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Yahoo News: Dad and Son Arrested for cutting in line.


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Dad, son arrested after cop said they cut line

Tue Jan 13, 6:06 pm ET

MUNCIE, Ind. – A 26-year-old man and his father were arrested after an off-duty Muncie police officer complained about the man cutting in line at a Wal-Mart store. Police reports said Edward R. Pluhar Jr. of Frankfort cut to the front of the line at the Wal-Mart service desk Sunday. What he didn't know was that Officer Chris Kirby was waiting in the line.

Kirby said Pluhar refused when Kirby asked him to wait his turn. Pluhar's father, 61-year-old Edward R. Pluhar Sr., then asked Kirby if he wanted to step outside. That's when Kirby reportedly told the men he was a police officer.

Kirby followed the men into the parking lot where they scuffled. Other officers arrived and arrested both Pluhars. They were released after posting bond.

Pluhar Sr., however, gave a different version of events leading up to his arrest.

"There's a lot more to the story," he said.

He said his son had waited in line for 25 minutes once and been sent by a clerk to exchange an item. When he returned, Pluhar Sr. said the clerk waved his son to the front of the line, and Kirby objected.

He said his son tried to explain the situation, but Kirby insulted him, at which point Pluhar Sr. asked Kirby to step outside but Kirby laughed at him. Pluhar Sr. also denied Kirby's claim that the older man threatened to shoot him. He said he and his son tried to walk away from the confrontation, but Kirby followed them outside.

Pluhar Sr. said Kirby never identified himself as a police officer and he only found out he was an officer from other police at the scene.

"What I did was wrong, but that doesn't make what he did right," Pluhar said.

Edward R. Pluhar Jr. was preliminarily charged with battery on a police officer, while his father was arrested on charges of intimidation and criminal recklessness with a weapon. Police said Pluhar backed into Kirby's leg as he attempted to leave the parking lot while Kirby was standing behind the vehicle.

Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. A

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Put everything together, sounds pretty obvious what happened. Self-righteous cop either misses or arrives too late to see the "line cuters" had already been to the front. He starts to raise hell. I don't believe he said anything about being an officer. He follows them out and I'm sure, gave as good as he got with the verbal assault and intimidation. Then the guys are trying to leave and the cop does the old "I'm standing behind your car so you can't leave." then he gets tapped. The guys probably STILL didn't know he's an officer, just some whacked out a-hole. I wouldn't sit in my car all day just because some nut is standing behind me. I'd gently move back and remind him of the Law of Gross Tonnage.

Even if the Pluhar's had some technically "illegal" words with the officer, there's no way this should see the courtroom. They were doing nothing wrong and suddenly confronted by some asshat making a scene.

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This is how it really was with the common sense test:

In line: Told to go somewhere else: Do that and come back to front of line.

off duty cop irritated at being in line for 20minutes ALSO tells them to move back.

Doesn't want to hear their crap about already being in line..

then these two people have the nerve to talk back to an off duty cop ;)

and it the cop follows them outside instigating the fight.

This is going nowhere fast after it goes to court.

Cop should be reprimanded for causing an incident.

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Line cutters should be beaten with a billy club. Same thing for those a-holes that drive on the shoulder of the highway to get around traffic.

But, this story sounds like a guy with a badge that wanted to throw his weight around. Nothing worse than an off-duty cop with a self-righteous attitude and a point to prove.

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