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Last night I couldn't sleep well. When I woke up at 7:30 I was really pissed off. Not pissed at the lack of sleep, but pissed because I had not yet realized that the dream I just had was not reality. My dream had been that the Redskins lost to the Rams. I was not happy at all. I was thankful when I realized that the game had not been played yet. This is where it should have stopped.

I should have just gone back to sleep. But I had set my alarm for 7:30 for a reason. I wanted to get up and find some last minute deals to the game today. I had been plotting this all week. I was not about to give up these plans for a stupid dream. I finally found a good deal on tickets and finished getting ready to leave.

My trip started out poorly. My girlfriend was taking a tad bit longer getting ready than I had hoped. It was closing in on 10:30, and we had not left Fairfax yet. I had to pick up the tickets in Arlington, make my way to the metro (no parking pass), and get to the stadium. I had originally hoped to get there in time to join the ES tailgate, but it was becoming obvious that we were not going to make it in time.

Traffic was not terrible, but people kept getting in my way, driving slow, and I seemed to hit every single red light on Braddock Rd. Looking back, I should have just given up and turned around. After all, I still hadn't spent a penny on anything. But I was determined to get to the game. After all, I was ready to see the Skins blow out the crappy Rams. After I got the tickets, more bad omens. Being unfamiliar with the Arlington area, I had difficulties locating the nearest metro stop. After what seemed like forever, we finally got on the metro and got to the stadium.

We got to our seats in section 443 just after kickoff. After that, you all know the rest of the story of our ill-fated game. No matter how much I yelled, it could not make the Rams receiver drop that pass at the end or make the field goal miss. The Redskins are now 0-2 when I attend games (the first being preseason Jax). I could have simply stayed in bed this morning and forgone the game. Who knows, maybe they would have won... So, I will be staying away from Fedex Field for the foreseeable future, and hopefully the Redskins will play better in my absense. Stupid crappy dream...

Anyone else have any crazy superstition stories from today? Or am I alone in causing our Redskins to lose?

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Anyone else have any crazy superstition stories from today? Or am I alone in causing our Redskins to lose?

Not so much superstition stories, but from the get go today just felt really off.

I decided to go out last night (not a good idea) so I woke up feeling like crap. We got ready but didn't get over to the ES tailgate until like 1130-1200. So pretty much got over there from the metro and then turned right back to go in to the stadium. Then of course we get up to our seats and realized it was HOT AS HELL. I wore jeans because it was supposed to be mid to upper 70's, didn't really think about the sun beating down on us :( (made 10x worse by my already feeling like crap).

So then, cut to almost game time. The guy that sang the national anthem sounded like he had lost his voice, the fly-over was early, and I'm pretty sure the guy actually fudged one of the lines to the anthem!

THEN, coin toss time. We win and choose to receive to start the game?? Really? Not sure why but I just thought this was a dumb move and thought it was like us saying oh, who needs the ball in the 2nd half, we'll be up by 30 by then...yeaaaaaa, not so much. And didn't even score on the opening drive :doh:

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Yep. I have a cut off sleeve skins shirt that I have worn every game this season and we've won. I wore my Sean Taylor jersey during the Giants game and this game and we lost.

Now, I did have my cut off sleeve under my jersey today, but I had the jersey on the whole time, so I won't count it. I was in a bar and they wouldn't allow just a cut off sleeve

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I wore an old faded polo (faded the first friggin time i washed it, reebok crap :( ) and instead of my prefered red redskin footie sox i wore the yellow ones, NEVER AGAIN! couldnt find the red ones. going to have to make sure the red ones are ready to go on saturday. still had the post game raviolie (sp?) i think i am going to throw out this polo maybe even burn it. how in the **** did we lose this game, this just has the smell of a bite us in the ass game :(

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I didn't listen to my song before going to the game and thus we lose. 0-2 when i dont listen and 4-0 when we do

Holy crap! You just reminded me of something else I forgot to do. Something way bigger than the dream and everything. For the last 4 weeks I have watched a youtube video of the NFL Network's tribute to Sean Taylor just before I put on his jersey... In my rush to leave this morning I completely forgot! :doh: This loss is definitly on me now. I feel so worthless.

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Holy crap! You just reminded me of something else I forgot to do. Something way bigger than the dream and everything. For the last 4 weeks I have watched a youtube video of the NFL Network's tribute to Sean Taylor just before I put on his jersey... In my rush to leave this morning I completely forgot! :doh: This loss is definitly on me now. I feel so worthless.

Since the Saints game I have been wearing my Landry jersey for each game. Don't wear it any other time during the week, and I haven't washed it since I bought it after the Gnats game. Between games it usually just sits on my floor all balled up. Last night, I had to pick stuff up off my floor so my brother could have a place to sleep, so the jersey was stuck in a bag (not on the floor!) all night.

I'll take part of the credit for this loss skinsfan ;)

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I had a dream the night before the Cowboys Game 2 weeks ago that the Redskins won, I remember with we won the game for real I thought to myself if this is another dream I am really going to be POed! Did not have a dream the night before this game though.

I usually wear Redskins Stuff to work on Friday but decided to wear Caps stuff last Friday in honor of the start of Hockey Season, the lost Friday Night! :doh:

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