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It's time to part ways with Moss and Portis


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I can come up with a case for parting ways with them. Here me out, I'm not saying that I agree with the OP. I happen to agree with BMitch and Doc in that Moss needs to stop being a ***** and get back there and return punts FULL time. If he is afraid of hammy issues, than I guess you'll have to use him as a slot guy (sparingly) next year which is what he really is, not a #1 receiver like some of you crazy people actually think he is. Not a #1, he's not Steve Smith, and he refuses to return punts because of the same reason he "shined his shoes" yesterday. It's his ego. Moss doesn't work as a #1 in the WCO or for any offense for that matter. It's a big man's game as was evident last night with the Giants minus Plaxico. Further evidence could be Welker in New England and the fact that you don't see him lining up as a #1. Why would they need Randy Moss if Welker was a #1. He's not, and neither is Santana.

Portis and Moss are obviously not qualified to lead verbally or by example. When your "leaders" are supposed to step up and set an example on the most important game of the season to date (meaning yesterday), your veteran/star receiver "shines his shoes" after scoring a TD. And after that, there was a penalty that was costly, and the team was still down 10 points and the dude is celebrating. In addition, your #1 Back is shaking his head on the sidelines the entire game and laughing and joking as well. Wow, just, wow :doh:

They're a package deal, so if you get rid of one, you've got to get rid of the other. This organization is too blind to recognize that selling them and rebuilding around younger talented players is an option. Yes, an option people, I didn't say the solution ;). Tiki Barber didn't win a Super Bowl last year. Had the Giants "fired" him, don't ya' think people in NYC would've cried bloody murder. He left voluntarily so that was never an issue. Look at his numbers his last three years with the Gents. He was great. Oh NO!, we can't do without Portis and Moss :doh: Because their production is so important, right? Have you seen our offense and how inept it has been the past four or five years?

"But John, they don't have the supporting cast. How can you say that their production (stats) doesn't matter?" The fact of the matter is that Vinny and company can't rebuild the O and D lines quick enough for them to have an impact here. By the time the Lines get strong enough and experienced enough, Moss and Portis will be 30. The discussion should be had IMO.

Not advocating their release, but you're kidding yourself if you don't see the positives in getting rid of those guys. I see both the positives and negatives, to be fair. I'm not going to voice what I'd do b/c most of you wouldn't give two ****s anyway. I'll spare you ;) Just don't sit there and call people crazy for making a case for something that might not be so crazy after all. I appreciate both Moss and Portis but for this franchise to turn the corner with Zorn, they need to get on board, Zorn needs to go, or they need to go, or the FO needs to hire another coach and/or GM. What they're doing now and what they've been doing in recent years is not working. News Flash :rolleyes:

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Why stop there Chris Cooley should be included in this conversation.

After all how professional was he posting not only the PLAYBOOK but his WINKIE as well.

You mean La Can Loser's biatch Jason Reid:rolleyes: yeah until I get a name I'll pass on the " team source".

Again Cooley has ha a case of the dropsies too... SEVERAL Key passes including the 1st drive yesterday leading to a TD.

Fire him NOW...a football player missing time because of FOOTBALL INJURIES.:silly:

Oh the shame Santana Moss' on field/ off field tactics have caused me to suffer as a Redskins fan.

Yes cooley should be in the mix as well, he is slow and can't get separation. Davis is younger faster and cheaper, If we could get picks than great

Portis and Moss should go if we can get value, this teams needs new young blood who are trying to make it in the league not old veterans who are making million win lose are draw

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Come on, no one can really think we should get rid of 2 of our 3 best players (don't forget Cooley) on offense. We need an O line. Period. The injuries and lack of depth has JC running for his life and Portis couldn't find a hole right now if his life depended on it. Do you remember the first half of the season????? Everyone was all smiles. Now, look at our injury list. Most teams are banged up, but not too many more than the skins. Thankfully our D has more depth than our O line does. Or things would look a whole lot worse than they do now. If Samuels and Jansen had been as healthy in the 2nd half of the year as they were in the first, the same people calling to oust our best players would be putting those same guys on pedistals.


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Moss is really a #2 reciever at best. Portis may have value as trade to get some picks. He can be replaced.

No player should be safe in 2009. Everyone is expendable. This team needs to be cleaned and rebuilt in the image of the coach, whether that's Jim Zorn or someone else.

Moss is definitely good enough to be a number 2 receiver, and is still good enough to be a number 1 on many teams.

Portis replaceable?..with who?...He's a top 5 back in the NFL.....he's definitely not replaceable. Our record the one year without him says enough about his importance to this team.

Moss, Portis, Cooley, and the rookies are the only bright side of this offense. Everyone else could and should be replaced.

if you want some picks lets get rid of samuels, whose been mediocre this year and definitely NOT worth what we're paying him. We could get a few picks for him.

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Look the problem with this team is a simple lack of professionalism that has allowed to fester on and off the field. This team's key veteran leaders, Clinton Portis and Santana Moss, have only aided in showing why this team lacks any sort of professional behavior on and off the field. Many of you on this board decided to blindly support Clinton Portis with his childish rant on the John Thompson show. I for one did not see why more people didn't jump on Portis because really he had no place saying that. His concerns were regarding the coach not playing him, yet he had been injured the last 2 weeks and missed significant practice time. Not to mention he responded yesterday with another paltry performance, 25 carries for 77 yards and no scores against one of the leagues worst run defenses. And the last three weeks Clinton has had 2.0, 2.9, and 3.1 YPC averages. How is it that Clinton Portis can rip the head coach for playcalling and doing this and that, when he can't even get it done on his end? Jason Reid on Washington Post Live only added to more fuel to the fire. He said that Portis was seen in a team meeting not zoning in on what was being said and essentially showing an utter lack of respect, which was a serious discussion concerning the course of this team for the upcoming weeks. I find it a bit hypocritical to be ripping your coach, when you don't even take the time to listen to what he says or people say in team meetings. But I guess when you make $20M in guaranteed money it doesn't really matter as long as you get the paycheck?

Now if you look up unprofessional in the dictionary, alongside Clinton Portis you'll also see Santana Moss in there. What I can't understand is that after you have been dropping balls left and right the last 3 seasons and missing time because of injuries, you have the audacity to do some choreographed touchdown dance when your team was still down 2 scores. Not to mention that absolutely ridiculous celebration he does after EVERY catch he makes (even if it's a one yard screen pass that he should have broken for 6). This guy is just not worth the time and money we've invested in and I can not believe we continue to put up with his antics.

For those of you who say that this was brought on by Daniel Snyder continuinally giving these guys opportunities (and checks), it's not. Both of these players have proven that they are capable of performing at an incredible level. However it is on the player to carry oneself in a professional manner, not Daniel Snyder's. Which neither Clinton or Santan have done.

In order to move forward the Redskins are going to need to somehow part ways with both of these individuals. They need to bring in players who are going to put aside the "me first" mentality and bring a willingness to learn and buy into a new system. Because if we continue to put up with garbage like this the Redskins will continue to have problems in the locker room, and this team will divide itself even more.

OK OK, settle down now. yes Portis is a primodonna, everybody knows that. Santana on the other hand I think is much more grounded of an individual.He has dropped some balls lately,but it happens. Portis is a very good back,but if you look at almost every team there is just as good a back, if not better. Panthers, Titans, Giants, and afew others have 2 or 3 real good backs. I think next year they should start holding a real competition at runningback, let the cream come to the top. The Oline and Dline are the real problem here, and its not because of attitude, its just plain lack of talent. The effort is there, thats what Zorn keeps saying, so it has to be lack of talent. So start at the top of the talent evaluation mountain, and work your way down. Once thats addressed then it can only be lack of talent at the coaching positions if the slide continues. But everyone wants the quick fix. Oline then Dline ,then coaching.

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Oh, you knew it wouldn't be long. What about Taylor, Fletcher and Springs too?? Why not dump all our talent so we can compete with Detroit next year for the worst team in NFL history.

Get Real.

Please don't add Taylors name with Springs and fletcher. Taylor has been a total waste, obviously past his prime. This is the first year I remember Springs not being a real factor. And Fletcher is a beast. But Taylor could go and it would'nt make a difference.

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Portis's cap number makes him untradeable. He will be back. Let's support him. He has played his heart out.

HAS played his heart out. Where has he been as of late? Wasn't he challenging Jim Zorn to get him the ball and how did he fare?

This team throws millions at these guys and just continues the behavior they exhibit. Really sad.

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Portis's cap number makes him untradeable. He will be back. Let's support him. He has played his heart out.

I agree Portis is real good. But maybe this team needs to have a real training camp competition next year. Make who ever runs the ball earn it. I thought that Mason guy we had looked like he had potential. He's gone I guess.

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if you want some picks lets get rid of samuels, whose been mediocre this year and definitely NOT worth what we're paying him. We could get a few picks for him.

Yeah, let's get rid of the only stud offensive lineman we've got because you can find great left tackles anywhere.:rolleyes:

This team already has trouble identifying Oline talent and rarely spends early picks on it, yet you want to get rid of the cornerstone of the line?

The same LT that's played on a bad knee for most of the season??

Real smart..........

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HAS played his heart out. Where has he been as of late? Wasn't he challenging Jim Zorn to get him the ball and how did he fare?

This team throws millions at these guys and just continues the behavior they exhibit. Really sad.

No back would fare too well with this Oline.I know ,I know Portis was leading the league with this oline, thats why it makes no sense whats happening. ALL teams have injurys ,you can't tell me this lines play is this bad for that reason. So you have to put alittle blame every where . On Portis too. A couple of losses in a row and some of these guys just don't give a crap anymore. And their play shows it.

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Portis is about to become the Redskins all-time leading rusher and was the NFL MVP for the first half of this year. No way you get rid of him, he has at least 3 more good seasons in him.

Moss hasn't been that great and probably isn't a great number one receiver but he has been really hurt in that there is no other WR threat on the team. If he had a legit #2 on the other side, things would be better for him.

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Portis is about to become the Redskins all-time leading rusher and was the NFL MVP for the first half of this year. No way you get rid of him, he has at least 3 more good seasons in him.

Moss hasn't been that great and probably isn't a great number one receiver but he has been really hurt in that there is no other WR threat on the team. If he had a legit #2 on the other side, things would be better for him.

Lets hope one of those draft picks takes off. I think Kelly could be something.

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Don't think we could trade them but if we could and there were suitors, I'd look into it.

Get some picks for these two before they go down hill. I wouldn't be devastated if it happened.

We could also see that both players went to the University of Miami and (not known for producing well developed "professionals") begin to look at character as an important issue as Gibbs had previously stressed when selecting future players for this team. I would hope that Moss and Portis would be leaders on the team but it looks like London Fletcher and Campbell are trying to be the leaders on a truly rudderless "team". Portis antics last week should have been address by the owner or Vinny and someone at the top of the Skins organization should also addressed publicly what Moss did in the end zone. Every coach needs to have some leaders on the team that he can work with throughout the season.

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One problem is Portis is an old 27. He's carried the ball ALOT. This year shows signs that he's breaking down. I know we can blame the line this year' date=' but the line blocked just fine yesterday and Portis only mustered 3 ypc yesterday. He's going to have to realize that he's no longer worth the money he's due and allow us to free up some money to give him some help. With the amount of wear he's getting he's well on his way to going the Shawn Alexander route of no longer physically able to do it anymore.[/quote']

Yeah, the oline blocked REAL well on that goal line play.

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Get rid of one of the fastest players in the league who has, in the past, genuinely demonstrated emotion for this town.

Oddly, that phrase applies to BOTH Moss and Portis.

Why don't we get rid of the guy who doesn't seem to give a **** about Washington and its fans, as compared to his ego?

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Portis won't be good for much longer. I love the guy, but we're going to lose our ass on him. You are going to watch one of the top 5 backs in the league go down hill fast on this team if he remains.

What's the life expectancy of full time backs in this league? Some of you guys act like Portis is invincible. This is his 8th year in the league. I'm sorry but his time is up.

As for Moss? He's never been a #1 receiver for this team. OK sorry, he's been a #1 guy for about 8 games here in 4 seasons. That's hardly what we need. I like Moss also, but to me, he is expendable.

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