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First time I genuinely feel disgusted this season


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For the first time I think ever as a fan, I actually contemplated sitting on some tickets that I own and have already paid for (49ers/Redskins game). I came to my senses considering being out here in CA, i just don't have the luxury of being able to see the Skins play live very much.

Onto the game.

I have taken the lumps this team has gone through, and have come out every week justifying, excusing, apologizing for all of it, and would still come out swinging as a fan.

What I saw today was bad, real bad, on both sides of the ball. Taking all the comments I have read on this board throughout the season into consideration, I tried to focus in on a single aspect of the team that was causing us to lose, and much to my chagrin.


Every time I wanted to blame the O-line, I saw Campbell drop back and hold, hold, and hold onto the ball more.

Everytime I wanted to blame Jason Campblell, I saw him drop back, with time to throw the ball, so we could send out a total of two WRs who were both doubled and couldn't get open if their life depended on it.

Every time I wanted to blame the passing game, I watched our running game perform even worse.

Every time I wanted to blame a turnover, I watched our defense, force a 3 & Out to put the ball back in the hands of our offense.

Every time I wanted to blame Zorn for the crappy play-calling, I saw a ball carrier, fumble or drop a pass, or an errant pass that sailed over a would-be receivers head.

I don't quite have the same issues with the defense, but I do find it very frustrating that this defense has suddenly not been able to get off the field on 3rd down, and the run defense has been atrocious over the last month.

For every WR we blanket in coverage, it seems like on the very next play, some other WR is getting wide open on simple routes.

Our Pass Rush, well umm, what else is there to say that hasn't been said? The only guy I really feel sorry for is Andre Carter, because he worked his tail off to improve and become a solid pass rusher the past three seasons, and we bring in Jason Taylor to help, and it has the opposite effect.

Whoever else is going to San Francisco in 2 weeks, I'll be there, and you can count on the pre-game tailgate party being what makes the trip worth it since I don't even think this team is capable of beating a medicore 49ers team that is AT LEAST showing signs of improvement.

*crawls back under rock*

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It really was rediculous. I just sat and had a conversation with my dad about this. EVERY aspect of this game was appauling. They didnt lose because of one aspect of the game, they lost because of EVERY aspect of this game. It was the first time I have been ashamed of the skins. I will wake up next sunday and every sunday following and put on my skins jersey, but man did they screw this one up. I really hope they can pull themselves up off the floor they built and finish the season right, but I cant say I believe that is gonna happen.

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This is the first time watching this bunch that I think a lot of guys just quit. There's absolutely no leadership on this team, and I think we should just blow the whole thing up and start over. Trade Portis and get what you can for him, bring in a real GM and coach and let's start over. This bunch is done.

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I had considered making the trip to SF with my son earlier in the year but now? No way in hell. Of course it doesn't help that I may not get a bonus this year but even if I did have the money I wouldn't spend it on these guys. They don't deserve it. Plain and simple.


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I feel ya man. This loss felt different. Team looked crappy on the sidelines, but they played hard. Problem was there were just so many things we did wrong today, it made me feel sick. Playing like that against a team like that was disgusting. The Rams loss felt like a fluke, the other losses felt bad but at least they were good teams. This was a "show me something" week, and we showed just where we are as a team.

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This is the first time watching this bunch that I think a lot of guys just quit. There's absolutely no leadership on this team, and I think we should just blow the whole thing up and start over. Trade Portis and get what you can for him, bring in a real GM and coach and let's start over. This bunch is done.

There has never been a leader on our team. Yes, we have had captains but the only true leader this team had was Joe Gibbs.

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Today I saw my team give up.

I don't care what anyone says about the last 4 years under Gibbs II, but I don't think I ever saw them give up.

There is something seriously wrong with this team, and I have zero confidence that there is anyone in the organization that knows how to fix it.

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I have read many of your other posts this season.

I find it very hard to believe this is the FIRST TIME you have felt genuinely disgusted.

Oh i think he's been disgusted before...Nor Cal has terrible weather...I kid I kid, geez, this thing on?

EDIT: I agree with you though Mike, this team is ready for the off-season like no other. I'm confident they can turn it around, just not this year :(

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Well, for all of you Joe Gibbs nay sayers, I can say one thing. Had he been the coach, we would have been in it and would have probably fought hard and won.

This team, looked like they gave up and said "oh well". Other than a few players like Sellers, Fletcher and Moss, no one else showed any emotion or fight to win this game.

I've said that they are honestly getting worse as the season goes on.

My theory, we all know they can get it done. They beat dallas, philly and pulled out a really solid start to the season after the loss to the giants. So now why would they be playing as if they don't know what they are doing. Can't execute anything properly and in a nutshell, just can't play football now.

Either they are sending a message, or there isn't any respect for the coaching staff and rather than vocalize it to the public, they will prove a point on the field.

Most of this season, they have looked flat. No fight. No urgency. while losing, they look flippant and mellow on the sideline. I don't see anyone yelling and motivating anyone on the bench. They all just site there, looking sad and clueless.

A gauge for the team is usaully chris cooley. He is eerily quiet this year. He doesn't say much and when he does it's some generic football quote about how they did.

Something is up with this team and the coaching staff. I am getting vibes of spurrier. All I know is I am done!! I'll always be fan, but I am so over having potential and underachiving. I am really ashamed to be called a redskin fan this season.

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Today I saw my team give up.

I don't care what anyone says about the last 4 years under Gibbs II, but I don't think I ever saw them give up.

There is something seriously wrong with this team, and I have zero confidence that there is anyone in the organization that knows how to fix it.

Actually, I saw a team that didn't give up. But, what I saw was a team that can't get fired up for any of these games anymore. It seems like they've lost all focus. I don't know what the answer to that is.

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remember the norv years?.....7-1 followed by 1-7.... this reminds me of the same feeling.

Then there was a game against the niners some years back when I watched the team quit on norv...disgusting...

Honestly, Blame the midget tool Snyder. Zorn is in over his head with absolutely no support (ie. Portis)

Danny's mess.

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i am just glad was not sitting in front of the tv watching that mess.. was driving home from a road trip and listened to it on xm... sounded to me like they just quit...

i mean, what a disgrace...i agree with what someone said earlier.... no heart!!! no heart, guts, or balls it seems... for those who keep saying that we should quit whinning because they were not expected to win many this season, WHATEVER.. i expect them to win every season.. regardless of who the coach is...

we lost all momentum after the bye.. but the o-line has been horrible... the wr- they never get open and when they do, jason cant seem to get the ball to them where it needs to be.. NOT AT THEIR FEET OR BEHIND THEM.. i think it has just all come unravled and they are toast... done... now, we have to look forward to the offseason where the 2 stooges will screw the team once again in the draft...


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Wow things really are that bad. I can't agree that the team quit though. The score was 17 - 0 before you blinked. The team fought hard to get back into the game and was a fumble away from a tie game.

I do concur that there doesn't appear to be any leadership on the team. Remember last season when Fletcher stood up at halftime and addressed the team, on BOTH sides of the ball? The players even said that NO ONE would do that before. It was always offense on one side defense on the other. That is pretty telling.

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As far as firsts are concerned....... this is the first time I felt the slightest bit of doubt about Jason Campbell. I still think he's a franchise QB and will have a great future. However, I can say that with 100% Confidence anymore.

.......you just can't double pump a quick slant pattern. You just CAN'T do that. That's high school stuff. The ball has to be out of your hands before the WR makes his cut. COME ON, JASON!!

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I just wonder which one of the football gods did this organization piss off during the last fifteen, seventeen years or so.

If we lived in a world where curses, jinxes actually existed then I would accept that scenario. But I will say some sort of bad karma rules this franchise.

The Sellers fumble was the last straw for me.

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This is the first time watching this bunch that I think a lot of guys just quit. There's absolutely no leadership on this team, and I think we should just blow the whole thing up and start over. Trade Portis and get what you can for him, bring in a real GM and coach and let's start over. This bunch is done.

I'm starting to feel that way, there is no more emotional attachment to any player on this team other than Fletcher for me. blow it up and build it back up the right way, from the trenches out.

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