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Students Protest Rejection of Christian Books on Homosexuality


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Anyone who thinks that school librarians engage in willful censorship should drive over to the local school, get a visitor's pass, browse the library, and see what is in there.

Of course, it might lead certain folks to go from "ant-censorship" to book burners. :)

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So you assume that they were lying when they said "the books were rejected because of school system regulations. Among other things, the books were not age appropriate and there were no reviews of the books..."


So how did Heather has two mommies and daddy's room mate make it into the hands of young school kids??

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Does anything think that anybody would even consider checking out one of these books? Seriously?

What benefit do these books have in West Springfield High School?

It's not a matter of whether anyone would check them out or not, Springfield. It's a matter that the information was available to these people and they chose to ignore it, thereby leaving them no recourse to say that they didn't know what they were doing was wrong on the other side of eternity.

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We should also have books on the Christian perspective of selling your daughter into slavery, working on the sabbath and especially eating shellfish.

That'd be a pretty short book, though it might be slightly longer if it had to explain why this tired old saw displays a stunning ignorance of Christian theology and the contents of the Bible.

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those books have no place in high school. High School is definitely not the place for these books.

These books are akin to racist books. They decree homosexuality as a sin and a bad one at that.

At a time when kids are just coming to terms with their sexuality, we dont need books telling them that they are evil or that they will go to hell. That would **** with their conscious and really mess with their head.

these books are completely inappropriate.

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those books have no place in high school. High School is definitely not the place for these books.

These books are akin to racist books. They decree homosexuality as a sin and a bad one at that.

At a time when kids are just coming to terms with their sexuality, we dont need books telling them that they are evil or that they will go to hell. That would **** with their conscious and really mess with their head.

these books are completely inappropriate.

So, let me make sure I have this correct.....

It is your belief that the teaching of Morals and Values has no place in the Public School System.

Am I correct in that?

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So, let me make sure I have this correct.....

It is your belief that the teaching of Morals and Values has no place in the Public School System.

Am I correct in that?

Mass your ideas of morals and values is so far out of touch with reality that you can take your little shot here but i take your opinion with a grain of salt.

You were left in the 1950s were you have stayed til this day.

things change, get used to it.

The morals i hold are treat everyone as equal, no matter lifestyle or race.

therefore i treat these christian books on homosexuality, which clearly haave nothing positive to say, in the same way i would treat a KKK pamphlet on black people. They both disrespect and insult good people who have no reason for that kind of treatment.

telling people that it is a sin in high school is inappropriate.

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It's not a matter of whether anyone would check them out or not, Springfield. It's a matter that the information was available to these people and they chose to ignore it, thereby leaving them no recourse to say that they didn't know what they were doing was wrong on the other side of eternity.

Well, If somebody wants to include any of those books in the library it's fine. I just have a hard time believing that they will get much use. There aren't any classes on sexuality other than the sex ed portion of PE. The information offered in those classes isn't biased and sticks straight to the facts. There are no reports with citations needed in those classes.

Basically what I'm getting as is that these books aren't really relevant. I think that kids who are sexually confused aren't going to run to the library and search out ANY homosexual books regardless of context. They have other methods of dealing with their confusion (friends, counselors, etc.).

We need more copies of books pertaining to history, science, classic literature and the like. Less copies of books that tell people how to live their lives. Not to mention that I strongly think that these books will never be checked out and will take up shelf space.

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It is your belief that the teaching of Morals and Values has no place in the Public School System.

My belief is that parents should teach morals and values and it should start at a very young age. Schools are for education. Maybe that's just my backwards way of looking at things though.

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You were left in the 1950s were you have stayed til this day.

And things have been increasingly improving since the 50s, especially in high schools, right?

things change, get used to it.

They sure do.

Teen pregnancy UP

Abortions UP

Suicide UP

Depression UP

Want to keep going??

telling people that it is a sin in high school is inappropriate.

Yeah, lets not teach wrong from right, Thats old fashioned:2cents:

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My belief is that parents should teach morals and values and it should start at a very young age. Schools are for education. Maybe that's just my backwards way of looking at things though.

I agree that parents should start teaching their children morals and values at home while they're young. However I also believe that it is the place of society as a whole, and the educational system as part of that, to reinforce those teachings so as to ensure that every young person has been instructed in them before they become adults.

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Mass your ideas of morals and values is so far out of touch with reality that you can take your little shot here but i take your opinion with a grain of salt.

You were left in the 1950s were you have stayed til this day.

things change, get used to it.

Actually I really wish that we'd go back to most of the way of life from the 1950's to be totally honest with you. It was a far superior time in the history of this country and the world as a whole than this day and age.

As for things changing.... some things stay the same for eternity. Right and Wrong are two of them. People may choose to IGNORE them, but they don't change.

telling people that it is a sin in high school is inappropriate.

True. It should be done MUCH, MUCH earlier than that, to be honest.

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I agree that parents should start teaching their children morals and values at home while they're young. However I also believe that it is the place of society as a whole, and the educational system as part of that, to reinforce those teachings so as to ensure that every young person has been instructed in them before they become adults.

It would be nice if society and schools could lend a hand towards teaching our kids morals and values. I think a big problem is that everyone has different morals and values. You (as a teacher, general sense) could do a lot towards teaching kids proper morals and values. The problem comes in when the students go home and tell their parents how their teachers instructed them.


Little johnny asks his teacher about homosexuality. His teacher says that homosexuality is wrong and those that practice this will go to hell. Little johnny goes home and tells his parents that and his parents become irate because that is not what they believe. Little Johnny's parents then go to the school and complain to the teacher and the teacher runs the risk of being fired.

That could work on both sides of the aisle too.

I was actually having a discussion last night with a friend of mine who has been teaching for 30 years. She mentioned how some of her students just love her, sometimes to the point of being annoying. It dawned on me that she (and all teachers for that matter) could make a huge impact on certain students lives. They could leave with them lasting impressions that stick with them for the rest of their lives. I suppose that is obvious and that's the major draw of becoming a teacher in the first place.

The problem is... What if you try and leave a lasting impression or teach kids morals and values that conflict with their parents morals and values? I know parents can be very touchy when it comes to these kinds of things.

It would be nice if society could come together and help our kids learning what is right and wrong. It's a dicey situation if you ask me though because their are so many shades of gray.

That's probably just the pessimist in me speaking though.:)

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"They sure do.

Teen pregnancy UP

Abortions UP

Suicide UP

Depression UP

Want to keep going??"

So you want to stay in the 50's do ya. Yea that was a great time for moral values.

Women knew their place, and did not dare step out of line

Minorities knew their place, 2nd class citizens

You have a point. Teenagers are dealing with a lot these days. Parents are not doing a good enough job. All of those problems you have stated have a lot to do with failed parenting. Parents are not an active part in their teens lives when they really should be.

And yes telling people that Homosexuality is wrong is completely inappropriate.

Homosexuality as a sin is a religious truth, not an absolute one.

Religion DOES NOT have the right to tell people who are not apart of THEIR faith what is right or wrong.

Great so Christians think it is a sin. Good for you, keep it to yourself.

having books about homosexuality based on scriptue doesnt belong in a public school library, it belongs in a church.

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And yes telling people that Homosexuality is wrong is completely inappropriate.

OK. But Teaching it is OK, and our children need to accept it, is appropriate?

Homosexuality as a sin is a religious truth, not an absolute one.

So says you and the people who pulled the books.

Religion DOES NOT have the right to tell people who are not apart of THEIR faith what is right or wrong.

Can the young adults not get the arguments from both sides? or must they go with public schools ideas of wrong and right. Why not let the young people choose for themselves.

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That'd be a pretty short book, though it might be slightly longer if it had to explain why this tired old saw displays a stunning ignorance of Christian theology and the contents of the Bible.

Why should I read the bible when I've already read Sargon and Gilgamesh.

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