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What's The Most You've Ever Tipped Someone?

Califan007 The Constipated

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When the check came, I put a $100 tip on the credit card.

I checked when the credit card statement arrived. They didn't charge me for it. (I wonder if that was them being generous to a guest who had a problem, or did I exceed some kind of limit. If I'd written 80 bucks, instead, would it have gone through?)

First off, that was a great post... And no, you didn't exceed a limit, I've definitely accepted some large tips % wise... The server made a conscious decision to not accept it... Everything they did that night was REAL... I've gone out and away for guests because I was TRYING to get a tip before and I have gone out of my way out of the goodness of my heart... They're two completely different scenes...

From a server's point of view... They weren't going to accept anything from you... You could have left $5 or $5000 and they wouldn't have charged you for it... I'm pretty sure that every employee that knew of the circumstances walked out of the restaurant with a smile on their face... And that's something more valuable than a tip... A majority of the time we leave tired and upset about how late it is, nothing special happened...

I've done it before... Sometimes the tip isn't monetary... And those are the best kind... (Unless you tell me how great of a job I did and proceed to leave me 5%)

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Actually, reflecting on that moment is causing me to reflect on another facet of what I think of as The Power of Disney.

I've also had some times when I've been really ticked at the service I got at Disney.

But, I don't talk about those moments.

Now, I'm aware that people come to Disney with really high expectations. There's a lot of folks who wouldn't be happy if Cinderella personally invited them to spend the night in her castle, unless it came with a free set of glass slippers. But I'm not talking about those moments. I'm talking about things where I'd have been mad if they happened at a Motel 6.

Now, I know that the general rule is that customers will remember, and talk to others about, negative experiences a lot more than positive ones. But when it's me, talking about Disney, that doesn't seem to be the case.

And since I don't really have a problem talking bad about other places, I assume that the difference is Disney.

(Although, another possible theory: Usually, when I talk to someone about Disney, I'm trying to talk them into going, because I want them to be happy. That might have something to do with it.)

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What's your worst experience with Disney?

(Knew I shouldn't have said "I've had (something), but I don't talk about it." :) )

(I might write about it. I'll think about it.)

Edit: Decided to respond via PM, since the post is both long and off-topic.

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That, and Canadians are incredibly tough to deal with. I think they're great people by and large - I have many Canadian friends.

But damn, anyone who has worked with the public in an area with a high concentration of Canadian tourists would agree- there are very few groups of people that are as taxing to deal with. They will flat out wear you down.

Sort of like Indians. Great people, but damn, if there's money involved, you'd better have the patience of a saint when dealing with them.

When I was a busboy one of the servers I worked with waited on some Canadians and, while they used their credit card to pay for the meal, proceeded to tip her in Canadian coin. She wasn't too happy about that one.

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