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The Obamamerical may have sealed the election


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Granted, its DailyKos, but the Kos polling data is always pretty honest and straightforward. They wanted to be taken seriously by real politicians so their hard numbers are usually correct.


It looks like a 2 to 3 point pounce, which would just destroy McCain at this point if accurate.

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Granted' date=' its DailyKos, but the Kos is [b']NEVER[/b] pretty honest and straightforward. They wanted to be taken seriously by real politicians so their hard numbers are usually correct.


It looks like a 2 to 3 point pounce, which would just destroy McCain at this point if accurate.

Fixed it for you.

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Granted' date=' its DailyKos, but the Kos polling data is always pretty honest and straightforward. They wanted to be taken seriously by real politicians so their hard numbers are usually correct.


It looks like a 2 to 3 point pounce, which would just destroy McCain at this point if accurate.

Not just that website.



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They're just quoting gallup.

Rasmussen has it 51-47. But Rasmussen's national polling always confuses me.

That Rasmussen national poll is strictly a poll of McCain offices. That's why it's so confusing. You would think McCain would get a better showing from his campaign managers and volunteers.

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Gallup is the most famous pollster, but hardly the best one. According to 538, Rasmussen probably is the best polling organization in the US.

Rasmussen daily tracking poll always seems to be a tracking poll of 8 days ago. Maybe that is a better model, but it always seems to be a week behind polling trends for some reason.

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Rasmussen daily tracking poll always seems to be a tracking poll of 8 days ago. Maybe that is a better model' date=' but it always seems to be a week behind polling trends for some reason.[/quote']

Daily tracking is pretty worthless, unless you are looking at a synthesis of several polls. Daily trackers really only using a third of a normal sample each day, so minor rises and falls are often magnified improperly.


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I think that most polls are showing close to a statistical dead heat. All that really matters is what states go to whom.

The polls are showing Obama ahead nationally by roughly 6.5%, which is way beyond the margin of error of the polls.

But yes, the states are all that matter -- and states like CO, PA, VA, OH are leaning notably to Obama at the moment.

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Gallup is the most famous pollster, but hardly the best one. According to 538, Rasmussen probably is the best polling organization in the US.

SurveyUSA was definitely the most accurate throughout the primary season.

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