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Debate drinking game


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Let’s make it fun — or hazy, at least — by taking a drink off your wine or beer when the following occurs:

PALIN evades a question by mentioning state rights.

BIDEN says he takes the train home every day.

PALIN fills time by listing all her kids, by their ridiculous names.

BIDEN talks about Scranton.

PALIN blames Iraq for 9/11.

BIDEN blames McCain for 9/11.

PALIN says “like” as a White Trash discourse particle or interjection.

BIDEN audibly laughs at Palin.

PALIN stares blankly when she can’t answer a question.

BIDEN makes a sarcastic joke that goes right over Palin’s head, along with about half the viewers.

PALIN says anything comically retarded about Russia or Canada.


The following situations call for One (1) Shot of Liquor:

PALIN doesn’t know what FDIC or SEC stand for.

BIDEN admits to plagiarizing the Constitution.

PALIN admits to dealing meth.

BIDEN references Palin’s stump speech insult — where she claims she’s been hearing about Biden’s Senate speeches since she was in second grade — by saying there’s no evidence Sarah Palin ever made it second grade.

GWEN IFILL asks Sarah Palin about incestuous rape.

PALIN insults Biden for having hair plugs.

BIDEN calls her “another tanning booth whore, and I’ve know a few.”

PALIN says “lipstick” in any context.

Finally: Three shots and throw the glass at the teevee if:

BIDEN calls her a “hockey pig.”

PALIN pulls off her pantsuit to reveal a confederate-flag one-piece bathing suit, and she looks fat, and the audience boos.

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After the debate, when they interview Democrats and Replublicans putting their spin on it, have a drink every time a Democrat says Biden won the debate, or whwnever a Republican says Palin won the debate.

Go through the other thread in the tailgate on ES and do the same. :chug:

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