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What has DS said about opposing fans?


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I don't blame our season ticket holders.

I do blame the size of the stadium and widespread availability of single game tickets for purchase on broker sites.

I don't think our fans are selling that many more seats per capita than any other fanbase would for the big games.

I do believe we have a ticket office that sells individual game seats because there isn't enough local demand to sell 92,000 season tickets.

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I don't blame our season ticket holders.

The same season ticket holders that sell off their tickets to higher bidding opposing fans?!?

If your gonna sell your tix, sell em to Skins fans!!!

The size of the stadium should be a plus esp if you have DC, MD, VA as your market.

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Based on past home games against Dallas, those fans will have a good showing but nothing like the Steeler or Philly fans for that matter. I saw at least 10 buses full of Steeler Fans that made the trip down to FedEx. Thankfully Dallas is not close enough to arrange those type of trips. I have 6 season tickets, and I am bringing nothing but my Diehard Redskins friends to that game.

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I saw at least 10 buses full of Steeler Fans that made the trip down to FedEx.

I'd be willing to bet that a vast majority of those Steeler fans live w/in a 100 mile radius of Washington. Pittsburgh is a very small pro sports market.

The Pittsburgh Steelers however might have the largest fanbase in the league. It's not hard for me to understand why they have so many fans.

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The same season ticket holders that sell off their tickets to higher bidding opposing fans?!?

If your gonna sell your tix, sell em to Skins fans!!!

The size of the stadium should be a plus esp if you have DC, MD, VA as your market.

Easier said than done. 92,000 seats makes it difficult to resell any tickets for face value unless it's Pitt or Dallas.

Again, it's not all Redskins fans who are selling their seats to opposing fans. It's largely the Redskins ticket office.

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The same season ticket holders that sell off their tickets to higher bidding opposing fans?!?

If your gonna sell your tix, sell em to Skins fans!!!

I'd love to. But if other skins fans won't buy them for under face, you can't just give them away. They go up for whoever and you just have to keep your fingers crossed that a homer gets them. Obviously that "higher bidding opposing fan" cared more to be there than skins fans. :(

I blame the office for our ticket prices, pricing season tickets out of the range of affordability for the true rank-n-file fans. I blame brokers that hold seats specifically for resale. Who I don't blame are individual seat holders who might not be able to make a game and are just trying to get some of their exorbitant costs back.

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Perhaps he should implement a system in which ID chips are placed under the skin so only Redskins fans can be identified and allowed to enter Fed Ex... or enter the DC area... shouls clean the place up a bit...

I like the idea, but why don't we take it a step farther. We can rig ejection seats in all sections to sense the color of the jersey sitting in it, check that with the times that they're cheering relative to Skins being on offense/defense, and if the seat senses an opposing fan, we shoot them right out of the stadium. Whattaya say?

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I'd be willing to bet that a vast majority of those Steeler fans live w/in a 100 mile radius of Washington. Pittsburgh is a very small pro sports market.

The Pittsburgh Steelers however might have the largest fanbase in the league. It's not hard for me to understand why they have so many fans.

They play good defense... that attracts a lot of kids these days.:rolleyes:

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If your gonna sell your tix, sell em to Skins fans!!!

How are you going to do that on the internet?

Redskins fan scalper: I'm willing to sell you two tickets for $500.

Pittsburgh Fan: Sure, I'll take em.

Redskins fan scalper: Wait a second, are you a Redskins fan?

Pittsburgh Fan: Uhh yeah sure.

Redskin Fan Scalper: Ok, here you go.

Pittsburgh Fan: Thanks!

Even face to face, do Redskins carry ID cards to separate themselves from other fans? You aren't going to know who is Redskins fan and who is not. In fact, if I bought tickets to a Dallas game to see a Redskins game, I would answer yes if some Cowboys fan asked me if I liked the Cowboys. Derrrr...

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The Steelers are the Red Sox of the NFL.

They represent in HUGE numbers at every stadium....and there is not a close second.

People just need to accept that and not take it so personal. This isnt the only stadium in the league where they show up in large #'s....google last years Thursday night NFL network game at ST.Louis, or their 2006 visit to Carolina or any old Browns/Bengals visit....everywhere it happens. Especially places where they go once a decade.....FEDEX FIELD.

Cowboys have fans but not like what the Steeler fan presence was. Dallas plays here every year and the need to go for their fans isnt as extreme cuz there is always next year.

Ive been to home games vs Oakland, GB, Philly, NYG & Dallas and nothing has or will ever compare to the Fan support the Steelers bring in.

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The Steelers are the Red Sox of the NFL.

They represent in HUGE numbers at every stadium....and there is not a close second.

People just need to accept that and not take it so personal. This isnt the only stadium in the league where they show up in large #'s....google last years Thursday night NFL network game at ST.Louis, or their 2006 visit to Carolina or any old Browns/Bengals visit....everywhere it happens. Especially places where they go once a decade.....FEDEX FIELD.

Cowboys have fans but not like what the Steeler fan presence was. Dallas plays here every year and the need to go for their fans isnt as extreme cuz there is always next year.

Ive been to home games vs Oakland, GB, Philly, NYG & Dallas and nothing has or will ever compare to the Fan support the Steelers bring in.

I've seen plenty of Steeler games on TV in other stadiums where their presence was MUCH WORSE than what we saw here.

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How are you going to do that on the internet?

Redskins fan scalper: I'm willing to sell you two tickets for $500.

Pittsburgh Fan: Sure, I'll take em.

Redskins fan scalper: Wait a second, are you a Redskins fan?

Pittsburgh Fan: Uhh yeah sure.

Redskin Fan Scalper: Ok, here you go.

Pittsburgh Fan: Thanks!

Even face to face, do Redskins carry ID cards to separate themselves from other fans? You aren't going to know who is Redskins fan and who is not. In fact, if I bought tickets to a Dallas game to see a Redskins game, I would answer yes if some Cowboys fan asked me if I liked the Cowboys. Derrrr...

I have an idea... have them sing the first verse to 'Hail to the Redskins'... if they can't do it, no deal...:dallasuck

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I like the idea, but why don't we take it a step farther. We can rig ejection seats in all sections to sense the color of the jersey sitting in it, check that with the times that they're cheering relative to Skins being on offense/defense, and if the seat senses an opposing fan, we shoot them right out of the stadium. Whattaya say?

I like the ideas... money would be no object...

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Has there been any comments from Dan Snyder about the number of Pittsburgh fans,

I have not read anything at all coming from the Skins Org. Has anyone

Read Wilbon's article today, and he of course, thinks there will be almost as many Cowboy fans, as Steeler fans. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/sports/

>> More than 7,000 tickets were purchased on StubHub for the Redskins-Steelers game, the highest number for any NFL game this season, according to Sean Pate, a spokesman for the online ticket vendor. He said 9 percent of those buying tickets were from Pennsylvania.

Let's see, Stubhub gets 15% from the Seller and 10% from the buyer for each ticket sold. Stubhub is a major Redskins advertiser. Stubhub also uses FedEx...another Redskins advertiser. My guess is, Danny's really happy...that means he can charge Stubhub even more money next year.

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It was embarrassing to watch Monday Night Football, I couldnt believe the amount of Steeler fans that were representing their team. There is no such thing as home field advantage at FedEx. It's amazing to watch almost any other team in the league and you will never see a visiting team have a rowdier and louder bunch of fans at a home game. It was ridiculous, I wonder how the cowboys are gonna feel to play two home games against us this year. Rest assured there will be just as many cowboy fans there sunday nite than skins fans. It's so confusing because we have a good team this year, how can't you want to go and watch?

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Don't expect Snyder to comment on the opposing fan problem.

Opposing fans buy tickets for the same prices as our fans.

It's really not a problem to Snyder.

Here is what Snyder has said about opposing fans...

"I think I'll sell tickets on the open market via Stub Hub to anyone that's willing to buy them, including opposing fans, so I can mint some more coin. I love money."

>> More than 7,000 tickets were purchased on StubHub for the Redskins-Steelers game, the highest number for any NFL game this season, according to Sean Pate, a spokesman for the online ticket vendor. He said 9 percent of those buying tickets were from Pennsylvania.

Let's see, Stubhub gets 15% from the Seller and 10% from the buyer for each ticket sold. Stubhub is a major Redskins advertiser. Stubhub also uses FedEx...another Redskins advertiser. My guess is, Danny's really happy...that means he can charge Stubhub even more money next year.

I know it's the "in" thing to bash Mr. Snyder, so I'm just going to repeat this sentence every time I hear bashing! I know none of you will believe it, but I'm going to say it because I believe it's true, and I'm tired of the bashing. Feel free to ignore me! :)

Daniel Snyder is a FAN of the Redskins and wants to WIN more than make money.

(I feel much better now! Thanks for allowing me to vent!)

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