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Here's What To Say To the Next Telemarketer


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when I did telemarketing the people who used to mess with me the most got their numbers written on a piece of paper and when I was out and about around 2AM they would get a collect call from a pay phone.

You should never mess with someone who can call you whenever they want.

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when I did telemarketing the people who used to mess with me the most got their numbers written on a piece of paper and when I was out and about around 2AM they would get a collect call from a pay phone.

You should never mess with someone who can call you whenever they want.

Then maybe the dumbass better make sure he's calling a residence instead of business. :)

I had one guy last week call at work selling satellite dishes. I asked what kind of flatware came with the dishes. :) I had him going for so long that he finally asked 'Are you ignorant or just stupid?' Asked him again if flatware came with the dishes. He finally gave up & said yeah & it also comes with a 3AM wake up call! <click>

We must have laughed for a good ten minutes over this smuck for thinking he'd wake someone up at 3AM at a business.

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flatware...dishes. BRILLIANT!!

I had another one the other night at work. They called to refi my mortgage. Said they could get me a payment I was comfortable with. I told them $2.00 a month & that might be a $1.00 more then I was comfortable with. Every time he'd say 'What' & say 'Huh' back at him. Guy had a real issue with talking over me & not listening to a word I said. I finally asked him if he had any Q-Tips & told him he needed to clean out his ears. And that when he felt pressure to pull the q-tip out of his ear instead of keep going deeper with it. Said he was sorry for interpting me. I said 'Damn right you interupted me & beer drinkin' & women chasin'. He finally said that I'd have to give him $100,000 down to refi at 2 bucks a month & to have a nice day.<click>

I think I'm going to have to get a digital recorder for these calls & put them on YouTube. :)

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