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And, Jason Campbell continues to regress...


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TD drive = Check

However (and this is by no means "hatin"), he threw 1 pass on that drive, which had to be caught with 1 hand by Cooley. Then 3 straight runs to Portis. I am not complaining about the playcalling at all, but Campbell had very little to do with that drive other than receiving the snap. No need to overreact on either side of the argument, which includes Campbell apologists.

Campbell showing he can throw, and receivers can catch = better day for Portis.

when a QB becomes a threat so does the RB

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And how would you explain last week?

Wait, lemme guess--it's all because of Cooley's fumble?

I'm beginning to understand your logic... Cooley's fumble=Campbell's fault... I get it.

I'm not saying the guy is an elite qb, but benching the guy now for Todd Collins is not the answer (nor is freaking Colt)... Let the guy last in a system for a few years with the same OC and see what he does. If we're still scoring 15 points a game next year and the year after, then bench him. But you can't bring in a new coach/offensive passing scheme/rookie receivers and expect it all to click like this is Madden.

People are all screaming patience to Snyderrato and well, now it's time for the fans to be patient.

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I'm beginning to understand your logic... Cooley's fumble=Campbell's fault... I get it.

I'm not saying the guy is an elite qb, but benching the guy now for Todd Collins is not the answer (nor is freaking Colt)... Let the guy last in a system for a few years with the same OC and see what he does. If we're still scoring 15 points a game next year and the year after, then bench him. But you can't bring in a new coach/offensive passing scheme/rookie receivers and expect it all to click like this is Madden.

People are all screaming patience to Snyderrato and well, now it's time for the fans to be patient.

ive been patient since ive become a fan 18 years ago. Time for snyderatto to produce. Patience is gone now

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see you guys later, enjoy the WIN

not when there arent pressure from both ends dude. what are you watching. let me guess. u didnt see him double clutch either? do u know why he double clutches theball all the time? cause he doesnt throw in tight coverage. he doesnt take chances. he only can make competions when receivers are wide open . that is why he clutches the ball alll the time.

and there are times when a QB needs to know when to step up and when not to. by him stepping up when there were no pressure from both ends, he actually created that sack , let alone freaking out after he double clutched.

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one of the worst starting QB=campbell.

how many times did this guy over throw the ball today? how many times did this guy throw the ball to the ground today? with protection mayi add. this guy sucks.

In the ast drive before the 3rd quarter ended. Had Jason not taken the sack we may have been able to score atleast 3 points. Unforunately, rather than sealing the deal we end up with no points.

By the way, even Troy Aikman commented that Jason is unsure in the pocket!

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In the ast drive before the 3rd quarter ended. Had Jason not taken the sack we may have been able to score atleast 3 points. Unforunately, rather than sealing the deal we end up with no points.

By the way, even Troy Aikman commented that Jason is unsure in the pocket!

ummm not exactly what he said...he said he is sometimes non-chalant. He did also complement how Jason is in the pocket.

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WOW. UNREAL. that blitz came from 20 yards away from campbell and campbell still couldnt see it clearly. then he couldnt eve throw the ball away properly. lucky it didnt get intercepted. this guy campbell really sucks.

ummmm it was from his blindside

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WOW. UNREAL. that blitz came from 20 yards away from campbell and campbell still couldnt see it clearly. then he couldnt eve throw the ball away properly. lucky it didnt get intercepted. this guy campbell really sucks.

Campbell made the right decision in attempting to throw the ball away, but by not getting the ball out of bounds it should have been intercepted. Samuel dropped an easy one.

That could have been a game changing play on what should have been a routine throw away.

Guess it's sometimes better to be lucky that good.

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ummmm it was from his blindside

blindside from 20 yards away ... u would think that a QB would have the insticnt to see or feel the pressure. that is why campbell doesnt have IT. what a crappy QB. and to add insult, he couldnt even trow it away properly. i mean he coudlnt even throw it away properly. LOL

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man deanglo HALL is a beast though. he is a beast. all those fanboys talking about how smoot is a good CB and that carlos is pro bowl bound. LOL

i mean Dhall is easily proving how mediocre carlos and smoot are. i mean d hall with the skins have made more plays than smoot and carlos have made in their entire career.

ALl these years people talking about how good carlos is or he is good at coverage ....... please man.

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