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Marvin Lewis


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The only problem here is what CP was talking about. When he is the release Z is telling him to stay in and when he is supposed to block he is getting told to go out. The hot reads are not always open. I'm not saying that JC doesn't deserve some of the blame. I'm just saying that its hard to become a good QB when your always worried about getting hit. Its hard to have "pocket presence" when there isn't a pocket.

More than most of the time, you'd be correct. However, there are far too many times JC takes a 3-5 step drop and that same very drop turns into a 7-8 yard drop after he feels the pressure from the outside.

Instead of stepping up in the pocket (yes this is a rarity) he just keeps dropping back right into the pressure instead of away. Frustrating as hell.

CP even stated there is times where he chips, releases, and is sitting waiting for the dumpoff. All he does is see JC get sacked by moving into the pressure. Any other QB would dump-off to the) because any gain is better than a sack. JC has trouble doing that.

So, instead, CP decides to stay in and block, this taking away the dump-off option (not like it truly was an option anyway) and gets an earful from Zorn.

I don't blame CP on that for one bit. I blame JC followed by the Line.

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i'll make this one easy for you since you don't understand:

Browns > Giants

that's your logic

you = fail

thread = over

Dense much?

Yes, the Browns were the better team. You won't find a Giants fan with a brain to refute that. How you can't understand it, I guess I'll never know...

True enough, NFL games are mostly lost rather than they are won. That Browns/Giants game is a firm example.

In due time you will grasp it. I am pulling for you man! :cheers:

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More than most of the time, you'd be correct. However, there are far too many times JC takes a 3-5 step drop and that same very drop turns into a 7-8 yard drop after he feels the pressure from the outside.

Instead of stepping up in the pocket (yes this is a rarity) he just keeps dropping back right into the pressure instead of away. Frustrating as hell.

CP even stated there is times where he chips, releases, and is sitting waiting for the dumpoff. All he does is see JC get sacked by moving into the pressure. Any other QB would dump-off to the) because any gain is better than a sack. JC has trouble doing that.

So, instead, CP decides to stay in and block, this taking away the dump-off option (not like it truly was an option anyway) and gets an earful from Zorn.

I don't blame CP on that for one bit. I blame JC followed by the Line.

If you are stepping up as soon as you complete the drop then the receivers have not completed their routes. It is pointless to step up at that time when the pocket hasn't formed either. You would run into the center. I just have a hard time blaming a QB for poor blocking schemes and receivers not getting separation. I understand where your coming from but I'd label you as a JC hater. CP also stated that the line may be confused at times due to the many schemes. This is not JC's problem either. Give him a break.

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Dense much?

Yes, the Browns were the better team. You won't find a Giants fan with a brain to refute that. How you can't understand it, I guess I'll never know...

True enough, NFL games are mostly lost rather than they are won. That Browns/Giants game is a firm example.

In due time you will grasp it. I am pulling for you man! :cheers:

so you're saying the better team lost the game for themselves, which means that nothing you said makes any sense.

we should call you Kerry for all your flip-flopping

save your sarcasm and arrogance for someone who knows less than you, which at this point is very few people

case in point again: campbell should step up?

most of the pressure we face is from the middle which makes it easy for ends to get sacks and impossible for a QB to step up.

case in point, our defense. no pressure up the middle, qb is allowed to step up and avoid the rush coming off the corners.

but i know you don't watch/understand football and just say what you heard someone else talk about one time relating to another situation

but at least your trying little buddy, keep on chugging along ;)

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so you're saying the better team lost the game for themselves, which means that nothing you said makes any sense.

we should call you Kerry for all your flip-flopping

save your sarcasm and arrogance for someone who knows less than you, which at this point is very few people

case in point again: campbell should step up?

most of the pressure we face is from the middle which makes it easy for ends to get sacks and impossible for a QB to step up.

case in point, our defense. no pressure up the middle, qb is allowed to step up and avoid the rush coming off the corners.

but i know you don't watch/understand football and just say what you heard someone else talk about one time relating to another situation

but at least your trying little buddy, keep on chugging along ;)

At least somebody understands what I've been trying to tell him.

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If you are stepping up as soon as you complete the drop then the receivers have not completed their routes.

It is pointless to step up at that time when the pocket hasn't formed either.

No. No. I am saying when JC is doing a 3-5 step drop (the designed drop for the play) starts to quickly go through the rest of his reads and starts to feel pressure. Instead of stepping up, he either backpeddals or moves to either side directly into the pressure.

You would run into the center. I just have a hard time blaming a QB for poor blocking schemes and receivers not getting separation. I understand where your coming from but I'd label you as a JC

hater. CP also stated that the line may be confused at times due to the many schemes. This is not JC's problem either. Give him a break.

I was actually a JC supporter until I realized that he just can't do it. He isn't that guy. I was a big Brunell supporter to even when he was getting worse. In fact, I was called out on my support for Brunell on more than one occasion.

I am loyal to QB's and am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if they show hope. JC just does not.

--It is certainly JCs problem though. When you are just not getting time to make your reads, it is the Lines problem. When you are just not making the right reads, it is the QB's problem. I see JC having problems doing both.

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At least somebody understands what I've been trying to tell him.

the guy doesn't understand football, so trying to tell him about something as basic as what the pocket actually is (or in the redskin's case is not) is pointless.

he'll just keep saying things that he knows nothing about

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so you're saying the better team lost the game for themselves, which means that nothing you said makes any sense.

How so? Did the Browns not win? Did they not get the +1 in the win column? While the Giants may be the complete team. They certainly didn't look like it that day. The Browns without a doubt were the better team that day.

There is no flip-flopping. I have the same stance on this issue. I am trying to explain it so you understand. However you don't seem to be getting the compexity of it. Maybe you need JC treatment?

save your sarcasm and arrogance for someone who knows less than you, which at this point is very few people

I don't even know what that means. I guess you are getting a little riled up over a conversation? It is ok. JC appreciates your dedication on this topic.

case in point again: campbell should step up?

most of the pressure we face is from the middle which makes it easy for ends to get sacks and impossible for a QB to step up.

JC should step away (whether that is Up, left, right, wherever. As was stated) from the pressure. JC moves into the direction of the pressure almost all of the time. Without fail.

case in point, our defense. no pressure up the middle, qb is allowed to step up and avoid the rush coming off the corners.

I know how pressure works. It also doesn't help that we generally blitz from the outsides instead of trying to jump through the A gaps.

You move away from the pressure. Common sense yet JC has a tough time grasping that. (Again, for the dense, it is not JUST JC's fault. I do fault the Line as well. I guess I will now have to repeat myself in each post so it doesn't get drown out due to a simple misread by the masses)

but i know you don't watch/understand football and just say what you heard someone else talk about one time relating to another situation

but at least your trying little buddy, keep on chugging along ;)

Right. Atleast your pet names are catchy yet very disturbing. :)

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the guy doesn't understand football, so trying to tell him about something as basic as what the pocket actually is (or in the redskin's case is not) is pointless.

he'll just keep saying things that he knows nothing about

Actually, if you could actually read, you wouldn't have needed your 'lesson' on the pocket. You would have noticed that the post was pretty obvious what it stated. You and the other poster read it wrong and decided to try and act smart and claim to have more knowledge about the basics of football.

I was about to let you guys just keep it going but, it just was not as fun as I thought it was gonna be. It was a tad comical for a little bit thought..

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Actually, if you could actually read, you wouldn't have needed your 'lesson' on the pocket. You would have noticed that the post was pretty obvious what it stated. You and the other poster read it wrong and decided to try and act smart and claim to have more knowledge about the basics of football.

I was about to let you guys just keep it going but, it just was not as fun as I thought it was gonna be. It was a tad comical for a little bit thought..

watch the video i just posted and tell me where the pocket is.

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watch this, i know it's the first time you'll be watching a real NFL Football game, but try to take it all in

How about go read my original post that your dude misread and we can go from there. Your poor reading comprehension is kind of embarrasing.

Though, your holier than thou attitude is kinda weird. OLS.

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If I weren't on my Blackberry, I'd watch the vid.

One video is not the rule rather the exception. Again though, reading comprehension, I already stated how a rarity the pocket actuallu is.

Do yourself a favor and re-read.

so you don't even know what the video is of and yet you're telling me that it is the exception?

you are a piece of work guy. you don't understand football and you can't even piece together a coherent argument.

you are worthless on this thread and board

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so you don't even know what the video is of and yet you're telling me that it is the exception?

Yes. I can read a link and can read a sentence that asks me to point out the pocket. I can put two and two together.

you are a piece of work guy. you don't understand football and you can't even piece together a coherent argument.

If you actually read what I wrote. More than half of your posts in this thread would not even be needed. All you did was re-write exactly what I stated about Jc, the pocket, and avoiding the pressure. Only you claim it as if it was your invention and that you are the only one who knows of this 'breaking news'.

you are worthless on this thread and board

I promise you that I can find many members on this board that would disagree with you there. In fact, I bring much more to this board then you have to date. Not ****y, just true.

Nice talking to you though. It is a shame you had to bring this to something more than a football debate. However, when all else fails and you run out of something intelligent to say, try and insult someone over and over.

You are a tool. Simple and to the point.

Have a good day. :jerk:

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well you haven't brought any football into this conversation, you've merely said things as they skittered across your brain without stopping to think about them.

you say campbell needs to step out of the way of pressure so i give you a video of campbell being pressured, but you don't watch it pretend to know what it looks like then form an opinion on it

this is inexcusable, you're just grasping at straws and ignoring facts that are smacking you in the face

" Instead of stepping up, he either backpeddals or moves to either side directly into the pressure."

"You move away from the pressure. Common sense yet JC has a tough time grasping that."

"JC should step away (whether that is Up, left, right, wherever. As was stated) from the pressure. JC moves into the direction of the pressure almost all of the time. Without fail."

there are half your posts, i re-quoted them so you could read them.

i gave you a video of 7 sacks and i wanted you to tell me where campbell should have stepped to. you don't watch the video and then tell me that a montage of campbell getting sacks is the exception and not the rule when campbell is the third most sacked qb in the league.

defend that, give me tape, give me quotes from scouts/players/coaches not just from between your ears

and start stacking up those people who prefer you over me, a lot of posts doesn't make you well liked

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Look, why would you get rid of veteran coaches? The Skins defense is ranked 5th in the league. Yeah, everyone wants the DE that sacks QB's. But isn't stopping the run more important. Bugel? You are on crack. All the Skins need to do is get new blood on the OL.

I agree with you. Also do not want Marvin Lewis. He brought in some real clowns to the Bengals. He could have stayed with the Skins and he left for the big bucks. Lets see where he lands next-anywhere but the Skins is fine with me.

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well you haven't brought any football into this conversation, you've merely said things as they skittered across your brain without stopping to think about them.

I am gonna need examples. Everything you tried to 'correct' me on, I already stated in a previous post in this thread. Just because you and whoever the other guy was either misread it or overlooked it all together is a poor excuse.

you say campbell needs to step out of the way of pressure so i give you a video of campbell being pressured, but you don't watch it pretend to know what it looks like then form an opinion on it

What? Where are you getting this from? Where did I 'form an opinion' on the vid? I stated that I can't view vids on my blackberry, and then stated that one video does not make anything a rule just an exception to the rule. I don't have to watch anything to know that.

Did your link provide EVERY offensive snap so far this year? No? So how can that be the end all to all this JC and the rarely existing pocket? Does or does it not contain the video of Lamarr Woodley of the Steelers and his hit on JC? Do I really need to watch the video to know what it is about?

You showed one highlight of a game to show zero pocket. Sorry but, color me not impressed.

this is inexcusable, you're just grasping at straws and ignoring facts that are smacking you in the face

Pot. Meet Kettle.

" Instead of stepping up, he either backpeddals or moves to either side directly into the pressure."

"You move away from the pressure. Common sense yet JC has a tough time grasping that."

"JC should step away (whether that is Up, left, right, wherever. As was stated) from the pressure. JC moves into the direction of the pressure almost all of the time. Without fail."

there are half your posts, i re-quoted them so you could read them.

Thanks. I kinda know what I type. I appreciate the hard work though.

i gave you a video of 7 sacks and i wanted you to tell me where campbell should have stepped to. you don't watch the video and then tell me that a montage of campbell getting sacks is the exception and not the rule when campbell is the third most sacked qb in the league.

So, the Steeler defense (one of the best defenses on a consistent level) is the end all to this discussion? Also, I know JC gets sacked a hell of a lot. Thanks for agreeing with me.

I already stated that it is JC and the OLines fault given our poor offensive performance. What you are trying to prove by showing me a video of an amazing caliber defense against aging linemen I guess I won't get?

It was already stated by me (copy and paste that for me if you want) that the pocket is a rarity. Even when there are times that JC has time to step up into the pocket, he still moves into the pressure for whatever reason.

That was the point of my original post and for whatever reason you missed it and went off on some school lesson preaching material to the choir.

defend that, give me tape, give me quotes from scouts/players/coaches not just from between your ears

Sorry. I don't have every Redskins game on hand. Just watch the games and you will see it. You are gonna have to do your own work man. Believe what I say or not, I really don't care either way. You do or you don't that is really all there is to it.

and start stacking up those people who prefer you over me, a lot of posts doesn't make you well liked

It certainly isn't my post count that makes me liked. Actually, when I first started on this board, it was my post count that made me frowned upon OLS.

Again, you are gonna have to ask around. Do your own work. I have met numerous of ESers on offseason activities, ES tailgates, Canton, you name it. Not to mention the endless amount of GFX work that I did for ESers.

Believe it if you want. To be honest, and I truly don't mean this as a knock on you (as I am sure the feeling is mutual) but, I have never noticed you once on this board until today.

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