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It's time to part ways with Moss and Portis


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Look the problem with this team is a simple lack of professionalism that has allowed to fester on and off the field. This team's key veteran leaders, Clinton Portis and Santana Moss, have only aided in showing why this team lacks any sort of professional behavior on and off the field. Many of you on this board decided to blindly support Clinton Portis with his childish rant on the John Thompson show. I for one did not see why more people didn't jump on Portis because really he had no place saying that. His concerns were regarding the coach not playing him, yet he had been injured the last 2 weeks and missed significant practice time. Not to mention he responded yesterday with another paltry performance, 25 carries for 77 yards and no scores against one of the leagues worst run defenses. And the last three weeks Clinton has had 2.0, 2.9, and 3.1 YPC averages. How is it that Clinton Portis can rip the head coach for playcalling and doing this and that, when he can't even get it done on his end? Jason Reid on Washington Post Live only added to more fuel to the fire. He said that Portis was seen in a team meeting not zoning in on what was being said and essentially showing an utter lack of respect, which was a serious discussion concerning the course of this team for the upcoming weeks. I find it a bit hypocritical to be ripping your coach, when you don't even take the time to listen to what he says or people say in team meetings. But I guess when you make $20M in guaranteed money it doesn't really matter as long as you get the paycheck?

Now if you look up unprofessional in the dictionary, alongside Clinton Portis you'll also see Santana Moss in there. What I can't understand is that after you have been dropping balls left and right the last 3 seasons and missing time because of injuries, you have the audacity to do some choreographed touchdown dance when your team was still down 2 scores. Not to mention that absolutely ridiculous celebration he does after EVERY catch he makes (even if it's a one yard screen pass that he should have broken for 6). This guy is just not worth the time and money we've invested in and I can not believe we continue to put up with his antics.

For those of you who say that this was brought on by Daniel Snyder continuinally giving these guys opportunities (and checks), it's not. Both of these players have proven that they are capable of performing at an incredible level. However it is on the player to carry oneself in a professional manner, not Daniel Snyder's. Which neither Clinton or Santan have done.

In order to move forward the Redskins are going to need to somehow part ways with both of these individuals. They need to bring in players who are going to put aside the "me first" mentality and bring a willingness to learn and buy into a new system. Because if we continue to put up with garbage like this the Redskins will continue to have problems in the locker room, and this team will divide itself even more.

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It never ceases to amaze me what people post after a loss.

So we part ways with our #1 WR and #1 RB...and next season we win 1 game.

Come on fans, don't let anger and frustration cloud your common sense.

So I guess you're one of the ones fine with Portis' antics on the John Thompson show? And you're fine with how Moss has conducted himself the past 3 seasons with this organization?

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I agree. We have to rebuild the o line and Portis won't be a viable back by the time this is done. Moss could be a decent #3 receiver though. But I like the idea of cleaning house. Anything done would have to be cap proof though, and I think the Skins screwed up when they restructured Portis deal. I think this team is stuck with him for a few more years.

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Sit back, relax and take a deep breath. You're acting on pure emotions based on yesterday's game. I agree that Moss' shoe shine antics was selfish but he's a playmaker that other teams account for. It would be foolish for us to part ways with him. As for parting ways with CP...


I'm actually not acting on emotions of the previous game because I provided evidence from OTHER games. When has Moss been a playmaker lately? He hasn't. I haven't seen him step up to the occasion or Portis.

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Sit back, relax and take a deep breath. You're acting on pure emotions based on yesterday's game. I agree that Moss' shoe shine antics was selfish but he's a playmaker that other teams account for. It would be foolish for us to part ways with him. As for parting ways with CP...


Zorn said that Moss honestly didn't know that he was using a prop during the shoe shine. I believe that. Moss doesn't have a history with excessive TD celebrations.

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I'm a huge CP fan and feel that when a man brings it like he does on game days, he's the last guy who should get slammed. I suspect those slamming him now have always had a problem with him and it's par for the course with these people. When CP is leading this team to the playoffs in 05 and 07 and leading the NFL in rushing in the first half of the year, they're silent. Second things get bumpy, their true colors come through and the bashing starts anew.

All that said, I'd have no problem in the least of letting Moss and CP go (cap issues prevent it but just for the sake of arguement let's say it's possible).

With one caveat:

Vinny goes first.

When Vinny is fired and a competent and deserving person is put in charge of this football team and that person decides on his coach (be it Zorn or someone else) and that coach decides that he does not want CP and/or Moss on his team, I'll support the move.

Until then, I'll support the guy who gives it his all every Sunday and has had to put up with alot of garbage around him and yet still carried this team further than it probably deserved to go.

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The cap hit would totally destroy the roster. Even if we wanted to take drastic actions, it couldn't be done.

Maybe a start would be an owner that backed his Head Coach instead of siding with, and condoning, his "franchise players", due to the money they make him.


Certainly a contributing factor and probably would have helped in the short run. But looking at just Moss and Portis, suspending either one would have created so many more problems. Irregardless the ball is in their court and they need to exhibit behavior acceptable in a professional work environment.

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I couldn't agree more, we all know that Moss just isn't capable of being consistent, after his little shoe polish move I just laughed, I guess he figured that since he probably won't see the endzone again he should take advantage of it, I mean for real act like you've been there before, and as for Portis the bottom line is if he was in any kind of shape he would have been able to hold up physically this year and maybe could have kept leading the league in rushing, I mean he gets a gain of 8 yards and when he hits the sidelines he runs even faster to the oxygen tank then he did on the run, and as for as that post earlier saying we're over reacting to a loss that getting rid of #1 receiver and running back will cause even more losing, I disagree 100%, these two guys always expecting to be #1 at their position is the problem, I say trade them and get some draft picks, revamp both lines and get some guys in here that are ready to work

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I don't think it's portis or moss. We didn't have this problem when JG was here. Ever since the decline I think Zorn has lost the locker room.

Snyder would never undermine JG and back the players if there was a problem. The locker room is lost when the owner doesn't step in and support the coach.

On the other hand, JZ created this type of environment by calling players out to the press in the beginning of the year.

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I'm a huge CP fan and feel that when a man brings it like he does on game days, he's the last guy who should get slammed. I suspect those slamming him now have always had a problem with him and it's par for the course with these people. When CP is leading this team to the playoffs in 05 and 07 and leading the NFL in rushing in the first half of the year, they're silent. Second things get bumpy, their true colors come through and the bashing starts anew.

All that said, I'd have no problem in the least of letting Moss and CP go (cap issues prevent it but just for the sake of arguement let's say it's possible).

With one caveat:

Vinny goes first.

When Vinny is fired and a competent and deserving person is put in charge of this football team and that person decides on his coach (be it Zorn or someone else) and that coach decides that he does not want CP and/or Moss on his team, I'll support the move.

Until then, I'll support the guy who gives it his all every Sunday and has had to put up with alot of garbage around him and yet still carried this team further than it probably deserved to go.

I'm not knocking on CP's talent but with the reward comes great risk and in this case I don't think he deserves to stay on this team. He has been touted as the leader of this offense and such, yet where has he been this season? Complaining on the radio about his coach?

Vinny has shown he lacks competence to be in the position he is in, but even before he is let go Snyder has to go. Except that won't happen and unless he stops playing racquetball Vinny isn't going.

Oh how sad this team is. :doh:

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Snyder would never undermine JG and back the players if there was a problem. The locker room is lost when the owner doesn't step in and support the coach.

On the other hand, JZ created this type of environment by calling players out to the press in the beginning of the year.

They should be called out. It's their responsibility to perform, hell they get paid millions to do it!

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While we are at it lets dump the rest of the roster as well. This team isn't performing as a whole. True I will give you Portis running his mouth on the John Thompson show was a bit much and could have been avoided and Moss' end zone performance did warrant the level of play the team was putting on the field but these are easy fixes. If Zorn won't say it to these guys then their position coaches or Vinny himself needs to address the issues and make it clear this will not be tolerated and hand down fines if they continue. Part ways with Portis and Moss give me a break, Portis is having one of his best years in his career under a sub par offensive scheme and a banged up line. While Moss hasn't had the breakout year this year he still is capable of being the playmaker if we get him the ball. Hell he proved to Randle-El how to run back punts on a few occasions didn't he.

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