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Should they have gone ahead and paid Dockery?


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As most have already said, "no" to Dockery. I was disappointed at the time, especially since we might have been able to keep him had we tried signing him before his last season here.

While he may be a decent guard, Buffalo's only 5-5 with him. One $49 million guard does not make or break a team by himself.

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The bad decision wasn't in letting Dockery go (he was asking for waaaayy too much given his performance) but rather the idiotic notion that Todd Wade could fill that position.

When he flopped, they were left scrambling and traded for Kendall.

This has been par for the course with Gibbs 2.0. Quick fix with a veteran and not building with real young talent.

We sort of lucked into Stephon Heyer last year (jury is still out if he's a long term solution) and we'll see how things go with Rinehart. But the folks in charge have neglected this line in terms of building young depth and we're going to pay for it.

That was one of the things I worried about when Jason Campbell finally was given the job in 06, as soon as he's ready to blossom in 2 (this season) or 3 seasons, the Oline protecting him was going to fall apart.

They're not falling apart quite yet (but it's coming sooner rather than later) and here Jason is performing at a high level when he's been given time but in recent weeks the Oline's performance is hampering his ability to perform.

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No, they should have extended his contract earlier for cheaper, which is something we should be doing with Carlos Rogers* and maybe Jason Campbell as both of them expire at the end of next year.

And to refute some points in this thread:

One, Kendall IS a problem. No, not because of his play, but because he won't be around much longer. That is the problem.

Two, I'm sure the reason the Buffalo Bills running game is struggling is more due to the fact that two of their offensive linemen went down to injury rather than the signing of Dockery.

* Sources say Carlos Rogers signed a 5-year contract. But other sources say he is signed through 2011. What's the deal here?

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The bad decision wasn't in letting Dockery go (he was asking for waaaayy too much given his performance) but rather the idiotic notion that Todd Wade could fill that position.

When he flopped, they were left scrambling and traded for Kendall.

This has been par for the course with Gibbs 2.0. Quick fix with a veteran and not building with real young talent.

Wade wasn't the only option that year. We also brought in Whittaker, who had started a year for Green Bay and we also had Pucillo. When Kendall came available, he was better than any of our other options.

Course, the question for you is, who else would have been available who could have done the job for a reasonable price? There weren't many, and a lot of those guys had issues. Hell, we had to press Fabini into duty at guard last year.

That was one of the things I worried about when Jason Campbell finally was given the job in 06, as soon as he's ready to blossom in 2 (this season) or 3 seasons, the Oline protecting him was going to fall apart.

They're not falling apart quite yet (but it's coming sooner rather than later) and here Jason is performing at a high level when he's been given time but in recent weeks the Oline's performance is hampering his ability to perform.

I'm not too worried about that. We have Heyer and Rinehart who could fill in at two spots. I could see the Skins looking for a young replacement for Rabach in next year's draft. We also have Geisinger and Clark, who are young developmental prospects.

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No, they should have extended his contract earlier for cheaper, which is something we should be doing with Carlos Rogers* and maybe Jason Campbell as both of them expire at the end of next year.

It also takes two to make a deal. Not to mention that Dock wasn't THAT good that you would want to give him a big chunk of money that early. He was mostly an up-and-down player here and it wasn't certain that he was going to be good. He also has his limitations. He wasn't a very good pulling guard, for example.

I expect that the team will get a deal done with Campbell in the near future. The same probably will happen with Rogers, especially with talking about reupping Hall if he does well.

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It also takes two to make a deal. Not to mention that Dock wasn't THAT good that you would want to give him a big chunk of money that early. He was mostly an up-and-down player here and it wasn't certain that he was going to be good. He also has his limitations. He wasn't a very good pulling guard, for example.

I'm not saying they should've paid him what Buffalo did... If they did, it would have been a stupid move. But they shouldn't have let him test the market like that.

I expect that the team will get a deal done with Campbell in the near future. The same probably will happen with Rogers, especially with talking about reupping Hall if he does well.

Do you have any idea when Rogers' contract expires? He originally signed a 5-year contract, but every other source has him signed through 2011, and I never read anything about him extending.

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As mostly everyone else said, we made the right decision. We couldn't afford to do it once he reached UFA and even if we signed him earlier for half that, we'd be looking at a pretty big chunk of change. With that cash going to Dockery before free agency started we might not have been able to bring in both Smoot and Fletcher. And I'd much rather have Kendall, Fletcher, and Smoot than Dockery and Smoot or Fletcher.

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I'm not saying they should've paid him what Buffalo did... If they did, it would have been a stupid move. But they shouldn't have let him test the market like that.

Again, it takes two to make a deal. They couldn't come to an agreement before he hit FA, and I'm not sure that they would have had much incentive to make a deal before that, certainly not one that Dock would have accepted.

Do you have any idea when Rogers' contract expires? He originally signed a 5-year contract, but every other source has him signed through 2011, and I never read anything about him extending.

I can't access PCinOz's site here at work, so I can't check.

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No, they should have extended his contract earlier for cheaper, which is something we should be doing with Carlos Rogers* and maybe Jason Campbell as both of them expire at the end of next year.

And to refute some points in this thread:

One, Kendall IS a problem. No, not because of his play, but because he won't be around much longer. That is the problem.

Exactly. When people say we should've kept Dock, what they mean is that we should've worked it out before he hit Free Agency. And Kendall isn't a long-term solution, as you said.

If I recall correctly, we offered him $12 million over 3 years, while Dock wanted $15 mil. I could be wrong, though. If you ask me, $1 extra per year isn't unreasonable.

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The other day on NFL radio a caller called in (Bills fan) complaining about Dockery. The hosts agreed. He was maybe the best FA guard that year, but there wasnt much competition and the year prior Hutch had just gotten all his recognition I think. so no, we should not have paid him. Hopefully Reinhart lives up to the hype I was hearing about him when we drafted him.

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it seems like the right side sucks a lot worse than the left.

I feel like Randy Thomas wasn't able to return to form. Much like Jansen and Washington.

I expect that the team will get a deal done with Campbell in the near future. The same probably will happen with Rogers, especially with talking about reupping Hall if he does well.

I'm toying with the idea that we let Rogers test the market and extend Springs.

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