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Si.Com: A-Rod tested positive for Steroids in 2003


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its apparent that you 2 are both bigger baseball then football fans.

and spiff, if you havent seen marino having his butt kissed over and over whenever they talk about QB records then you must tune in late.

755 and 61 are really big now because they are broken. they gained momentum when mcgwire came down to breaking it and sosa behind him. and whenever Jr would get hot in the 90s they would talk about Maris. 755 was not really talked about unless they were discussing who had a shot or until Barroids broke it.

It doesn't matter if you are football or baseball fans but numbers mean so much more in baseball then they do in football. This is why the homerun #s are so much important in the world of sports then the #'s in football. There was an excellent article about it a while back talking about the differences and why they are more special in baseball.

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I can hit a baseball too.

catching a football while outrunning someone just as fast as you and then scoring a TD is obviously harder then you believe.

boller does suck, but it was said just to prove to you that hitting a ball 400ft isnt that big of a deal. boller can throw it 300 from his knees.

Hitting a baseball is a little different then hitting a homerun, catching a td is a lot simpler because it all depends on the play and the coverage, remember the db can not hit the wr after 5 yards so they have an advantage, it depends of course on the QB throwing them the ball :)

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Hitting a baseball is a little different then hitting a homerun, catching a td is a lot simpler because it all depends on the play and the coverage, remember the db can not hit the wr after 5 yards so they have an advantage, it depends of course on the QB throwing them the ball :)

but at the same time nobody is trying to knock the snot out of the pitcher as he throws it or tackle the batter as he is trying to hit the ball.

he also doesnt have 2 or more people in his way as he is rounding the bases. :)

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I would like to say that I dont think it is easy. That would be silly of me to say. I just think that the timing between two people to make a deep touchdown pass happen is a very difficult thing as well.

Driving at nearly 200MPH on a high degree impact with a car on either side of you is a difficult thing as well. but most people dont think NASCAR is even a sport. ;)

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I would like to say that I dont think it is easy. That would be silly of me to say. I just think that the timing between two people to make a deep touchdown pass happen is a very difficult thing as well.

Driving at nearly 200MPH on a high degree impact with a car on either side of you is a difficult thing as well. but most people dont think NASCAR is even a sport. ;)

how is it difficult, it all depends on the coverage, any good qb can hit a wr open for a long td, heck even Jason hit Moss a couple of time :)

Can we please get back to the ARod bashing :)

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how is it difficult, it all depends on the coverage, any good qb can hit a wr open for a long td, heck even Jason hit Moss a couple of time :)

OK, but the harder the pitcher throws the ball also helps determine how easy it is for the batter to hit it out. wind helps, height of wall, etc.

im still not saying its the easiest thing to do. but Jason hitting Moss on a crossing route by looking past LBs, looking off the safety, figuring out how hard and far to throw it by judging Moss' speed all while avoiding the pressure of people like D Ware is not exactly a cake walk either.

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I coach high school baseball with a former major leaguer, recent, he played in the majors for over 10 years, was pretty successful too. Not going to use his name.

Anyway, we talk a lot about players and he told me today after hearing this news that A-Rod is the biggest lockeroom cancer in baseball and that nobody and he emphasised nobody, likes him.

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I dated Ryan Church's cousin for a while and we were friends even longer. I have known Ryan since he was playing in college and he said back then (99-00) that roids were everywhere and almost encouraged if you wanted to "get ahead". he never did them though and said he wouldnt jeopardize his long term health to get ahead now.

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yes!! its sad that he did it.

The Yanks were basically suckered in to paying top dollar for a player that was all juiced up. can they sue him for false advertisement? :silly:

Remember one of the most popular lines in ALL OF sports is, "the hardest thing to do is hitting a baseball". USA Today did a great article about this:


Throwing a long TD pass was no where on the list :)

Now back to bashing A-Fraud :)

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Remember one of the most popular lines in ALL OF sports is, "the hardest thing to do is hitting a baseball". USA Today did a great article about this:


Throwing a long TD pass was no where on the list :)

ya know, werent you the one who wanted to "get back to bashing a-rod?" :silly:

and it appears that you guys both like US Today...

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LOL How about being a running back and being hit by ryan clark in the pittsburgh/ravens game. :D

The brutality of football trumps all else. :silly:

No argument here. I think the single most impressive thing that football players do is play a game that violent once a week for about 5 months.

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From Spiffs article:

Consider that a fastball thrown at 95-100 mph reaches home plate in about 0.4 seconds. Adair notes in his book that it takes 0.15 seconds for humans to voluntarily blink their eyes in response to visual signals. When a big-league fastball is on the way, you must do far more than just blink. You must swing the bat to precisely the right spot at precisely the right time.

"If a person from another planet was told what's involved ... they would say it's impossible," says Porter Johnson, a physics professor at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.

It becomes even more challenging when pitchers throw curveballs and other breaking pitches. They also can throw the batter's timing off by mixing their fastest pitches with the slower changeups.

Damn. Then again, there are 15-20 basehits in any given game and usually only 3 or 4 touchdowns.

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No argument here. I think the single most impressive thing that football players do is play a game that violent once a week for about 5 months.

As hard as baseball is to hit a ball, it's much easier than living your life in retirement with bad knees, hips, crooked fingers, side effects from hits to the head, etc, etc, etc. It's a brutal sport.

For all that guys like Cal Ripken did, it didn't involve being consistently involved in brutal man to man contact.

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As hard as baseball is to hit a ball, it's much easier than living your life in retirement with bad knees, hips, crooked fingers, side effects from hits to the head, etc, etc, etc. It's a brutal sport.

For all that guys like Cal Ripken did, it didn't involve being consistently involved in brutal man to man contact.

I'm not disagreeing with you....but, the act of hitting a baseball I think is harder than anything you'll find in the game of football. The best hitters in the game only succeed about 30% of the time.

Second, it's a different type of game. Baseball is obviously less physically demanding, but it's probably more mental than anything. You're talking about having to maintain your performance level over 162 games, playing six days a week for six months. Football is a more intense kind of punishment. I can't imagine how Portis feels on those Mondays were he's got 20 carries for 52 yards or something. It's just gotta suck. :)

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