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look, this guy Campbell has been playing the same way since the RAms game. that is what 7 games ago? dont matter if it is against good teams like pitt, giants, ravens, or bad teams like rams, lions, browns, bengals,,....... one of the worst QB in the league , campbell has played the same. pressured and sacked or good protection, it doesnt matter. he plays the same.

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look at Romo sits to pee. tihs guy has been getting murdered with pressure and sack.. even getting dinged up in one sack and he still comes back and throws a 33 yard TD. like ive said, all QBs get sacked, gets pressured but its what u do after u get sacked /pressured that seperates bad from good QBs.

Campbell didnt even have to endure pressure and sacks today. matter of fact, he created his all the pressure for staying too long in the pocket . one of the worst QB in the league.

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Couldn't we IR some healthy vets for next year? Guys like Portis or Washington, who we really need healthy and then sign on the practice squad guys and everything?

Resign Mason and start him? At least it would shut a lot of y'all up and we get a healthy Portis, when we have a shot at the playoffs.

Our O line played alright today, why not start a few more back ups?

Our safeties looked good too.

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I've tried to stick by JC as much as I can handle. At this point all I really have to say is he's relapsed into his Drew Bledsoe disease and there is not cure for it. Only temporary meds that will ease the symptoms. He acts like someone who's been hit with a shovel in the forehead and is just waking up. Problem is that he'll never recover from it. I'll probably take alot of slack for saying this but I thought at one point Patrick Ramsey was going to be the one to lead us to the SB. He took such a pounding that 1 year he started (which was amazing that he kept getting up) that he became ''shell shocked'' and was never the same EVER. He still to this day will drop a loaf of bread at the grocery store because he hears footsteps. Running for his life....That last game against the Ravens you could see JC is showing the same effects when HE got a false start. He was so shell shocked by that point I'm surprised he didn't just run back his usual 12 steps and fall on the ground and take a knee....''gotta get off the field coach...there's a man with a shovel out there.''

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I've tried to stick by JC as much as I can handle. At this point all I really have to say is he's relapsed into his Drew Bledsoe disease and there is not cure for it. Only temporary meds that will ease the symptoms. He acts like someone who's been hit with a shovel in the forehead and is just waking up. Problem is that he'll never recover from it. I'll probably take alot of slack for saying this but I thought at one point Patrick Ramsey was going to be the one to lead us to the SB. He took such a pounding that 1 year he started (which was amazing that he kept getting up) that he became ''shell shocked'' and was never the same EVER. He still to this day will drop a loaf of bread at the grocery store because he hears footsteps. Running for his life....That last game against the Ravens you could see JC is showing the same effects when HE got a false start. He was so shell shocked by that point I'm surprised he didn't just run back his usual 12 steps and fall on the ground and take a knee....''gotta get off the field coach...there's a man with a shovel out there.''

:notworthy One of the funniest posts I have read in a long time. Thanks for making me laugh.

You should have also noted Jeff George. Forget about looking at the corners and safeties, trying to read the defense.

Prior to the snap of the ball, he used to look at each defensive lineman with panic in his face, to see who he was going to have to run from.


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the lines are the problem. Samuels and Jansen both out. We had fabini in at tackle, I mean do you guys not remember how bad we were when he was in last year?

Was the OL the problem today?...if i remember correctly...JC had A LOT of time to throw the ball. He continually holds on to the ball and refuses to try and make throws that may be a little risky. Along with that, he can't hit receivers in stride whatsoever.

Fitzpatrick actually impressed me today. The Dline (when they did get pressure), he was able to feel it and move AWAY from it. something JC can not do

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