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Howard Stern show interviews Obama supporters


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Howard Stern decided to interview people on the street about why they are voting for Obama.

Heard this on the show a few weeks back.

Funny stuff.

Of course - if you're going to use this as a barometer of the average Obama voter or black voter it's a mistake. These were selected out of a ton of interviews that were done - which was said on the Wrap Up Show - and there are plenty of McCain voters who don't know anything either.

Hilarious though.

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Heard this on the show a few weeks back.

Funny stuff.

Of course - if you're going to use this as a barometer of the average Obama voter or black voter it's a mistake. These were selected out of a ton of interviews that were done - which was said on the Wrap Up Show - and there are plenty of McCain voters who don't know anything either.

Hilarious though.

I know. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.
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I know. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

Unfortunately that's a much larger part of the voting population, on both sides.

It's sad really.

But I'm pretty sure it was described that they had to work pretty hard to find people who gave those types of answers. Hell, knowing the Stern show some of that could have been staged.

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Did Stern's unfunny butt ever say who he was voting for?

He was a HUGE Hillary supporter and says he's "leaning towards" Obama but he doesn't like Obama's tax policies - kind of funny since it's pretty much the exact same type of tax policy that Hillary was proposing.

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What's ironic about the interviews is that Sal (the person doing the interviews) said all along that he was a McCain supporter. Then, while doing research for the interviews, he found out what each candidate actually stood for and realized that HE liked Obama better.

This little bit of irony is left out of all of the right wing email forwards that are going around using these interviews.

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Come on, it's not a suprise at all. Jamie Foxx was on the Stern show a few months back and said he is voting for Obama b/c he is black. Chris Rock said the same thing 2 weeks back. David Alan Grier last week.

Bush received what? 5% of the African American vote in 2004? Maybe less... I would be suprised if McCain received 1% of that voting block this time around.

I admire people who actually are honest about it even though, I suppose, it is racism, at least they are honest and unapologetic about it.

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Come on, it's not a suprise at all. Jamie Foxx was on the Stern show a few months back and said he is voting for Obama b/c he is black. Chris Rock said the same thing 2 weeks back. David Alan Grier last week.

Bush received what? 5% of the African American vote in 2004? Maybe less... I would be suprised if McCain received 1% of that voting block this time around.

I admire people who actually are honest about it even though, I suppose, it is racism, at least they are honest and unapologetic about it.

I don't remember the Jamie Foxx interview, but you are just making assumptions about Grier and Chris Rock.

They both gave plenty of reasons they were voting Obama that had nothing to do with race.

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This little bit of irony is left out of all of the right wing email forwards that are going around using these interviews.

That's funny right there.

I haven't heard these before today... have I been excommunicated from my Republican friends?

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That's funny right there.

I haven't heard these before today... have I been excommunicated from my Republican friends?

You must have been :D I heard them on the show when they originally aired, then received an email with a link from my Republican father-in-law, send to him through all of his Right wing friends. Since all of the people on the email NEVER listen to Howard Stern, in fact they HATE Howard Stern, I figured they were making their rounds.

And out of curiousity, how did you come across the link?

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You must have been :D I heard them on the show when they originally aired, then received an email with a link from my Republican father-in-law, send to him through all of his Right wing friends. Since all of the people on the email NEVER listen to Howard Stern, in fact they HATE Howard Stern, I figured they were making their rounds.
That's what happens when you vote for the real Maverick (Ron Paul). :D
And out of curiousity, how did you come across the link?
To be honest I don't remember. I think I was looking at something on youtube and it was in the Recommended Videos sidebar.
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To be honest I don't remember. I think I was looking at something on youtube and it was in the Recommended Videos sidebar.

OK gotcha. It just seems like alot of people who don't follow Stern are talking about it now, a couple of weeks later.....althought according to the LA Times, Stern doesn't have any listeners anymore.

But the one thing I forgot to say was that it was pretty sad how little the people knew.

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I heard this on the radio today and couldnt decide if i should laugh or cry. What a sad state our people are in when they can vote but dont even know the platforms of their choice. Its akin to the local homecoming queen elections IMO

I agree with you. But you have to admit, it was kinda humorous, if for no other reason than those particular people's ignorance.

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