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Please. This fan board shows that the majority of fans are impetuous and no better than the much maligned Snyder. The Skins are no better and no worse than they were in four years under Gibbs. The best records in the regular season under Gibbs were 9-7 and 10-6. The winning seasons were followed by losing seasons. So the Skins were due for a losing season. The Skins made the playoffs last season but weren't competitive when they got in. Why did anyone expect anything different when NO NEW TALENT WAS ADDED THAT WAS ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE? We all knew that the Skins WR talent was very limited before the draft. The Head Office tried to improve but none of the rookies have really been able to contribute this year. So, why did anyone expect a better record this year????? We all knew that the OL and DL was old and prone to injury. The Skins weren't able to get any new talent that could contribute this year (Rinehart is still developing, and Jason Taylor qualifies as a bust for the price paid). With no new talent it is foolish to expect that the Skins could win the division. The best we could hope for is what we got under Gibbs (last wildcard berth). Gibbs made it that far and was exposed in the playoffs as an overachieving team. But each time the Skins made it the next year they were a bust.

So, now fans want to get rid of the coach and install a new one with a new offense. Get real. It's not the coaches. It's the lack of talent. Once Danny recognizes that then he'll realize that the Skins are not on the cusp of something great. They are a mediocre team and will at best be a wildcard team in the future until he takes the time to build a team.

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If the Redskins were gonna suck like this, they should have done it all season...don't tease us and go 6-2, then go 1-5.

That's harder than it sounds, especially when the team is as streaky as the Redskins. This isn't much different than what we've seen from the Redskins since 2005. Remember, they started hot, then dropped three games in a row (all blown leads in the 2nd half) and then got hot again. In 2006...well, the entire season was a bunch of ****. In 2007, we went 5-3 through our first 8, then lost 4 in a row, then won 4 in a row.

The Redskins have always been a streaky team. They gain a lot of confidence after wins, but lose equally as much (if not more) after losses. The fact is, no one's ever going to go straight through because you're always going to have that one bad game. Where the Redskins messed up was where, after losing to the Rams (who were playing newly motivated for a new head coach as well) they lost all of their confidence and started feeling like doormats again. Therefore, they started playing like doormats again.

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I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. We shouldn't complain because there was no chance we would be good? Seems to me that is the ultimate reason to complain.

It is all about managing your expectations. Toward the end of the 6-2 run, it was getting obvious that this team had some issues that weren't going to be solved this season. The offense was going to be very up and down. The defense was not going to have much of a pass rush.

Right now, it is about getting through this year and figuring out what the solutions for next season will be.

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Good post by the original thread creator.

I totally agree that a large part of the problem in Washington has been inflated expectations on the part of management.

When was the last time you heard someone in the Redskins front office ever say, "this year is going to be a rebuilding year for the future"?

Fact is that as a result of free agency, the ability to spend, and hyped up new coaching hires, the Redskins have always touted themselves as being a team to contend with. Unfortunately, over the years, we haven't even shown that we can dominate our own division, or find a way to be a feared team in our own stadium. We've played dead against the top teams in our division the majority of the time over the years, and are not respected when other teams come play us in D.C.

Better yet, we've hosted one playoff game since 1999 at home, yet somehow the next coach and the next free agent are going to make us take a seven step leap forward and get us to the upper echelon of the league.

Reality tells us that this is a middle of the road team that needs to demonstrate patience in building a winning atmosphere and environment. You can only patch the holes so long, but at some point you are going to have to replace the whole damn tire because it just isn't good enough anymore. Essentially, the Redskins have been patching the tire for years, and now Snyder needs to finally admit his faults and acknowledge the fact that if he wants to make things better here, he is going to have to be willing to make the team take a few steps backwards.

I for one would be in total support of an overhaul if it means having a chance of long-term success. The cycle to team management we currently have been utilizing clearly has a ceiling for success - that ceiling is 6th overall in the conference.

Sorry, but I'm not lowering my standards for what I define success as being.

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So, now fans want to get rid of the coach and install a new one with a new offense. Get real. It's not the coaches. It's the lack of talent. Once Danny recognizes that then he'll realize that the Skins are not on the cusp of something great. They are a mediocre team and will at best be a wildcard team in the future until he takes the time to build a team.

I thought Snyder was there 7 years ago.... -?-

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I totally agree that a large part of the problem in Washington has been inflated expectations on the part of management.

When was the last time you heard someone in the Redskins front office ever say, "this year is going to be a rebuilding year for the future"?

With parity, there is no such thing. Look at Miami. Everyone and his brother would have called this year a rebuilding year for them, and they are fighting for a playoff spot.

Every team tries to put together a winning team every year. Saying that you are "rebuilding" is an excuse.

Reality tells us that this is a middle of the road team that needs to demonstrate patience in building a winning atmosphere and environment. You can only patch the holes so long, but at some point you are going to have to replace the whole damn tire because it just isn't good enough anymore. Essentially, the Redskins have been patching the tire for years, and now Snyder needs to finally admit his faults and acknowledge the fact that if he wants to make things better here, he is going to have to be willing to make the team take a few steps backwards.

I for one would be in total support of an overhaul if it means having a chance of long-term success. The cycle to team management we currently have been utilizing clearly has a ceiling for success - that ceiling is 6th overall in the conference.

It isn't going to take much to change the look of this team. A large number of players are either FAs or those with big money attached to them are in a position to be released. I expect that a lot of those players will not be back next year.

But, I disagree that we've been "patching". Fact is, until Gibbs got here, we were making a major overhaul of the roster every time we changed coaches. You can't build anything if you keep doing that.

I think we do have some good, young players and that we can build around those players.

Sorry, but I'm not lowering my standards for what I define success as being.

I think some fans let expectations get out of hand as well. Personally, I was pretty modest about my expectations at 8-8 and I was hoping they'd exceed those expectations. Unfortunately, they haven't.

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I don't think it's a matter of comparing where we are now to where we were under Gibbs, it's more on a macro scale of where we've been over the last 10 years and where we could conceivably be going from here.

Gibbs got a pass from the criticism because he was Gibbs. Zorn performs the same (without WCO players) and fans want his head. It took Cowler somewhere around 15 years to win the Superbowl. To expect that the Skins will somehow turn into a true contender in one year (new coach, new offense, same old team weaknesses) was delusional.

The key to turning the Skins around lies with Vinny. If he succeeds the Skins will get better. If he fails, the Skins' best hope is to squeeze in to the 2nd wildcard spot. I had high hopes for Vinny. Unfortunately, with the state of the Skins he really doesn't have much room for error. Jason Taylor was an error. If one of the two WRs can really play + the TE + the Guard then I think last years' draft will have been good. If they are all busts then we are looking at 3-5 years (under a different GM) to get the Skins back into contention. And that's with the same coach.

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Hey I'm dispointed to I don't think the solution is to fire Zorn. We've been through this before and know what the results lead to. This time Snyder can show the fans that he is commited to the long term. Before the season a lot of the so call media were picking us to win no more than 4 games, well we are at 7. We can build from this. Don't forget Zorn is a rookie head coach and has never been a coordinator and inhertited Joe Gibbs personel and had to work with what he had so you give him 1-2 years to see what he can do with his own personel. We gave lame duck Spurrier 2 years I think Zorn deserves the same.

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