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Your Thoughts On Laron?


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Let me start by saying how much fun it is to be a skins fan right now, and I am right there with you guys about how funny the whole HIP HIP HOORAY thing is! The question I want to ask you guys is about Laron Landry. He seems to be the one guy who we haven't heard a whole lot out of on defense so far this season (other than being planted in the path of a motoring B. Jacobs...OUCH!) So what I want to know is do you think he is just not being challenged out of respect, or do you feel like he is kinda the odd man out right now. I am not saying he has given up anything that would make me feel that he isn't playing well, I just think he is one of our top playmakers, but I can't recall hearing his name since week 1. What are you guys thoughts?

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I have also noticed that teams haven't really gone deep on us...maybe also because they know landry is a hawk

other then the fitz TD people were expecting the saints, cards, boys, and the eagles to try some deep balls on us...

all of these teams are known for their big play capabilities and teams have either not been able to or detracted from their normal game plan to avoid a possible INT

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Laron's had some big plays broken up earlier in the season. There was even a clip that someone posted on, with Plax and Eli on the sidelines saying he doesn't like to go "near #30" because his closing speed and such.

The teams aren't going deep because of Laron. Thats realy it.

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Look at some of the game film from previous games this season...they have tried going deep several times and LL was there 100% of the time to make a play on the ball...I can promise you that O-cordinators know he is back there every play and dont feel the odds are in there favor challenge him...

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How come Sean did??? 5 or 6 in the first 5 games last year??

Our defense has virutally shut down the # 2,3,4,5,6 offenses in the league. Now don't forget, this is their ranking even with their games against us factored in. So they are doing significantly better against other teams.

So, how are we stopping them? I may be wrong here, but I only remember seeing one deep pass completed on us all year. There just "might" be a reason for that. Landry in only his second year has become the most feared cover safety in the league. The fact that he can kill your WR is just another reason to not even risk throwing near him.

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We just played 5 of the best offenses in the NFL and have given up 2 big plays. One was Reed Doughty getting burned by Larry Fitzgerald and the other was Reggie Brown's short out where he wasn't touched and it turned into a big gain. I'd say that Laron Landry is doing a stupendous job.

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Well, the word around Philly is that Westbrook's fractured ribs are a result of a tackle made by none other than Laron Landry...(not delibrate. He's just one tough dude.)

You may not hear his name much, but he's definitely getting it done.

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Ok. As a SS it's your job to read the defense and make the quicker judgment on pass/run. Also, against spread sets the SS often ends up in man coverage on one of the slot receivers, or playing middle zone to free up the MLB for playing man on the RB. This puts the SS in the position of having to be there to make plays in the running and short passing game.

As a FS, especially in the defense is to sit back and not commit to run until you're SURE it's a run. Even then you hang back and let the LB's and Corners try to make the tackle, so you're in position to get an angle on the ball carrier to bring them down. Otherwise, you're sitting back and reading the routes to determine what side of the field to sprint to provide/pick up coverage from the corners covering receivers. Our corners bump a lot in attempts to throw off route timing, but this opens the potential for them to get knocked off their own coverage, leaving only the FS to provide coverage on the receiver.

Last year, LL often was jumping into the running game to gang pile, and this caused him to give up some big plays that hurt us. LL is sitting back and doing his job. No one is throwing deep on us, because he is there, and he can get to the ball. The Saints tested LL several times, and came up with nothing. Our corners and LB's are playing better this year too. Meaning, the receivers and backs are getting tackled before LL can get to them. The only questionable thing I've seen from LL was his failure to assist Springs on that TO touchdown. Then again, if you watch the replay, LL was too close to provide a big enough hit to stop TO and if he did just go all out and throw his body at them, he would have nailed Springs instead of TO because of the way their bodies were twisting. I don't question the decision and think last year he probably would have put Springs out for the season instead of showing restraint like he did on that play.

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As someone mentioned, 2 passes over 40 yards all year against Manning, Brees, Warner, McNabb and Romo sits to pee. ALL very effective deep ball passers. And that's against a defense that's only gotten 6 sacks all year!!

Eliminate the big play - make the offense work for everything they get. They'll eventually make mistakes to kill drives or turn the ball over. I can't know for sure but I'd say he's playing great, as is the rest of the defense.

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Not hearing his name alot is a good thing. Means he's doing his job. Now, I'd like to hear his name just once or twice per game for a pick, but hey, I can live without hearing much other than "Long pass broken up by Landry" once or twice a game :)

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