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Why did we blitz so much???


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From my viewpoint, it seemed like we blitzed waaayyyyy too much. I didn't understand why were doing it especially after a while leftwich was just playing pitch and catch with his receivers....I understand the Steelers O-Line had been pretty bad before this game but good god you have to ADJUST to the game itself, and honestly I thought Blache did a HORRIBLE job adjusting; he just kept going after the QB and kept getting burned again and again.:2cents:

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We were down by a lot with little time.

We were desperate.

Absolutely no excuse, you HAVE TO adjust when you see the other team consistently countering what your doing. Blache did not and he deserves as much blame as anyone, he should scream at himself in the mirror tonight with some 'clever' denigrating quote.

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Absolutely no excuse, you HAVE TO adjust when you see the other team consistently countering what your doing. Blache did not and he deserves as much blame as anyone, he should scream at himself in the mirror tonight with some 'clever' denigrating quote.

Well, we could have sat back and still lost without the possibility of obtaining a pressure-related turnover.

Damed if you do and damed if you don't. That's the risk you take.

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I totally agree. We blitzed way too much. That's not the way we play defense. We blanket the opposing recievers and let our front 4 deal with the quarterback. If instead the opposing offense expects us to blitz, they will start using that to their advantage.

Too much emphasis is put on sacks in the NFL in general. Sacks don't equal good defense.

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Sacks won't make you win the game but they will be a great contribution. Putting a constant pressure on the QB will make him make mistakes (3rd and long, fumbles, interceptions) and make him doubt, then you will give more opportunities to the offense to score.

When you have great DE's you don't need to blitz crazy, those guys are going to take care of the business (85 Bears, 07 and 08 Giants).

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I had to post in this thread b/c for the last 4 weeks there has been a thread titled "where's the blitz? how come we don't blitz? what happened to our blitz packages?". So needless to say when I saw.."why did we blitz so much?" I had to just mosey on in and find out what a fickle bunch of fans this team has. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

And people think women are the fickle ones...they've obviously never frequented this message board after a win or a loss.

Our downfall was directly contributed to the fact that their starting QB got hurt(& that our offense couldn't make a play if their very lives depended on it and Rogers couldn't hold that INT among other things)...that blitz would have been much more effective had Rothlisberger been on the field. Leftwich actually looked like he knew what he was doing out there.

I liked seeing the blitz for a change. It just didn't work out for the back up as it would have for the starter.

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The offense wasn't moving the ball and the team was behind. Blache obviously was trying to get a turnover or a momentum changing play. With Leftwich's long delivery he probably figured that we'd be able to get to Leftwich easier than we did Big Ben. I can't fault Blache for trying. Especially considering how tired the defense had to be from being on the field the majority of the night. You can't have it both ways guys. I always see posts complaining about how the defense lays back too much. Now here is a thread asking why the defense was so aggressive :doh:

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Uhmmm, maybe's because Big Ben's like Favre, he tries to make a play WHATEVER the situation, which often leads to him turning it over when pressured. And it was working pretty darn well getting in his face the first half. Carlos makes the pick 6, were up 10 in a game the Steelers couldn't move the ball in. Instead, he doesn't, we have the blocked punt the next series, and a 14 point swing right there.

Steelers dropped a break when Leftwich had to come in.

No problem at all with the game plan to get in Big Ben's face.


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Now here is a thread asking why the defense was so aggressive :doh:

Seeing as how I never started a thread nor thought that our D was standing back too much, this comment nor the 'fickle' fans comment by another poster doesnt apply. My point personally is that even though we weren't blitzing a whole lot, our schemes were working overall and Blache for some reason just went balls to the wall blitz-crazy. It reminds me of some ole chap in a poker game that gets pissed when hes down and starts betting the house again and again, eventually your going to lose it all and lo and behold we did. I still think Blache is a great coach, but its sad to see him so badly outcoached on such an important game for the franchise in front of the nation. We've had two games on Nat'l TV now and both of them we stunk up the joint and embarrassed the organization:doh:

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They can't win with some of you guys!

One weeks it's they blitzed "too much", and the next week it;s they didn't blitz enough. News flash: The blitzes worked the entire first half. Big Ben was pressured all day (just check his stats). The main issue was that Leftwhich made a heck of a play (inlcluding the OL who took out Rocky's knees during this blitz) and made a great throw. Smoot got beat, and it gave Leftwhich and that offense confidence. As you notice the pressure as a whole died off in the second half. It was one of the reason's why Leftwhich started picking us apart. His pocket was certainly better then what Campbell had all night

How anyone can blame the defense for last night is beyond me. It's kind of hard to play at the level they were playing at when they were on the field the ENTIRE GAME.

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Sacks won't make you win the game but they will be a great contribution. Putting a constant pressure on the QB will make him make mistakes (3rd and long, fumbles, interceptions) and make him doubt, then you will give more opportunities to the offense to score.

When you have great DE's you don't need to blitz crazy, those guys are going to take care of the business (85 Bears, 07 and 08 Giants).

Case in point. See Campbells performance last night...

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I totally agree. We blitzed way too much. That's not the way we play defense. We blanket the opposing recievers and let our front 4 deal with the quarterback. If instead the opposing offense expects us to blitz, they will start using that to their advantage.

Too much emphasis is put on sacks in the NFL in general. Sacks don't equal good defense.

You're right but only to an extent. The Redskins blitz because their front 4 can't create pressue on the QB or collapse a pocket on their own.

Correct, its not about sacks, its about pressure. Making the QB hurry the throw, making the QB have to move and not stand in to step into the throw are things our D line cannot do alone.

We have to send the house in order to create pressure which gives up a lot in defensive coverage. The sad part is even sometimes when we send the house we don't get there. If you can't get to the QB with 4, and you can get there with 7, there's an issue.

When we only rush 4, the QB, goes through his reads, stands in the pocket and plays catch with the WR's. With a dominant defensive line you can have many more options on the defensive side of the ball.

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From my viewpoint, it seemed like we blitzed waaayyyyy too much. I didn't understand why were doing it especially after a while leftwich was just playing pitch and catch with his receivers....I understand the Steelers O-Line had been pretty bad before this game but good god you have to ADJUST to the game itself, and honestly I thought Blache did a HORRIBLE job adjusting; he just kept going after the QB and kept getting burned again and again.:2cents:

The steelers came in giving up over 20 sacks, that's why we blitzed!!!

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