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We're not awful: We're middle of the road and don't deserve to go this year(Merged)


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We were cursed by our 6-2 start. I don't think that we need to sit here and be like OMG WE SUCK BENCH CAMPBELL CUT PORTIS and so and so. I think what the matter is is simply what John Madden said:

We can't beat the good teams with elite defenses. Period.

2008 was the year where the weaknesses of our personnel were exploited time and time again against defenses who were good enough to out execute us. Does this mean that we suck? No. Does it mean we have a long way to go before we can be consistent? Absolutely.

I'm not gonna sit here and do a step by step analysis of what needs to be done personnel wise, but let's just say when the QB is running for his life it's hard to :

a) Have confidence when throwing

B) Get a pass off without getting drilled

c) Trust your oline to get anything done

I'm not saying it's all on our o-line, but, as a gazillion other threads have suggested, it's a mix of both signal caller and his o-line.

If Dan Snyder fires Zorn that would be a big mistake. I think you only fire him if it is shown that his team is no longer playing for him (a la the Portis incident) and that they do not respect him anymore. If that is not a problem, then you give Zorn, the rookie receivers, and JC another offseason to learn how to play together.

Our defense is basicly set in the back-end for a while, our front seven could use some work but even as it is isn't HORRIBLE. The only glairing concerns are on offense and with some patience, it will come. Even if they don't make the playoffs this season is more about Zorn learning his team and figuring out what he needs to do to get this offense running. This isn't Cam Cameron going 1-15. This isn't Romeo Crenell with a consistently ****ty defense. This isn't Rod Marinelli getting embarassed week after week. This is a rookie head coach in a tough market who's team started hot but cooled off because they were shown that they were average and not playoff worthy in 2008.

Doesn't mean we suck. It could be worse. Way worse.

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We have the 4th fewest points forced of any team in the league. The 0-12 lions have officially scored more points than we have all season, and they've played the same amount of games. We are in front of only the 1-win Bengals, the 2 win Rams, and the 3 win Raiders as the league's most inept scoring offense. The only reason this team isnt 3-10 is because we have a top-10 defense, and only 6 teams have allowed fewer points than us. If we had an average to mediocre defense, we would be 3-10 or worse.

That's "middle of the road" to you?

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We have the 3rd fewest points scored of any team in the league. The 0-12 lions have officially scored more points than we have all season, and they've played the same amount of games. We are in front of only the 1-win Bengals, the 2 win Rams, and the 3 win Raiders as the league's most inept scoring offense. The only reason this team isnt 3-10 is because we have a top-10 defense, and only 6 teams have allowed fewer points than us. If we had an average to mediocre defense, we would be 3-10 or worse.

That's "middle of the road" to you?

Have the Lions had to play the Cowboys, Steelers, Giants, and Ravens in recent weeks? Don't think so.

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We really are middle of the road. I just looked at the other teams' records. We have the same or a better record than 16 other teams. You're right. It could be worse. :)

The thing is, we are THIS close to being one of the worst. We BARELY beat the Lions, and Browns. We lost to the Rams at home. Take that into account and this team is one or two plays away from being in the cellar with the Lions, Rams, and Raiders.

We are one or two plays from being one of the worst. We are NOT one or two plays from being one of the best, like in 2005, or 2007.

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We have the 4th fewest points forced of any team in the league. The 0-12 lions have officially scored more points than we have all season, and they've played the same amount of games. We are in front of only the 1-win Bengals, the 2 win Rams, and the 3 win Raiders as the league's most inept scoring offense. The only reason this team isnt 3-10 is because we have a top-10 defense, and only 6 teams have allowed fewer points than us. If we had an average to mediocre defense, we would be 3-10 or worse.

That's "middle of the road" to you?

Well, the 0-12 lions have 0 wins and the 'Skins have 7 wins, and beat the Lions. So yes, to me, it's middle of the road. If the only measure of a team was hoe many points it scored, the Patriots would have won the SB last year, and the Ravens and Bucs never would have.

They 'Skins look like they are going to (sadly) make my prediction of 9-7 or 8-8 come true, which is unfortunate after they started 6-2.

I disagree with the OP in this regard: The secondary looks like it's pretty much set for a while, minus some depth which will be a season to season thing.

The front 7 are not set. Fletcher is great, but they need to find a replacement for him in the next 2 years. Washington is done. I don't think the replacement is on the team. McIntosh is ok.

The D-Line needs help at the DT spot more than anything. There's never any push up the middle, so the opposing QB can ALWAYS step up into the throw. A bit of a push is necessary.

Did you hear the stat on the broadcast today that stated the 'Skins lead the league in 6 man blitzes with 99, resulting in 8 sacks? That's HORRIBLE. That means that Blache is using smoke and mirrors to get pressure.

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Have the Lions had to play the Cowboys, Steelers, Giants, and Ravens in recent weeks? Don't think so.

And how many points did we score against those teams?

A loss is one thing, but we've actually gotten worse as the season has worn on.

Without our defense we would look a lot less than middle of the road.

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The thing is, we are THIS close to being one of the worst. We BARELY beat the Lions, and Browns. We lost to the Rams at home. Take that into account and this team is one or two plays away from being in the cellar with the Lions, Rams, and Raiders.

We are one or two plays from being one of the worst. We are NOT one or two plays from being one of the best, like in 2005, or 2007.

We're also THIS close to being one of the best. A team is usually one or two big plays away from a win in any single game. We need to find out how to execute, which is easier said than done.

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Have the Lions had to play the Cowboys, Steelers, Giants, and Ravens in recent weeks? Don't think so.

No, but they have played Minnesota twice (8th on D), Tampa Bay (4th), Tennesee (5th). The skins have played the harder defenses this season, but we've also played 4 of the worst defenses in the NFL on top of that. Really, it should balance out to a mid-high teens type of ranking on offense. Nope. Our offense has been wretched, and has only even been remotely good when we were playing the worst of the worst.

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Yeah for once Madden said something that rang very true tonight. He basically put this season in perspective for not only the Redskins, but the Cowboys and every other team "fighting" for a wildcard spot.


You earn a playoff spot by beating the teams on your schedule, whether they are elite, good, average, fair, or poor.

So simple yet so true.

The Skins started out the season beating teams though to be much better. Now they are losing to teams thought to be better or equal.

By the end of Week 17, the Skins will have either earned it or not.

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The thing is, we are THIS close to being one of the worst. We BARELY beat the Lions, and Browns. We lost to the Rams at home. Take that into account and this team is one or two plays away from being in the cellar with the Lions, Rams, and Raiders.

We are one or two plays from being one of the worst. We are NOT one or two plays from being one of the best, like in 2005, or 2007.

Agreed. In 2005 and 2007 you knew we had a good team even after losses. This year's losses have been plain ugly.

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Remember when we were 6-2... and some of us were saying that we were barely skimming by.... and it was going to catchup up with us when we started playing better teams?

Nah, those guys couldn't be right.

6-2 is still 6-2.... and if you would've told me that we'd be 6-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 at this point in the season.... I would've taken it :rolleyes:

Sometimes a win isn't just a win. You learn things about your team every game.... besides the outcome. And some of us saw the flaws a LONG time ago..... despite what our record was.

But apparently, we were just haters then :rolleyes:

Now, the homers are hiding under the guise of "sure, we saw this all along... what else could you expect from a team with a new head coach.... the same defense and the same running game" :rolleyes:

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In the last seven games we've managed to:

lose by 2 TDs to Baltimore

lose by 2 TD's to Giants

Beat 2-11 Seattle by 3 points

Lose to Dallas at Home

get our asses kicked by Pittsburgh

beat 4-8 Cleveand by 3 points

we're not very good. We overacheived before the bye

You left out a couple of more recent games, so I cleaned it up just a bit. ;)

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IMO, the Rams game is what turned the season upside down.

We were 4-1 coming off victories against the Cowboys & Eagles in THEIR HOUSE, and then come along the winless Rams, and suddenly our offense that had been making strides, became stagnant and could barely move the ball against a garbage defense.

Ever since that game. teams have basically been repeating the same formula. ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK, and it's had the same results.

Our defense has afforded our offense to be terrible against the crappy teams, but against teams like Baltimore, Pittsburgh and NYG, teams that also have a good defense, we end up seeing what it is like trying to compete with more complete teams.

It feels like 2004 all over again, except because our coach is Zorn and not Gibbs, we took the league by suprise for a month or so before reality set in.

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The one thing you all appear to be missing is that this team has heart and guts, it wins games from sheer effort, the team is going ok, consider the new coach and new game play system, you people should be supporting this team not always tearing it down, we are in transition from one coach to the next one system to the next I believe that next season a lot of current older players will be missing, replaced by younger drafted players, so lets get behind this team not tear it up


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