doll.

Apparently there are no pressing governmental issues that require resolution in this Reps district, so they ought to close shop for the year and this guy, can just resign.

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We need to ban WV as a state. What a waste of perfectly good space to use as a landfill.

I think the energy industry would very much disagree with you. As would the branches of the US military, under whom West Virginians disproportionally serve.

Every state has its fruity legislators with dumbass legislation that comes through once in a while. This is an example of that.

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This just in West Virginia to allow the sale of...."I Am My Own Sister In Law Barbie" as well as "Oh hunny Even though I am not your Mommy any More I am still your Grandma Barbie"

Seems the local govt. feels the children can relate to these dolls

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This just in West Virginia to allow the sale of...."I Am My Own Sister In Law Barbie" as well as "Oh hunny Even though I am not your Mommy any More I am still your Grandma Barbie"

Seems the local govt. feels the children can relate to these dolls

at least try to be funny if you're going to bring up old, tired stereotypes.

you fail.

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