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We will be retooled after the bye


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Zorn's first stretch of 9 games have been better than anyone expected. I expect a lot more improvement scheme-wise after the bye. Jim Zorn will use the week off to perfect his system to these players. We will see a much more efficient team after the bye. After listening to local radio this past week I heard so many Charger players say how much the bye will help them fix what went wrong, and how great it is to have a late bye to be able to get better. When there is a game every week there is little to no time to really make any significant reflections and changes that a bye week will afford.

The players will be rested.

Jason Taylor will be back

Shawn Springs will be back

Samuels, Portis, Moss, Griffin, ect.... will all be healthier.

We will be retooled and healthy for the final 10-11 games


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Couldn't happen at a better time. The bye week is desperately needed not just as a remedy to health concerns, but so that Zorn, Smith and Blache can take a deep, introspective look into the schematic failures that have begun to compile over the past few weeks. We needed the bye strategically more than for rest, in my opinion.

P.S. This team is much better versus both run and pass with Evans, as opposed to the undersized Taylor, in my opinion. Evans is our run game stalwart that helped turn around our early woes against the run, and his motor has led to improved pass rush as well. Taylor is getting tossed around like a rag doll opposite Carter in our scheme.

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Man! Are you kidding me? All 32 teams have banged up players. Lets be objective and realistic...

Take the Patriots. They lost Brady, and they are still competitive. Yes! They are carrying on, and winning a few games. Yesterday, Ben goes out the backup QB come in and lights up the score board.

Good team find ways to win. On the hand losing teams with poor attitudes find excuses.

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Man! Are you kidding me? All 32 teams have banged up players. Lets be objective and realistic...

Take the Patriots. They lost Brady, and they are still competitive. Yes! They are carrying on, and winning a few games. Yesterday, Ben goes out the backup QB come in and lights up the score board.

Good team find ways to win. On the hand losing teams with poor attitudes find excuses.

Good thing we're one of those winning team with a 6-3 record.

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Good post, Sebowski. I agree, when we face Dallas it isn't going to be the same Redskins team.

Shawn Springs & Carlos Rogers will shut down T.O. & Roy Williams. Horton & Rocky will be covering Witten and helping with the run. Landry will be manning the deep field for any homerun attempts by Romo sits to pee.

With Shawn Springs back, this will increase our leverage on the line of scrimmage and allow us to send linebackers after the QB.

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its great to have a break at this point no doubt but currently this team is like the Grand Old Duke of York marching up to the top of the hill then marching down again with no points on the board.

There always seems to be an excuse for this team under-performing - last night apparently was a 'learning experience', struggling to beat the Browns and Lions are treated as individual incidents with no connection. Just when did this teams exhaustion kick in? cos we lost against the Giants in W1, the Rams W6, struggled in weeks 7 and 8 to beat poor teams and were wacked last night.

I dont give a damn what Chargers players say either - you expect them to go on TV/Radio and say 'nah, a weeks break is nothing, way things are our seasons screwed..'?

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Couldn't happen at a better time. The bye week is desperately needed not just as a remedy to health concerns, but so that Zorn, Smith and Blache can take a deep, introspective look into the schematic failures that have begun to compile over the past few weeks. We needed the bye strategically more than for rest, in my opinion.

P.S. This team is much better versus both run and pass with Evans, as opposed to the undersized Taylor, in my opinion. Evans is our run game stalwart that helped turn around our early woes against the run, and his motor has led to improved pass rush as well. Taylor is getting tossed around like a rag doll opposite Carter in our scheme.

Yeah Evans is playing great against the run and his pass rushing ability is better than Daniels. So basically we didnt need to trade for Jason Taylor.

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Good post. To heck w/all the whiners who, immediately after this loss, said we are no good, over-rated and all the other drivel. This team has made strides this year and while we certainly could have played and coached much better last night, we are on the right track. I see us finishing strongly the 2nd half of the season.

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Good post. To heck w/all the whiners who, immediately after this loss, said we are no good, over-rated and all the other drivel. This team has made strides this year and while we certainly could have played and coached much better last night, we are on the right track. I see us finishing strongly the 2nd half of the season.

How we respond to this loss (ie play against Dallas) may define our team...

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its great to have a break at this point no doubt but currently this team is like the Grand Old Duke of York marching up to the top of the hill then marching down again with no points on the board.

There always seems to be an excuse for this team under-performing - last night apparently was a 'learning experience', struggling to beat the Browns and Lions are treated as individual incidents with no connection. Just when did this teams exhaustion kick in? cos we lost against the Giants in W1, the Rams W6, struggled in weeks 7 and 8 to beat poor teams and were wacked last night.

I dont give a damn what Chargers players say either - you expect them to go on TV/Radio and say 'nah, a weeks break is nothing, way things are our seasons screwed..'?

Were you expecting to be undefeated at this point with a rookie coach and a new system? We are 6-3 with wins at Dallas and at Philly. How exactly is that under performing? The three losses were all bad losses, and discount it all you want, but they were all learning experiences for a team that is still coming together.

As for the Chargers comment, yeah, they could have said they were all renting a cruise ship from Fred Smoot, or said they were going to Cabo with a Pop Star. Fact is the bye week can do wonders for players and coaches. Listening to them to about that part of it reminded me of that, and I am applying it to our team with our rookie coaches.

The best is yet to come, and this is only Zorn's first 9 games!

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Yeah Evans is playing great against the run and his pass rushing ability is better than Daniels. So basically we didnt need to trade for Jason Taylor.

It looks like you may be right. Time will tell how much Jason Taylor contributes, as it has told how much we undervalues Evans. But the fact is that even before Daniels went down, every fan thought the D-Line was a weak point (if not the weakest point). Someone else could argue that we'd waste the 2nd rounder we traded on a guy with bum knees or someone who can't learn a playbook anyway :silly:

Who knows what would have happened if Taylor never got kicked in the calf.

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Man! Are you kidding me? All 32 teams have banged up players. Lets be objective and realistic...

Take the Patriots. They lost Brady, and they are still competitive. Yes! They are carrying on, and winning a few games. Yesterday, Ben goes out the backup QB come in and lights up the score board.

Good team find ways to win. On the hand losing teams with poor attitudes find excuses.

We've found a way to win 2/3 of the time so far. I think that using the long stretch of games (14 straight) as an excuse for losing to Pittsburgh is wrong, but I also think you need to face the fact that the Skins are the only team in the league to play that many weeks straight. So, the week off should help physically and mentally. NOTE: I still don't think this is an excuse for the loss - the Stillers were the better team.

Remember how dramatically things changed after the Gnats game? I think that we'll see some further changes to the playcalling. We haven't even seen a lot of the playbook yet, so this could be good. Also, the bye lets us rest some of the injured or lame, so that is good too.

Are we going to go undefeated in the final seven regular season games? I doubt it. But are we going to be recharged and ready to kick some Cowgirl ass after the break? I think yes.


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