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Obama tried to Sway Iraqis on Bush Deal

USS Redskins

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Mr. Obama's conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June and stirred controversy over the appropriateness of a White House candidate's contacts with foreign governments while the sitting president is conducting a war.


He was there for the troops.....right?

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This the best the times can do? Rewrite old stories in hopes to find something ANYTHING that might stick... desperate times. As George Will pointed out recently Americans are getting those 401k statements right about now.

If you have nothing to say on the economy - you have nothing to say at all.

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You are so right

its the economy stupid.......

Until the next 9/11

Until the next 9/11??? Well there wouldn't have BEEN a 9/11 if Bush would have read even a little bit of the security briefs he was getting. You know, the ones that sais Osama was GOING TO attack the USA? Bush was on the Crawford ranch. Come on, be real.

THAT GUY/Biden 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Until the next 9/11??? Well there wouldn't have BEEN a 9/11 if Bush would have read even a little bit of the security briefs he was getting. You know, the ones that sais Osama was GOING TO attack the USA? Bush was on the Crawford ranch. Come on, be real.

THAT GUY/Biden 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That one is not fair. In hindsight, the puzzle pieces fit together pretty well, but Bush wasn't asleep at the wheel and 9/11 wasn't his fault. It was the fault of the terrorists. You can fairly accuse Bush on a lot of issues, but that's not one of them.

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Bush Cheney had a hardon for Iraq so they lied us into a conflict using 911 and other fear factors (that did not exist) It has cost us over 4,000 dead and 30,000 wounded and BILLIONS of dollars which we don't have (we r borrowing it from our friends China, brillant). If Obama or any other American citizen wants to go over there and fix the Bush Cheney debacle he or she should be applauded.

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Let me bring this back on topic... The Times is getting hit with a lot of traffic, so I haven't been able to read pages 2 and 3.

1) Is this new information? We heard parts of this story, but perhaps not all of it about a month ago.

2) Is it appropriate for a Senator and Presidential candidate to attempt to thwart a "Memorandum of Understanding" between the Office of Commander-in-Chief and a Foreign Government?

I don't really believe this is treason, but it certainly is meddling... I'm not sure if it's a new story.

PS. The folks bringing up Bush/Cheney/911 on both sides of this argument need to start a new thread or find an old one. It has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

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