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self-help: patience and snobbery


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Ahh, I have the same problem, but it comes from thr other end of the spectrum. I came from nothing and at a very young age dicided that I wanted more. Only the best is what I really want. From cloths to cars to schools to work. If I didn't approve of it, it wasn't good enough. Don't be ashamed of anything that has been handed to you. Your lucky in that regard and I can't hold anything against a person who uses those gifts to the best of their ability. I used to get mad at guys who came from rich families until I thought about it. If I had a dad who gave me anything I wanted, you better believe I'd take it. Nothing wrong with a silver spoon. If I had one I'd suck the silver right off of it.

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because I got a gift yesterday and I had that initial "reaction" which I really didn't wish I had...but I suppressed it and I really like the gift now and the thought put into it, which I know really matters. But I want to be one of those people who genuinely appreciates EVERYTHING...or maybe they fake it, too?

MissU28, you can change how you act, feel, and think (in that order). If you admire the way that your boyfriend (or anyone else in your life) acts, then act like they do. It feels different at first but in a short time, you'll incorporate it into your behavior. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Be grateful for everything that you have or get. Gratitude = Happiness, you truly can't have one without the other. Try not to have expectations. "Expectations are resentments under construction". Do not be hard on yourself. You are at the right age for this kind of self awareness, and trust me, you can spend the rest of your life learning and gleaning from others that you admire. One of the things that I noticed about people who are thought were Really Nice, was that the were always complimenting others sincerely. When I tried it, it made me feel good.

You must be a very special person, to want a better life for yourself. And I'm sure that you're going to find it. :)

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Like Keestman said, do some local volunteering at a soup kitchen or a homeless center. I think it would help your perspective. I saw real poverty in Peru last March when we saw the shanty-towns built around the Capital of Lima. No running water, laying blankets on a bare floor for a bed and people begging for a handout. It helps put things in perspective.

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No seriously.. I would stop looking at yourself as being wrong for one.. Understand this is right now who you are.. If you don't like a part of your behavior then make a decision to change it and not do it anymore, over time you'll have reprogrammed yourself to not do that anymore..

I did it with praying.. I was very erratic with praying.. Now it's a force of habit.

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Robin. You are a product of your environment. It's what you know. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. As you get older you do get wiser and learn how to deal with your emotions.

Also, make sure your significant other is someone of good influence or you won't change your ways.

My wife is very forgiving and loves unconditionally. I've been with her for over eight years now and she has NEVER raised her voice. When it comes to the children she dealt with them accordingly and done so in a calm and soothing manner. She has instilled a lot of those values into me.

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