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Giants’ Tuck Is Fined $7,500 for Hit on Bollinger

Big Blue Joe

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Maybe the NFL should consider becoming a flag football league.

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — Justin Tuck was fined $7,500 by the N.F.L. for his roughing-the-passer penalty last Sunday on Brooks Bollinger.

Our job description is basically to destroy a quarterback, but you’ve got to pick and choose how to do it,” said Tuck, who said he would appeal the fine.

Tuck was penalized in the third quarter of a 35-14 victory against the Dallas Cowboys for tackling Bollinger as Bollinger threw an incompletion.

“You can’t hit him in the head, you can’t hit him below the knees,” Tuck said. “Obviously, you can’t hit him hard, either.” Tuck was penalized for landing on Bollinger with the full force of his 274 pounds.

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yeah...I think the fine is ridiculous.

I *think* the problem that the NFL had with this play is that Tuck took two step after he put his arms around Bollinger before he decide to pick him up and bury him.

I don't agree with the call as I feel that Tuck was 'making sure' that he had a solid grasp of the QB and was merely playing physical.

What strikes me as funny is that the refs didn't blow a whistle on whomever threw Campbell to the ground during the Was/Pitt game. While I think that *should* be a fair play....I've seen the refs throw a flag for 'throwing a player to the ground' too many times.

Protect the QB below the knees and stop all of the other nonsense. I can't tell you how many tiimes I've seen a ref give a 15 yard penalty to a defensive player for an inadvertent hands to the face. It makes me sick and I feel that it ruins the game.

Consistency...and treating the QBs like FOOTBALL PLAYERS is all I ask.

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The NFL is walking a very thin line here. Violence is what brings people to this game, however allowing to have the biggest stars in the game eliminated by injury early each year diminishes the competitive product on the field come playoff time. On this call, I would have to side on the defensive players argument. The flag should have never been thrown, and no fine.

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This is horsecrap. I can understand a ref in the heat of the battle making a bad call but for the league office to look at replays of this and conclude anything other than this man should be featured in a promotional video on how to properly tackle is ludricrous.

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yeah...I think the fine is ridiculous.

I *think* the problem that the NFL had with this play is that Tuck took two step after he put his arms around Bollinger before he decide to pick him up and bury him.

I don't agree with the call as I feel that Tuck was 'making sure' that he had a solid grasp of the QB and was merely playing physical.

What strikes me as funny is that the refs didn't blow a whistle on whomever threw Campbell to the ground during the Was/Pitt game. While I think that *should* be a fair play....I've seen the refs throw a flag for 'throwing a player to the ground' too many times.

Protect the QB below the knees and stop all of the other nonsense. I can't tell you how many tiimes I've seen a ref give a 15 yard penalty to a defensive player for an inadvertent hands to the face. It makes me sick and I feel that it ruins the game.

Consistency...and treating the QBs like FOOTBALL PLAYERS is all I ask.

Lamarr Woodley on one of his sacks. I thought that was more uneccessary roughness on Woodley then Tuck on Bollinger. Quite frankly, even if the ref deemed Woodley didn't rough him, he did slam him and should have been fined. I thought Jason was knocked out at first.

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Lamarr Woodley on one of his sacks. I thought that was more uneccessary roughness on Woodley then Tuck on Bollinger. Quite frankly, even if the ref deemed Woodley didn't rough him, he did slam him and should have been fined. I thought Jason was knocked out at first.

yeah... I thought that he might have separated his shoulder as it seemed that he landed on it pretty hard.

I think that if the game was played on turf we would be talking about a different QB in Washington for the upcoming game against Dallas.

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When I first saw this fine, I couldn't believe it. After the game, I honestly thought that the league would come out and admit their mistake . . . But unfortunately, I have too much faith in the league.

This is definitely one of the worst seasons I can remember in terms of bonehead calls.

NOBODY should have to pay a fine for a PERFECT, wrap up, fundamentally sound tackle. But now that they are making Tuck give away some money, I think the Giants should pay the fine. Hell, keep paying it if Tuck continues to get to the QB the way he does. Those $7,500 every game is nothing compared to the way he changes the game.

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