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Why can't the REDSKINS protect their home?


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Maybe we should get that Under Armour guy in here to teach us how to protect dis house!



What he said.

You know what I mean. we are all Redskins fans, and I think when we lose, we get hostile with each other.

Yep, that's pretty much how it goes. Losing brings out the worst in everybody.

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Protect their home??? What does that mean? Its a workplace! You think they are worried about that? If they were you wouldn't see them laughing it up with the ass whoopers after the game. As long as they are paid I don't think they give a damn about the "house". If someone tried to break into their real homes that would be a different thing.

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Maybe we should get that Under Armour guy in here to teach us how to protect dis house!


how old is this guy?

he culd be yummy.;)

we need to have attitude, because it is our house...no one should come into our house and not be scared.

we gotta get this back for the rest of the home games.

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how old is this guy?

he culd be yummy.;)

we need to have attitude' date=' because it is our house...no one should come into our house and not be scared.

we gotta get this back for the rest of the home games.[/quote']

Probably about 14. Still feel the same way? Should I call the authorities?


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Maybe the team take up the same attitude of some of the fans that sell they're tickets. Maybe the fans need to get a little more hyper toward opposing teams when playing at Fed-Ex like in the RFK days.

Not saying be like Philly or Giants fans, but show some serious attitude...From what I read it seemed like the Steeler fans had more attitude then the redskin fans in they're own house. Maybe we have alot of weak fans in the stands on game day :mad:

Just Saying...

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