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"The Perfect Storm"


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I was the guy that started a thread last week saying how the hell can you guys be so scared about his game. Every stat pointed to a win, almost all to a cake walk. For some of you that didn't go to the game well let me tell you there wasn't a let down of this team. They were hitting hard, running hard and the players were as excited as I have ever seen them.

This was the the one game in 500 that every possible thing came together for a bad team to beat a good team. EVERYTHING. From two dropped INTs, the first one especially from Laron where we were leading 7-0 and the ball you have ended to their 40 yard line, to London dropping a sure thing that would have stopped their drive where they kicked a FG.

Then the impossible. EVERY SINGLE turnover we commited, took points of the board for us (at least 9 points) and put 7 for them, a total swing of 16 points. I mean when was the last time of something similar like that. How many times a OG graps a pass and tries to run with it only to fumble it away were the other team runs it back for a TD? Are you kidding me?

and you want me to continue? How about one of their FGs where it hit the upright and barely fell through? How about that hailmary like pass to Hold where, hell sitting in the 104 I could have run there and knocked it down. I mean I was seeing our DB turn his head first left, then right, then left again, be in perfect position up until the last second were Holt actually makes contact with him (I bet this is in Dallas they get offensive INT) and then gets the ball. Because that play took place right in front of me I was watching safeties and NO ONE ATTACKED that ball. That thing was in the air for 10 seconds man.

So this was the perfect storm. This was 91 all over again when a great team lost to the pathetic cowturds when another perfect storm hit. We play this game again twenty times and we probably cover the spread each time.

Think about it. 16 point minimum swing from the turnovers guys. Let this game go and bring on the Browns. something more than the Rams was against us yesterday.

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So what? Don't those guys also get a NFL paycheck? Did you see the turds game? The Cardinals almost killed Romo sits to pee. What I am saying is it was not just turnovers that killed us. It was the type of turnovers. We were in a scoring position EVERY SINGLE one of them and we gave those points away. on the TD return not only we gave our points away but spotted them 7. This crap does not happen every week. A team can go an entire season or more to have that type of game. But when you consider the two INTs we dropped, their field goal off the post, their one and only TD that came because a OG actually was able to make a great catch only to fumble it and for them to be able to run it back all the way and the way they actually got in position to kick their game winning FG well, it is down right comical. No other way to put it. This is high school stuff man.

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couldn't have said it better. I don,t feel like it was a lack of intensity, but more a lack of focus. The football gods were surely frowning on us yesterday.

I can't help but think in the aftermath of yesterday, that we finally got the monkey off our backs. The freakin media was relentless with harping on the fact that we had no offensive turnovers so far. Christ, I had bloody knuckles from knocking on wood all week. Well we do now you ****s! Now go and report like usual, that we're through. That we're all washed up. That we can't handle success. And more importantly, that we're the underdogs again.

I hate the media! But I love this team!

Go Skins!

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It wasn't a "perfect storm" or anything of that nature. Wacky **** happens in EVERY football game EVERY week- that's why we watch it.

Our entire team played very poorly the entire game because many of these players have the same attitude as the OP. You can't win an NFL game just by showing up. No matter how terrible your opponent is.

You guys can keep saying "They get an A for effort!" and all that bull****... But, why?? Because they hustled around and hit hard?? I think it takes more "effort" to be mentally PREPARED for a game and EXECUTE a game-plan. The "Football Gods" had nothing to do with this loss. Zorn coached a poor game and his players made mistakes they usually don't make.

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It wasn't a "perfect storm" or anything of that nature. Wacky **** happens in EVERY football game EVERY week- that's why we watch it.

Our entire team played very poorly the entire game because many of these players have the same attitude as the OP. You can't win an NFL game just by showing up. No matter how terrible your opponent is.

You guys can keep saying "They get an A for effort!" and all that bull****... But, why?? Because they hustled around and hit hard?? I think it takes more "effort" to be mentally PREPARED for a game and EXECUTE a game-plan. The "Football Gods" had nothing to do with this loss. Zorn coached a poor game and his players made mistakes they usually don't make.

I disagree.

Yes, the players made mistakes, but that happens. How many times have we benefited already this year by other teams making mistakes.

The fact is, we fumbled 3x in Rams territory. If we just secure the ball and kick FGs, we win this game relatively easily (because we'd have been up 16-3 at halftime).

BUT, turnovers happen...and we were due. I don't care how much you concentrate as a player, you're not going to go all season without fumbles/INTs!

The Kendall play was pure fluke. Not only did Campbell get a ball batted up and to the other side of the line of scrimmage, but Kendall caught the ball (despite nearly dropping it) and then got hit right on the ball so he fumbled. If all of that wasn't enough, it rolled to stop right to a streaking DB for the Rams and he was able to scoop it in stride and run 80+ yards for a TD.

So, in summary, 70/100 times that's an incomplete pass. 25/100 times that's a catch by an OL for minimal gain or a loss of yardage. 4/100 that's a catch by an OL, a fumble, and a recovery by the defense. And, yesterday, it was a defensive TD. Tough break, but it happens. That play ONLY happened because Kendall WAS giving 100% effort.

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I was the guy that started a thread last week saying how the hell can you guys be so scared about his game. Every stat pointed to a win, almost all to a cake walk. For some of you that didn't go to the game well let me tell you there wasn't a let down of this team. They were hitting hard, running hard and the players were as excited as I have ever seen them.

This was the the one game in 500 that every possible thing came together for a bad team to beat a good team. EVERYTHING. From two dropped INTs, the first one especially from Laron where we were leading 7-0 and the ball you have ended to their 40 yard line, to London dropping a sure thing that would have stopped their drive where they kicked a FG.

Then the impossible. EVERY SINGLE turnover we commited, took points of the board for us (at least 9 points) and put 7 for them, a total swing of 16 points. I mean when was the last time of something similar like that. How many times a OG graps a pass and tries to run with it only to fumble it away were the other team runs it back for a TD? Are you kidding me?

and you want me to continue? How about one of their FGs where it hit the upright and barely fell through? How about that hailmary like pass to Hold where, hell sitting in the 104 I could have run there and knocked it down. I mean I was seeing our DB turn his head first left, then right, then left again, be in perfect position up until the last second were Holt actually makes contact with him (I bet this is in Dallas they get offensive INT) and then gets the ball. Because that play took place right in front of me I was watching safeties and NO ONE ATTACKED that ball. That thing was in the air for 10 seconds man.

So this was the perfect storm. This was 91 all over again when a great team lost to the pathetic cowturds when another perfect storm hit. We play this game again twenty times and we probably cover the spread each time.

Think about it. 16 point minimum swing from the turnovers guys. Let this game go and bring on the Browns. something more than the Rams was against us yesterday.

I agree we killed ourselves yesterday, but the moral of the story is stay medium. Fact is, we lost. No game is an automatic win, especially with the Washington Redskins.

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Your really stretching to find light in this cloud today. As I've said in other posts today, I think people on the board are over-reacting to this game in the context of the season, but as far as the game goes, we were pathetic. I was in 106 and from where I sat we were inept at pass blocking, couldn't catch a cold, blew assigments, had horrible personnel situations (ie why was Torrence and Moore in on 3rd and 14 with the game on the line), our punter was atrocious, our kicker kicked it out of bounds on kickoff for the second consecuttive week at a crucial juncture. We looked awful. I agree shake it off and go forward but defending a loss at home to a winless rams team when favored by 14 points, and losing as embarrassingly as we did is just inexcusable.

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You know that whole "Washington's last home game before the election" thing predicting the outcome? The thing is, the only time it didn't work out was against the Packers, and in reality that Packers game was stolen from us. I believe this game was lost to us due to voodoo. I also speculate that a leprechaun may have been involved.

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Titans coming into our crib and getting their first win. Raiders coming to Fed Ex and getting us a few years ago.

Not a 1 in 500 chance. If you play dumb you can lose to ANY NFL team. The Rams were ready to win the game. We didn't want to lose it. The 1 in 500 will happen again this season if the team plays like that again.

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It's the ultra-competitive NFL, and as last season proved, nobody's perfect. "On any given Sunday..." is a total cliche, but it's true: any team can win any game, and every game is hard to win. We need to take a deep breath, dust ourselves off, and do whatever we can to try and beat Cleveland. Stay medium - one game at a time.

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What about the Rams pressuring Campbell all day long. Even though he played through it pretty well, they were in his grill all day long.

True, but it's quite clear that we were able to move the ball when necessary in spite of that. The only thing preventing us from putting points on the board was those turnovers.

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While watching the highlights on NFL.com, when the Kendall fumble occurred and the Rams defender was running it back for a TD, the commentator (Mariuchi maybe?) said something like "When this happens, you know this is not going to be your day"...I could NOT agree more. No matter what other issues the Skins had yesterday, if Kendall just lets the ball drop to the ground we win. If Campbell just falls on the botched snap instead of trying to pick it up, we (most likely) win. All the other screw ups could have still happened and if both of those two things above happen the Skins still win. It was just one of those games.

The previous 4 games tell me a ****load more about this team and about Zorn than anything in the Rams game does.

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