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From a Cleveland point of view....


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Just wanted to swing by and check things out to get a feel for what skins fans are thinking about the game coming up.....

The Dawg Pound is pretty happy today after finally playing to our potential and putting a whooping to the Giants on Monday night. The offensive line looked MUCH better with the return of Ryan Tucker on the right side, and is the single biggest reason Cleveland won. Without Tucker the Browns have no right side stability, so getting him back was huge. Also nice to see the Secondary step up and make some plays.

I'm excited for sunday's game, I think it's going to be a battle. If Cleveland can contain Portis (a tall order) I think they have a good chance. If the Skins can pressure Anderson, I think it's a long day for the Brownies.

Anyways, just wanted to stop in and see what you all were thinking. Good luck sunday (and Stosh, if you're on here, bite me!)

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I don't think it will be an easy game, for sure. You all played your guts out (to quote JG) last night against the Giants. Congrats on your win. I think that it will definitely be a close game that I hope we will win.

By the way, I really liked your "Over-rated" chant...

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This game scares me. What the Browns did last night should get them there swagger back, but not enough for them to be overconfident because of there record.

Here are the Skins in a nutshell. If we play efficient mistake free football (not perfect, but no bad turnovers), then we will win. However, I do not believe we can lose the TO battle and win. Most teams cannot, but the elite teams can from time to time.

We showed we are not there yet. I expect a phyisical brutal game.

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Welcome to the board and congrats on the win. The Browns just changed the national conversation about this week. The 'skins need to bounce back and the Browns need not to let down. I see a good game. Hopefully, we (the Redskins) come back on top. Thanks for stomping on the Giants.

Btw, I always have a soft spot for Cleveland fans because of what Modell did to you guys in the middle of the night. The Dawg Pound deserved much better.

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Welcome to the board!

The Browns have gone from our favorite team to public enemy #1 just within the past 24 hours. So thanks again for beating the Giants, but don't expect special treatment going forward. :D

My take on this game is that it is more up to the Browns than it is the Redskins. Which Browns team will show up? Which Derek Anderson will show up? Which Braylon Edwards will show up? That's what I'm wondering.

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Welcome to the board and congrats on the win. The Browns just changed the national conversation about this week. The 'skins need to bounce back and the Browns need not to let down. I see a good game. Hopefully, we (the Redskins) come back on top. Thanks for stomping on the Giants.

Btw, I always have a soft spot for Cleveland fans because of what Modell did to you guys in the middle of the night. The Dawg Pound deserved much better.

Much appreciated. I grew up in the Dawg pound in the 80's and 90's, and was in college when Modell stole the team away. When we heard Modell was having heart problems, a couple of buddies and I sent him a package of bacon with a note reading "Enjoy the Bacon. See you in Hell."

Sounds like you guys are thinking what we're thinking. This game went from a "How bad are the Skins going to pound the Browns" to one of the most intriguing of the week.

Cheers to a good game! :cheers:

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Welcome! What you should know about Redskins fans is that we are very fickle. For example, we LOVED your Browns last night. I would even venture some of us were juumping up and down as they trounced the Gints. However, then the clock struck midnight and now we dislike you very much! :)

I think our guys know what cost them the game last week and will make every effor to correct it this week. I'll take the Skins in a close one.

Come back and visit any time!!! :cheers:

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Just wanted to swing by and check things out to get a feel for what skins fans are thinking about the game coming up.....

The Dawg Pound is pretty happy today after finally playing to our potential and putting a whooping to the Giants on Monday night. The offensive line looked MUCH better with the return of Ryan Tucker on the right side, and is the single biggest reason Cleveland won. Without Tucker the Browns have no right side stability, so getting him back was huge. Also nice to see the Secondary step up and make some plays.

I'm excited for sunday's game, I think it's going to be a battle. If Cleveland can contain Portis (a tall order) I think they have a good chance. If the Skins can pressure Anderson, I think it's a long day for the Brownies.

Anyways, just wanted to stop in and see what you all were thinking. Good luck sunday (and Stosh, if you're on here, bite me!)

Always love having other teams fans come in that can act like they have a brain in their head.. I think your assessment is fair and I can't so for sure what I think is going to happen. I'm still scatching my head after this past weekend

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Much appreciated. I grew up in the Dawg pound in the 80's and 90's, and was in college when Modell stole the team away. When we heard Modell was having heart problems, a couple of buddies and I sent him a package of bacon with a note reading "Enjoy the Bacon. See you in Hell."

Sounds like you guys are thinking what we're thinking. This game went from a "How bad are the Skins going to pound the Browns" to one of the most intriguing of the week.

Cheers to a good game! :cheers:

THAT is excellent!! I laughed out loud reading that. Haha. Welcome to the board and here's to a good, hard-fought, and injury free game this weekend. :cheers:

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clevelands ability to apply pressure and the skins lack of ability to stop it (4 sacks last game) is what scares me.

run portis

take our shots

hold on to the damn ball

we win.

I like the skins in this game, but would not be the least bit suprised if the brownies pull it out after that awesome game last night.

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Hey whats up man! Alright here the dealio. I run the site. Everyone looks up to me. I'm pretty much a God to these people. If you have any question, you come to me, I'll give you an answer. Whether it's right or wrong.....eh....who cares. Stick with me, you'll go far. Again, welcome to the site.

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Ward, what are Browns fans saying about Derek Anderson's accuracy issues before last night? Obviously getting a starting tackle back can make a world of difference, but even quarterbacks behind bad lines complete more than 50% of their passes.

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Congrats on your big win last night.

It was great seeing good ball once again in the town Baltimore robbed.

I am wondering which version of each team will show up on Sunday. Like most others I think it will be a close game and likely a hard hitting one as well. Both our clubs seem to be on the upswing, though after the St. Louis game; well who knows.

However...if either bizzaro version of the respective teams show up it could get ugly. We are both capable of good things but also stinking up the joint. With us it can be in the same game.

Good game to you and no injuries on either side. :point2sky

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To be honest, I had this marked down as a victory before this past game, but in light of our problems with the Rams and the ease with which you dispatched the Giants, I'm thinking this is going to be a very, very hard battle for us. I honestly see this game as either a blowout in favor of the Browns, or a hard-fought victory for us.

The bye week looks like it did your offense good, and we don't have the firepower to keep up with it. However, we do have an extremely skilled defense, so I think we can at least keep up with you. If our offense doesn't help our defense out with long drives, we could have a repeat of the Giants game.

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Ward, what are Browns fans saying about Derek Anderson's accuracy issues before last night? Obviously getting a starting tackle back can make a world of difference, but even quarterbacks behind bad lines complete more than 50% of their passes.

Most were ready to bring in Quinn (me included). Anderson isn't a super accurate passer anyways, he's a gunslinger and likes to take shots downfield, so he'll never be an upper 60% guy. His struggles were for a number of reasons, the biggest being him rushing a lot of throws and Braylon Edwards suddenly developing Polio in his hands. He also was making the wrong reads, and just flat out missing some open receivers. Last night though about halfway through the 1st quarter he realized he wasn't going to get killed, got comfortable, and started making the right reads.

Also, getting Stallworth back on the other side takes a lot of the safety help away from Edwards, so he doesn't have to check down as often.

Anderson is very hit and miss, one week he'll go out and look like a pro bowler like last night, when the week before he was a dropped interception away from being pulled at halftime.

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Welcome CoachWard...most of us are expecting a tough game and aren't taking any teams for granted after the Rams loss.

I watched the game last night and (just like 98 percent of the rest of ES) was cheering for you guys hard.

The Browns looked like a different team after the bye week. If you guys would've limited the penalties you probably would've hurt the Giants even more.

DA/Braylon Edwards look dangerous and Crennel doesn't look scared to have them sling the ball downfield. Looks like we're going to have to watch the big plays.

Anyway, looking forward to the game and thanks for shutting down Eli and getting that win!

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First off, thank you for knocking off those smug ****s in NY last night. I had a big smile on my face the whole game.

I'm feeling pretty good about this week. I think we're going to be refocused after the Rams game. I think that there were some hard lessons learned there and we won't fall into the same traps again. I fully expect our boy to come out swingin'.

It will be a hard fought game, won up front front. I feel pretty confident this week. Our running game is monstrous. We'll minimize mistakes and do what we do which is keep the ball out of the opposing offense's hands.

In my heart I believe that Washington will win comfortably, but it won't be a blowout or anything. Hopin' for a fun game with no injuries!

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Your defense hasnt really been the issue this season. It's your OB play and your OL. Like you said the O Line was solid against the Giants. If Winslow's back this week we will be in for a rough slug fest. Your weak against the run because you blitz so much. Hopefully we'll exploit that early setting up Cooley and ARE in the Middle of the field later in the game. I should be a good game.

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