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You're Probably Aged 23 to 38 If...


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You're Probably Aged 23 to 38 If...

You learned to swim about the same time Jaws came out and still carry the emotional scars to this day.

You could sing "99 Red Balloons" in English and in German.

You're starting to believe that maybe having the kids go to school year-round wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

You did the LeFreak with Chic.

"All-skate, change directions" means something to you.

In high school, you and all your friends discussed elaborate plans to get together again at the end of the century and play "1999" by Prince over and over again.

You wore anything Izod, especially collar "up," or the windbreakers that folded up into a pouch you could wear around your waist.

You owned a Jordache anything, or you remember when Jordache jeans were cool.

You even dressed to emulate a person you saw in either a Duran Duran, Madonna, Rick Springfield, or Cyndi Lauper video.

You actually know who Rick Springfield is.

You rode in the back of the station wagon and you faced the cars behind you in the "tail gunner" position.

Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you actually learned the English language.

You ever wanted to be gagged with a spoon.

You had a poster of Bo, Luke & Daisy Duke.

There was nothing to question about Bert n' Ernie living together.

Knickers and leg warmers were cool.

You ever wanted to learn to play "Stairway to Heaven" on the guitar and choreographed "Dancing Queen" by yourself in your room.

You were afraid of the Sleestaks on Land of the Lost.

The first time you ever kissed someone was at a dance during "Crazy for You" by Madonna.

You ever used the phrase "kiss mah grits" in conversation.

You had ringside seats for Luke and Laura's wedding.

You know who shot J.R.

This rings a bell: "...and my name, is Charlie. They work for me."

You ever had a Dorothy Hammill haircut.

You sat with your friends on a Friday night and dialed "867-5309" to see if Jenny would answer.

You owned a pair of Rainbow suspenders just like Mork used to wear.

You remember when your cable TV box had the three rows of numbers and you had to move the selector switch accordingly.

Two Words: Feathered hair

Your jaw would ache by the time you finished those "brick-sized" packages of Bazooka gum.

The phrase "Where's the beef?" still doubles you over with laughter.

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A little quilty .. 42.

Dressed like someone from Duran Duran...quilty

Remembered who shot JR...quilty

Rode in station wagon...quilty

No feathered hair, but did have 3 different colors!

Had a smoking court at High School

Poster of Cheryl Tiegs

Pong, followed by Atari with asteriods and defender

Godfathers pizza

Redbud :high: :high:

Six pac of Bud cans $1.75

Pack of Winstons $ .45

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I turn 32 in October ;)

Here is some more "School House Rock" :D

I'm just a bill

and I'm only a bill

and i'm sitting her on Capitial Hill

Conjunction, Junction

What's your function

Elbow room, elbow room

Gotta gotta got some elbow room

Lovely Lady Liberty in her book of recipes

and the finest one she got was

The Great American Melting Pot

The Great American Melting Pot

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Originally posted by fuji869

You wore anything Izod, especially collar "up," or the windbreakers that folded up into a pouch you could wear around your waist.

You rode in the back of the station wagon and you faced the cars behind you in the "tail gunner" position.

There was nothing to question about Bert n' Ernie living together.

This rings a bell: "...and my name, is Charlie. They work for me."

Two Words: Feathered hair

Your jaw would ache by the time you finished those "brick-sized" packages of Bazooka gum.

The phrase "Where's the beef?" still doubles you over with laughter.

Guilty on all of these. 29. You might want to mention the "Member's Only" jacket too. :doh:
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Originally posted by carlsbadd

A little quilty .. 42.

Dressed like someone from Duran Duran...quilty

Remembered who shot JR...quilty

Rode in station wagon...quilty

No feathered hair, but did have 3 different colors!

Had a smoking court at High School

Poster of Cheryl Tiegs

Pong, followed by Atari with asteriods and defender

Godfathers pizza

Redbud :high: :high:

Six pac of Bud cans $1.75

Pack of Winstons $ .45

42 as well and I'm guilty of all above but I did have feathered hair:high:

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GUILTY as charged.

Just turned 37 Sunday.

You could also probably add;

You can whistle the M.A.S.H. theme.....

The Fonz........... (and not the Friends Of the National Zoo)

You forgot Threes company (Janet, Jack, The ropers, the blond bimbo).

There were actually drive in theaters (where I first saw Star Wars; 3 or 4 times).

TV shows:

(some were after school shows):

The monkees, The Brady Bunch, Battlestar Galactica, Buck rogers in the 25th Century, Father knows best, Eight is enough, Mork and Mindy, Loverne And shirley, Happy Days, Threes Company, The Waltons, BJ and the Bear, The Greatest American hero, Knyght Rider, (Lawrence Welk Show; parents watched it), Hee Haw ( :puke: ), The Osmonds, Captain and Tenille show, .......

God TV was as awful then as it is now.....

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Who else had a pair of "Ferrari" folding sunglasses? And remember Friday Night Videos? How about "Fridays", ABC's answer to SNL with the Kramer guy and the Rastaman chef? YA MAN Smoke it up man :high:

You remember when your cable TV box had the three rows of numbers and you had to move the selector switch accordingly.

My first cable box, ahh the memories!

also can't forget-SHE'S A BRICK-uhh-HOUSE! :D great song 34

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Originally posted by RiggoRanger

Who else had a pair of "Ferrari" folding sunglasses? And remember Friday Night Videos? How about "Fridays", ABC's answer to SNL with the Kramer guy and the Rastaman chef? YA MAN Smoke it up man :high:

My first cable box, ahh the memories!

also can't forget-SHE'S A BRICK-uhh-HOUSE! :D great song 34

I grew up with out cable. PG County didn't get it till 82.

as for brick house..the first Titty bar I went in to was back in 77(fake id) the starlite inn College Park. They kept playing that song over and over.

As far as Fridays goes "do you boil it? no no no no. do you bake it? no no no no. You smoke it ya ya ya ya!!:high:

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Innocent, 17. :D My 6th grade teacher was a Cowboys fan for that infamous "Tommy Hutton" MNF game in '96 (the name Tommy Hutton strikes fear into the heart of Eagle fans across the world). The Eagles had just driven the length of the field, down 1 with 1 minute left. With 2 seconds left they were setting up for a 24 yard field goal. Hutton bobbles the snap and tries to run fo it. . . :doh: I'm breathing into a paper bag for an hour and my parents threaten to never allow me to watch an Eagles game again since I was running around the house screaming (at 1 am). :cool:

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