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Questions about the Undecided Voters


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I could be wrong but it seems there are a large amount of "undecided" voters for this particular election.

I am wondering if it's reasonable to expect that a lot of these "undecided" voters are moderate Republicans that are a lot more likely to finally decide on McCain.

If so, is it possible this election could be a whole lot closer than what people seem to think?

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undecided voters confuse me, especially this close to Nov.4th. What in the hell are you waiting for? These aren't similiar canidates, I think it should be an easy choice, no matter who you choose.

That's what has me worried that these undecideds might be more moderate Republicans that aren't that happy with McCain but most likely won't be swayed by Obama.

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undecided voters confuse me, especially this close to Nov.4th. What in the hell are you waiting for? These aren't similiar canidates, I think it should be an easy choice, no matter who you choose.

they're not vastly different in a lot of ways...also, some may agree w/ one candidate on certain issues, and the other guy on different issues. not everyone thinks in a straight line.

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I think that undecided voters who ultimately tend to break for what they view as the "safer" choice, which in this case would tend to favor McCain. By how much, I'm not certain.

The question is whether Obama's Get Out the Vote efforts can counter that.

I do expect the final vote tallys to be tighter than the current polling.

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here's what an undecided voter a this point means -

"I can't stand electing either Senator McCain or Senator Obama as neither is particularly suitable to me."

The problem is that they have been limited (either by the question or by themselves) to framing the response to the top 2 Democratic or Republican candidates.

I was there recently, and then I realized that because of our system, my vote is diluted by hundreds of thousands of people who blindly follow the choice of their Party, so I felt comfy getting way out of the box and voting my beliefs after I found an acceptable write-in candidate.

If we all did that, the country would be in much better shape.

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I think the undecideds are more than likely (as a majority) pretty hard-right conservatives.

I used to consider myself in that category, and throughout this election it has been difficult to see myself "stomaching" a vote for McCain. He's proposing less of a tax-cut for me than Obama. He could give half a crap about illegal immigration. He's got no real solution for the economy.

So I settled on Lou Dobbs. A Harvard-educated economist who's strongly anti-illegal immigration as a write-in.

I was pretty pissed off about having to throw my vote away, but I figured I had made the best choice for me, as a protest vote.

But the more investigating I did, and the more talking I did with friends supporting Obama, the more I realized that Obama was the right choice for me right now. He wants to give me a bigger tax cut, give me a tax credit for paying child support, and make health care more affordable -- all of which I need, right now.

Now, I have to stomach putting two liberal justices on the bench. I have to stomach strengthening abortion law. I have to stomach more challenges to the Second Amendment. I have to stomach a vote for a guy who's "close personal friend and mentor" was Jeremiah Wright.

That MAY be enough to scare off the other people who think like me. It MAY prevent them for voting in their wallet's best interest. And if it does, this election could end up being close.

I suspect that the majority of these undecideds are much like me. "Do I vote for the good of the nation, or the good of myself?"

My choice was clear.

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they're not vastly different in a lot of ways...also, some may agree w/ one candidate on certain issues, and the other guy on different issues. not everyone thinks in a straight line.

This. Major Harris gets me. Less then a week to go and I still don't know who to vote for. I'm this close to voting for a third party this time around.

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Makes sense. Obama has only been a Senator for few years - very little experience and allot of questionable ties. People know he speaks very well but he doesnt have much of a political record except towing the party line for a few votes in the senate.

The economy is in shambles and they really dont want to vote for McCain but they just cant decide.... a question mark, Obama or the party in charge when things went belly up.

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