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America Discovers That Bailout Will Be Used To Pay Wall Street Bonuses


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Now Pelosi is calling for a bail out for auto manufacturers.


Pelosi's announcement changed that, and raised the possibility of a postelection session that covers more areas.

The Bush administration, for example, has said that enactment of a free trade agreement with Colombia is its top priority in Congress.

Many Democrats oppose the proposed agreement as written. But it is unclear what, if any, compromise might be possible that would allow auto assistance and a trade agreement to be the last major measures signed into law by the outgoing president.

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Just out of curiosity, upon what do you base he belief that a government can properly oversee a financial system?

If we didn't believe that our government could manage this program then we ought to take up arms and tear down the very institution of the Federal government, one has to be extremely pessimistic in their view of government to think that it is incapable of such oversight, and if we do not believe that they can oversee the 700 billion then why do we think that they can handle any government spending, including popular programs like military spending.

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If we didn't believe that our government could manage this program then we ought to take up arms and tear down the very institution of the Federal government, one has to be extremely pessimistic in their view of government to think that it is incapable of such oversight, and if we do not believe that they can oversee the 700 billion then why do we think that they can handle any government spending, including popular programs like military spending.

I'm personally in the camp of "the govt cant handle the spending" on most, if not all programs (they even mess up military spending, but the DOD has made gains in cutting waste in recent years):2cents:

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I'm personally in the camp of "the govt cant handle the spending" on most, if not all programs (they even mess up military spending, but the DOD has made gains in cutting waste in recent years):2cents:

Then rightly you should be outraged and you should be crashing down your represtative's door demanding your money back. ;)

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Then rightly you should be outraged and you should be crashing down your represtative's door demanding your money back. ;)

I tried to kick in his door and was sent packin!:D

Thankfully my house rep voted no (both times), but unfortunately, McConnell was a driving force for it. I voted against him for that very reason.

I've also written down the names of all who voted yes and will make sure they dont get my votes in future races either!

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I've also written down the names of all who voted yes and will make sure they dont get my votes in future races either!

Good plan, too bad every American isn't doing this too. We got rid of our Senator here in Oregon that voted yes, but unfortunately, the 1st Dist Rep escaped the wrath (somehow). Those roll call votes are still easy to find on the web though, just to make sure we get them all.

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The campaign for Liberty folks made it real easy to get the info. They list each Rep by state and how they voted both the first and the final time.

That site is really going to get useful for those of us who share a like mind on issues like these.

Check out the bottom of of this link, it shows just the KY votes, but I think they did this for each state too.


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This crap is absolutely ridiculous and I'm fed up with it.

While I was in hesitant support of the original bailout as I understood it was to help loosen up the credit market, I was wholly against the speed at which it was pushed through. Something of that enormity is bound to get fricked up when it is assembled so quickly and pushed through Congress...especially when it's put together by so many self-serving, jerface legislators.

So while I'm really pissed off to see the inproper allocation and misuse of our money, I'm not really surprised. No legislation can be outfitted with the proper amount of oversight and transparency in that short of time.

And it's only going to get worse with Democrat control of everything in D.C. come January. Pelosi is already pushing for another extremely expensive stimulus package and well as bailout of the auto industry...the latter being absolutely insane! I shouldn't be burdened with financing these blank checks to these ineptly run companies, particularly these auto manufacturers. Let their stupid butts fail, consolidate, and actually start producing automobiles Americans want to buy.

why do you hate rich people?

They earn their money unlike those lazy workers

That's not even a close assumption of what he was saying. But nice try.

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This crap is absolutely ridiculous and I'm fed up with it.

While I was in hesitant support of the original bailout as I understood it was to help loosen up the credit market, I was wholly against the speed at which it was pushed through. Something of that enormity is bound to get fricked up when it is assembled so quickly and pushed through Congress...especially when it's put together by so many self-serving, jerface legislators.

So while I'm really pissed off to see the inproper allocation and misuse of our money, I'm not really surprised. No legislation can be outfitted with the proper amount of oversight and transparency in that short of time.

And it's only going to get worse with Democrat control of everything in D.C. come January. Pelosi is already pushing for another extremely expensive stimulus package and well as bailout of the auto industry...the latter being absolutely insane! I shouldn't be burdened with financing these blank checks to these ineptly run companies, particularly these auto manufacturers. Let their stupid butts fail, consolidate, and actually start producing automobiles Americans want to buy.

That's not even a close assumption of what he was saying. But nice try.

Im glad you mention the stimoulous package Supposedly thats going to be pushed through soon and most likely approved.

As for the misapproprations with the bailout 500 million went to Acorn.

I kind of think the republicans had to approve the second version to save face or the Dems would have been see we told you the reuplicans dont care about you guys as they dissapproved to versions of this bill

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yeah no ****

but seriously what you see as "hating the rich" isn't always jealousy

No, what I see here is hating the corrupt CEO's and legislators who've gotten us into this whole mess...that's far from simply hating on the "rich," which is something a lot of people seem to like to do.

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If I'm working for bank that has done okay and I took money under the pressure of the federal goverment, should I forgo my bonus because of it?

I don't think so. It isn't clear if that's what this article is talking about or not, but to simply say, 'Well, they took the money, and now, they are paying out bonuses so their bad.' is simplistic w/o knowing who took the money, why they took the money, and the larger picture of the company.

peter this is a great point but i would think that if a company is doing well then they arent going to use government money to pay out bonuses.

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