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A Challenge to the 12th Man (ES Sore Throat Crew): Steelers

Walking Deadman

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(nice to know Bill Cowher still wears the Black and Gold)


How nice is it to be 6-2 at the half-way point of the season?

And now we start our final four home games of the season........and they are HUGE!!!!!!!

Pittsburgh, Dallas, NY and Philly.......12th Man ARE YOU READY?

I hope so. The team will need all 90,000 + to give us as much of a home field advantage as we continue on our quest to win the NFC EAST.



Now onto MNF and the Steelers.

Before I talk about our 12th Man I want to talk about the Steelers fans.

I have respect for them.

Why you ask?

Well, they show up en mass everywhere and try to make the opposing field Heinz field but with better turf.

I still remember only a few years ago when the Steelers played Dallas and they turned Texas stadium into a sea of black capped with waves of yellow/gold.

We don't want to see this happen on a nationally televised game at FedEx.

This is what we're up against:


This game won't be easy for the Skins, Pittsburgh is a good team and their fans will buy up any and all tickets they can get their hands on.

The Skins fans will have to show up and bring their A game on Monday.

Can we count on you?

Let's show anybody watching on ESPN what the Redskins fans are about, let's bring that RFK atmosphere back......let's make Tony Kornheiser complain about the noise.

Let's help the Steelers make some mistakes with some burned Timeouts, false starts and delay of games.


Just Remember:




(fans should be able to here Jason Campbell's snap count in the upper bowl)

:evil:Bring on the 12th Man :evil:

Let's go 4-1 (7-2 overall) at home Sunday


I was asked specifically by ES poster ctj0215 to remember to bring some pennies with you to put into a empty water bottle or aluminum bottle and then shake and you have yourself an item that makes a great deal of noise. Keys also work well.......the idea is to keep the noise constant and consistantly loud.

.....On another front, don't forget your burgundy towels to counter the "terrible-towel" of the Steelers. Turn the Steelers 12th Man item of choice into a sea of Burgundy and Gold at FedEx!!!!!!!!

Early Weather forecast: high 60 low 43 (by 8:30PM expect it to be closer to the low) with 10% chance of precipitation.

Here's our Sore Throat Crew for 2008, Feel free to become a member

(All ESers in the lower bowl, upper bowl, OVC, club levels.....you're welcome to add yourselves)

Members of the ES Sore Throat Crew:

104- DieHard86

105- kingjames

112- DButz65 reg. seats (family and friend)

113- Hail Skinz, DButz65

115- HigSkin

119- madanomem

120- Skins B Real

123- DemSkinz, section123onsundays, tyman21, Boots

124- dfitzo53, georgiaredskin, SKOALSKIN

127- Capt'n Obvious, touchdowntailgate

133- FedexFieldInsider

134- yonisredskins' posse

136- fdarugar

141- Sikbug

215- jroc96, shif7y

217- BuddyLeeGhostHunter

218- Cooley4President, Fletch Lives59

221- OVCChairman, CaptainFun, Lee55055

226- IbleedBnG83, Godfather151981

227- bootzilla, bnewbs

229- mrredskinDgreen, Luke1975

230- Jofizz

242- skinsno1

305- shzaskinsfn

308- mikachu

314- motorhead

325- Captain Sap'sSkins

328- skinsfan44

331- Stugein

335- Skins Tailgate

340- LoudMouth12thMan

401- mark327

402- yonisredskins

403- Walking Deadman, superdan045, Moorecards

404- Skinfan2k, Popeman38

405- muslechic47

408- estrella117

410- Phoward12

412- scuppajones

413- skinsince72

414- Slacky McSlackAss, Reic

416- InsaneBoost

418- Gracelander

419- mcarey032

423- Capt. Kaos

424- RedBeast

425- renaissance, SkinsFanRob

428- LuvtheSkins428

429- FFEMT284

431- jkalnasy, CREON53

432- Rdskn4Lyf21, GETCHA KLEENEX READY, inPORTISweTRUST, Cooley's Mullet

438- kevinklein

440- deepforsantana

441- allskins

444- MadiSkins, Skinslover

446- kfrack5, HokieSean24

448- jweisk1, Saeth29

450- fullnelson9999

452- Ron Jeremy, jhayunga, 9 to 42 td

453- yonisredskins' posse, Cooooley47

454- HOF44

somewhere in Club level- skyman214

somewhere at FedEx- SkinsHokiesFan07, asnpcwiz, ArsheimSkins, Burgundy Burner, Capt Rich Fla, Koolblue13, skinslove<3, masterchief, Larry Brown #43, ctj0215, DaGhost, gube79, PortisSkins26

STCers in spirt*- D'KanSkinFan, brandymac27, Mayers, Braxford, WSHRedskins3ATLBraves3, Chris0894, DarrellsMyHero28, MurrayH81, S.T.real,lights,out, NeueRedskinWelle, Joespn

*ESers who can't be at the game but we wish they could

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I'm trying to get tickets to this game without losing an arm and a leg paying for them hahahaha. But I have a feeling its going to be CRAZILY loud. It's pretty sad that this game is what I think about when i get up, and before i go to bed hahahaha. It's like gosh... is it monday night yet?? Hurry up and get here!

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I'm trying to get tickets to this game without losing an arm and a leg paying for them hahahaha. But I have a feeling its going to be CRAZILY loud. It's pretty sad that this game is what I think about when i get up, and before i go to bed hahahaha. It's like gosh... is it monday night yet?? Hurry up and get here!

Think you have it bad... try having tickets sitting in your lockbox just waiting for Monday..... :laugh:

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I would like to ask everyone attending any of the remaining four home games to help me make Fed Ex LOUD. I prefer microbrews and imports to Buds and Bud lights but the aluminium bottles that they sell at Fed Ex make amazing noise makers.

I make sure to buy and drink a Bud Light metal bottle fast enough before the game to let all the last drops of watery beer to drip out of the bottle before the game starts. I proceed to bang one and then two bottles against the concrete under my seat(or on the seat in front of me if everyone is standing).

I make the noise of ten people cheering and banging on seats and do this during most plays when we ar on D. At first I had people looking at me funny and even a couple of complaints but now the people around me even join in with me on third downs.

If most of the people who are on the list above started doing this on every defensive down possible the noise level would go way up on Monday night.

Be LOUD it really does force the opposing team offsides and to use time outs that may end up being needed by the team later. And also lets make sure we all get into the stadium on time to get to our seats by kickoff, lets make sure we inspire an extra offside/false start/extra time out this week.


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Yeah, I can't wait.

It's going to be weird for me as this will be the first sunday of this season where I'm not either at FedEx or at work.

I'm in the hotel industry, so naturally it's a 24-hour operation. Now I'm in sales so I work M-F, 9-5, but I used to work the front desk and I'd work weekends. It wasn't overly bad because I was normally able to watch the Redskins at work with a portable TV, but I still rather would have been at home or at the stadium. Anyways, one week the schedule maker decided that he'd give me a weekend off and altered the schedule...low and behold, it was the bye week for the Redskins.

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Speaking for myself, I take the breakdown in the stands very seriously. There are visiting fans in every stadium nowadays, but we really need to do everything in our power to keep as many Pittsburgh fans as possible out of our stadium. Remember a few years ago when they played at the Rams (also on a Monday night) and St. Louis had to use a silent snap count because of the noise the Steeler fans were making? And unfortunately, they'll probably see those "Shhhhh..." commercials with Jason Campbell and that'll get them to make more noise. If you're going to the game, please don't pull that stunt of inviting your friend that's a Steeler fan. I'd really hate to be embarrassed with all of those towels waving on national TV in our stadium.

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229 as always....LOUD AND PROUD.

There were some obnoxious browns fans at the game a few weeks ago sitting a few rows behind me...I hope those seats are filled by skins fans this week. I HATE OPPOSING FANS IN OUR HOUSE!!!

I firmly believe that every NFL team doesn't sell certain tickets to STH's because they themselves put them up on stubhub to sell. Obviously in that case, there's always the chance that opposing fans will be sitting there. I'll be in 226, loud and proud as always.

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I would like to ask everyone attending any of the remaining four home games to help me make Fed Ex LOUD. I prefer microbrews and imports to Buds and Bud lights but the aluminium bottles that they sell at Fed Ex make amazing noise makers.

I make sure to buy and drink a Bud Light metal bottle fast enough before the game to let all the last drops of watery beer to drip out of the bottle before the game starts. I proceed to bang one and then two bottles against the concrete under my seat(or on the seat in front of me if everyone is standing).

I make the noise of ten people cheering and banging on seats and do this during most plays when we ar on D. At first I had people looking at me funny and even a couple of complaints but now the people around me even join in with me on third downs.

If most of the people who are on the list above started doing this on every defensive down possible the noise level would go way up on Monday night.

Be LOUD it really does force the opposing team offsides and to use time outs that may end up being needed by the team later. And also lets make sure we all get into the stadium on time to get to our seats by kickoff, lets make sure we inspire an extra offside/false start/extra time out this week.


The aluminum bottle is a great idea, want to really make some noise with it? Drop a few pennies in there. I do this for my daughter and she loves it and it is LOUD!!!

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I will be coming from Georgia to take my son who lives in Suffolk Virginia to the game and become members of the ES Sore Throat Crew for the Pittsburg game. I was born and raised in Washington D.C. and have been a lifelong Redskins fan! I don't post much but am an avid reader of ES. I appreciate everyone's input to read and will enjoy being with you as we go 7-2! GO SKINS!


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Now~ RIGHT there is a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG FLag :point2sky to wave :point2sky


Loud and Proud :cheers:

The Steelers CAN be BEAT~ and by the Washington Redskins :point2sky

This Week

OUR House

Ben and his Steel Curtain FALLS :point2sky

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I just bought my tickets a couple days ago. I'll be in section 453, row 8. This game is HUGE. I have so many friends that are Steelers friends, I couldnt take a loss. I know I wont have a voice after the game!! I was amazed by how many tickets are available on ebay, craigslist, stubhub, etc...Makes me think there are going to be a lot more steelers fans than I thought. Most of the tickets are very high in price though, I got really lucky.

I'm going to disappoint many of you by bringing a steeler fan with me, but she's smokin hot and can do things for me many of my fellow Skins fans cant...so I apologize in advance and promise to make her quiet when the Skins are on offense. I'll tell her its best if she cheers when the steelers are on offense.

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