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McCain aide: Palin's 'going rogue'


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(CNN) -- With 10 days to go until Election Day, long-brewing tensions between GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and key aides to Sen. John McCain have become so intense they are spilling out in public, sources say.

Several McCain advisers have suggested to CNN that they have become increasingly frustrated with what one aide described as Palin "going rogue." A Palin associate, however, said the candidate is simply trying to "bust free" of what she believes was a damaging and mismanaged roll-out.

McCain sources say Palin has gone off message several times, and they privately wonder if the incidents were deliberate. They cited that she labeled robocalls -- recorded messages often used to attack a candidate's opponent -- "irritating" even as the campaign defended their use. Also, they pointed to her telling reporters she disagreed with the campaign's decision to pull out of Michigan.


10 days before election...sonova****. :doh:

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Its starting to appear that way but I also see some personal attacks like "diva" in there as well. I think they wanted a puppet but she is anything but that. If you know her past record she doesnt back off and relax when she feels attacked. never has...

At least we know who wears the pants in that marriage

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Is it too late to change the VP choice? :silly: I'd tell her stfu or we'll unsellect you and see what that does for your career in washington. :laugh:

She would likely tell you to shove it:cool:

Funny McCain seems perfectly happy with his pick.

A few foolish aides are of no importance and need to learn their place.

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it is clear she wants to blame the loss on McCain so she can maintain a national level political career. It is absurd, she should quietly move back to Alaska.

Funny McCain seems perfectly happy with his pick.

not really, I mean obviously he has to give that appearance

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Palin is right to be frustrated with how the campaign has been run. However you just don't go "off the reservation" like that. Way to be a team player there Sarah.

McCain's campaign staff had better not make her mad though. I hear she throws exploding playing cards.

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She would likely tell you to shove it:cool:

Funny McCain seems perfectly happy with his pick.

A few foolish aides are of no importance and need to learn their place.

well I know McCain and Palin's place, 2nd, what does 2nd place pay in a presidential election?

And frankly, if you don't realize that Palin has been a drag on the ticket, you aren't paying attention.

He probably wouldn't have won with our without Palin, but it certainly hasn't helped.

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I sometimes wonder if the GOP pushed McCain to pick Palin to set her up for 2012. Of course this would mean that the GOP wrote off this election as a loss months ago an just want to get a new face of the party out there. McCain deserves better than that.

If McCain loses, 4 years from now everyone will remember Palin and her convention speech and may not remember troopergate, the clothing "scandel", and her general public incompetence. In the meantime she could learn how to not be so damn polarizing and sound smarter than an 8th grader. She could be perfectly positioned for a run at the presidency.

And that terrifies me

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it is clear she wants to blame the loss on McCain so she can maintain a national level political career. It is absurd, she should quietly move back to Alaska.

Isn't this an intersting development? She may end up being a wedge between the reasonable and the not-so-reasonable parts of the GOP.

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I sometimes wonder if the GOP pushed McCain to pick Palin to set her up for 2012. Of course this would mean that the GOP wrote off this election as a loss months ago an just want to get a new face of the party out there. McCain deserves better than that.

If McCain loses, 4 years from now everyone will remember Palin and her convention speech and may not remember troopergate, the clothing "scandel", and her general public incompetence. In the meantime she could learn how to not be so damn polarizing and sound smarter than an 8th grader. She could be perfectly positioned for a run at the presidency.

And that terrifies me

You are giving Palin too much credit. The most amazing thing is that she really is that clueless. Did you see that video about her making fun of fruit fly research?

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I can imagine that she blames the McCain campaign entirely for her reputation being flushed down the toilet and I would bet to a large degree she's right. I bet that in trying to follow their script and guidelines she was shackled and came off as far dumber, incoherent, and unable than is actually the truth.

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well I know McCain and Palin's place, 2nd, what does 2nd place pay in a presidential election?

And frankly, if you don't realize that Palin has been a drag on the ticket, you aren't paying attention.

He probably wouldn't have won with our without Palin, but it certainly hasn't helped.

Calling a race before it's run it's course?

I agree McCain faced a uphill battle no matter who he chose as VP,I disagree strongly that she has not been a plus to the campaign.

If you were a supporter you might have a different perspective,or if you have followed the rally's

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He probably wouldn't have won with our without Palin, but it certainly hasn't helped.

I don't know if I agree with this. I think he would have really had a shot had he picked someone else.

You are giving Palin too much credit. The most amazing thing is that she really is that clueless. Did you see that video about her making fun of fruit fly research?

Yes I saw that video. To be fair, unless your a scientist, most people don't know they can research autism using fruit flies.

I honestly don't blame Palin b/c of the way she was thrown into this whole thing. I'm not saying her going "rogue" is the right thing to do, but I don't think it's her fault that she really didn't have a lot of time to prepare for this. Anyway, this is the last thing McCain needs right now and, in this regard, she should be a little more understanding of that fact.

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I sometimes wonder if the GOP pushed McCain to pick Palin to set her up for 2012. Of course this would mean that the GOP wrote off this election as a loss months ago an just want to get a new face of the party out there. McCain deserves better than that.

If McCain loses, 4 years from now everyone will remember Palin and her convention speech and may not remember troopergate, the clothing "scandel", and her general public incompetence. In the meantime she could learn how to not be so damn polarizing and sound smarter than an 8th grader. She could be perfectly positioned for a run at the presidency.

And that terrifies me

This is pretty much what I was going to post. Except I was thinking that maybe she's wants to polarize the country. Maybe she wants to pit the far right against everybody in country and that include independents, moderates, and even Reagan republicans. Think Karl Rove to tenth power. Palin in 2012 or 2016 scares me as well.

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Calling a race before it's run it's course?

I agree McCain faced a uphill battle no matter who he chose as VP,I disagree strongly that she has not been a plus to the campaign.

If you were a supporter you might have a different perspective,or if you have followed the rally's

what numbers have been following? Show me one poll that shows Palin has had a positive effect on McCain's campaign.

When they first picked her, yes there was a boost, but after people heard her speak it has been all down hill since.

She has energized the ultra conservative, christian base, but that isn't going to win an election, the undecided and the moderates are completely turned off by her.

The fact that you are basing her popularity on the reactions she gets at rallys and places full of people that are going to vote Republican no matter what is the flaw in your arguement.

This isn't a debatable fact, its pure numbers.

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Yes I saw that video. To be fair, unless your a scientist, most people don't know they can research autism using fruit flies.

The point is, if you're in a position to give or cut funding, you have to have advisers (especially if you don't have a scientific background) to tell you what these funds are for, especially if its directly connected to a policy you're supporting. Its not smart to start mocking something or cutting something and you're not really informed on what it is. This is what she's been doing since day one and it doesn't take more than a few minutes before she's embarrassed or debunked by her statements (or lack therof). But I agree with the second part.

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