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If someone says "I'll take them" would you consider your tickets sold?

Ned Flanders

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I just got a PM last night from the gentlemen who's backing out. Apparently he was in Cincy for the Redskins Game and just back to town?! So he couldn't answer me until then......

Maybe more like, he read this thread and decided to contact me.

Now he's saying he has to talk with his friends first to see if they still want to go.....WTF?!!!! He said "I'll take them", and now changed his tune to this bull****

Absolutely ridiculous.......You guys want the name?

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I think feedback is a fine idea. But a year from now, will it be simple to search for a specific name within that 100 page thread to check feedback?

"i'll take them" is my code for I want them, but wont pay for them, so if you don't have a better option, come to me, and I'll take them
"What is your paypal because I want to send you the funds right now before somebody else does" or "What is your address because I want to drive over to you and pay you cash right now" is my code for somebody who understands how to do business.
I just got a PM last night from the gentlemen who's backing out. Apparently he was in Cincy for the Redskins Game and just back to town?! So he couldn't answer me until then......

Maybe more like, he read this thread and decided to contact me.

Now he's saying he has to talk with his friends first to see if they still want to go.....WTF?!!!! He said "I'll take them", and now changed his tune to this bull****

Absolutely ridiculous.......You guys want the name?

Perfect example. Meanwhile, the value of Ned's tix have dropped.
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The few times I've bought on ES (twice). I only dealt with people I considered regular posters and thought I kind of knew. Both worked out fine. Still, if we shake hands or if I say, "I'll take them" and you say "Great, they're yours" I figure that's the end of the story. It rots that there seems to be a number of people working deals and playing dirty.

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I have yet to have any issues with using the ES classifieds. I think I've bought two sets of tickets on here and everyone was very nice. The only almost issue I had - I was looking for a parking pass one week and someone PMed me saying they had one I could buy. By the time I PMed him back he said he actually didn't have it available anymore bc he forgot he promised it to a friend. Annoying, but whatever. Then an hour or so later he PMed me that he had come across another pass and did I want to get that one. I said sure and all it all worked out great. :)

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While I think what happened to the OP and RJ sucks, I hardly think it's a travesty.

Someone tried to hustle RJ, and the OP had someone crap out on him. Those things happen everyday with items much smaller and bigger than tickets. A ticket transaction is a business deal, and no business deal is done until commodities change hands.

Zoony's new thread is about the only way to rectify these issues since it's impossible to bring transparency to a message board. Ideally people can post in the Classifieds with some confidence that a deal is a deal, or they aren't being hustled. Although with 80,000 strong membership I find that unlikely.

Sorry if I sound like a dick, but other than Zoony no real advice or solutions were being offered up.

Yeah, you did come off as a dick. Nobody said it was a "travesty," but when you are trying to make arrangements so you can book a hotel and a flight then yeah, it's a real big deal.

Many of us have had the pleasure of meeting each other via tailgatig/'skins games and when you see good people getting screwed over by some jackass it's human nature to defend them.

I'm not sorry if I came off as a dick. I know I did.

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i've bought tix from three different members on this board and they were all good transactions. I never knew people were acting this shady since.

On that note, if we can just make a stickied, mod operated only thread/post that had a list of unscrupulous members, I think we should have it publicly displayed for members in that section. The only problem there is that some of those certain members may try to change their names in order to circumvent this, and it just adds yet another task for the mods.

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I have had nothing but good experiences buying and selling tix on ES Classifieds...except for one instance.

It was a long time member who said she would buy 2 tickets at an agreed upon price (less than face) and the agreement was that I would ship them when I received them from the Skins. She said that her plans had changed but failed to even bother dropping me a PM to let me know. Said member will always be a piece of **** as far as I'm concerned.

Ending up selling them for more than she was going to pay me so all worked out ok.

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When SkinsBry and I shared tickets, there were times where one of us would post free tix (mostly pre-season or out of conference games) . We would give them to an "never been to a game" Redskins fan most of the time. Being up here in PA, it was tought to work out the logistics for money and tix to change hands. Most time, fedEx them out and be done with it

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Just an inquiry. Someone was interested in 4 of my tickets, plus parking pass for the Eagles game this weekend. We went back and forth a little, and they "the 'party'" involved said they'd take them.

They've been a member over a year, and I hate calling people out, but dammit, If I <- ME! say I'll take 'em, then dammit, I'll take 'em. What the hell is wrong with people?

just venting

Money talks, BS walks

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I have had nothing but good experiences buying and selling tix on ES Classifieds...except for one instance.

It was a long time member who said she would buy 2 tickets at an agreed upon price (less than face) and the agreement was that I would ship them when I received them from the Skins. She said that her plans had changed but failed to even bother dropping me a PM to let me know. Said member will always be a piece of **** as far as I'm concerned.

Ending up selling them for more than she was going to pay me so all worked out ok.

Hey could you give me a good word over in the new thread in the classifieds? Thanks :)

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