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ACORN Obama and the Mortgage Meltdown


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They are just a HORRIBLE group convicted of VOTER FRAUD

I wingnut from the right complaining about voter fraud? funny.

BTW - please note that my post had nothing to do with any of that. My issue is that I've noticed republicans complaining about moves to help low income americans own a stake in their own neighborhoods. Working in the industry I see this for what it is, using a crisis to try to get rid of things they never liked. That pisses me off. Feel free to ***** and moan about ACORN, they mean nothing to me. My part in this is only to educate people being lied to by compassionate conservatives compassionately campaigning against programs that have worked well for those who need it.

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I find it "disgusting" that Democrats are screaming for regulation NOW....when they were fighting oversight and regulation of Freddie and Fannie for YEARS

IE Barney Frank and his ilk

Stop obfuscating

You don't even understand the crisis and you think you push me off my position by acting like you know? Answer this wingnut - what did freddy and fannie do that forced Countrywide to allowed Stated Incomce and Stated Asset loans that didn't make sense that they didn't do to Wells Fargo? What did they do to Countrywide to get deep into neg-am loans that they didn't do to Wells Fargo?

You want to blame Freddie and Fannie and you don't have clue one who made the decisions to issue the loans that are currently blowing up. I doubt you could even identify what loans are blowing up or why... and here's the fun part, if you google it on right or left wing sites odds are you'll still get it wrong.

Do you have any idea how many people trained in credit worthiness looked at the paper moving around during the last couple years? You think Citi, Countrywide, American Home Mortgage, Chase, etc don't have experts that examine these things? They all went against better judgement to make some of the giant pot of money that was on the table at the time. Now that it's blowing up and those people already got PAID we should suddenly believe their whining about not being regulated enough? Please. They screwed up to get PAID and the blame stops there. To avoid that type of greed from happening again we need these million dollar experts to have a government nanny - but the absense of said nanny didn't CAUSE the problem.

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You don't even understand the crisis and you think you push me off my position by acting like you know? Answer this wingnut -.....
Throw Barney Frank under the bus for being a DEMOCRATIC HYPOCRITE

then maybe

Then again....taking a quiz from someone who thinks ACORN is an organization that deserves more money is kinda pointless


You should address the issues I brought up first

Stop Obfuscating

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.......nice sig. You seem real balanced and credible now.
Thanks for giving me another opportunity to highlight Obamas Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Buddy....

A substantial portion of Ayers' book Fugitive Days discusses the author's penchant for building and deploying explosives. Ayers boasts that he "participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972." Of the day he bombed the Pentagon, Ayers says, "Everything was absolutely ideal. ... The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the ****s were finally going to get what was coming to them."


Ayers is now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He and Obama live in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood and served together on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based charity that develops community groups to help the poor. Obama left the board in December 2002. Obama also was the first chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school reform group of which Ayers was a founder. Ayers also held a meet-the-candidate event at his home for Obama when Obama first ran for office in the mid-1990s.


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Its good you are finally getting in touch with the facts.....

Democrats in 2004: Nothing wrong with Fannie/Freddie, regulation of them is “racist”


:secret: IHOP the Democrats took over the house in '06. Republicans could of regulated when there were signs of danger when they had control of the House and Senate, but blame it on the Democrats.

But Larry, if you show them this gem:

Two reports tonight, one from the New York Times, and the other from Newsweek, contradict John McCain's statement this week that his campaign manager Rick Davis had no involvement with mortgage giant Freddie Mac for the last several years. The Times reports:

One of the giant mortgage companies at the heart of the credit crisis paid $15,000 a month to a firm owned by Senator John McCain's campaign manager from the end of 2005 through last month, according to two people with direct knowledge of the arrangement. The disclosure contradicts a statement Sunday night by Mr. McCain that the campaign manager, Rick Davis, had no involvement with the company for the last several years. Mr. Davis's firm received the payments from the company, Freddie Mac, until it was taken over by the government this month along with Fannie Mae, the other big mortgage lender whose deteriorating finances helped precipitate the cascading problems on Wall Street, the people said...

...On Sunday, in an interview with CNBC and The New York Times, Mr. McCain responded to a question about Mr. Davis's role in the advocacy group through 2005 by saying that his campaign manager "has had nothing to do with it since, and I'll be glad to have his record examined by anybody who wants to look at it."


They will find a way to spin spin spin away.

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.... Pay attention specificall to the changes made under Clinton (before Republicans made gains in congress under Gingrich). Now that's not the only cause, but it definitely got the ball rolling so that banks could be threatened with fines if they didn't loan money to certain minority groups even if they were a clearly bad credit risk.
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.... Pay attention specificall to the changes made under Clinton (before Republicans made gains in congress under Gingrich). Now that's not the only cause, but it definitely got the ball rolling so that banks could be threatened with fines if they didn't loan money to certain minority groups even if they were a clearly bad credit risk.

Only problem is: The vast majority of the bad loans were made by companies that are exempt from that act.

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Thanks for giving me another opportunity to highlight Obamas Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Buddy....

A substantial portion of Ayers' book Fugitive Days discusses the author's penchant for building and deploying explosives. Ayers boasts that he "participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972." Of the day he bombed the Pentagon, Ayers says, "Everything was absolutely ideal. ... The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the ****s were finally going to get what was coming to them."


Ayers is now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He and Obama live in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood and served together on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based charity that develops community groups to help the poor. Obama left the board in December 2002. Obama also was the first chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school reform group of which Ayers was a founder. Ayers also held a meet-the-candidate event at his home for Obama when Obama first ran for office in the mid-1990s.


So they served on a charity board together and there was a meet the candidate event in the 1990's. Thats seriously all you have? Obama and Ayers arn't friends they simply have been on the same board. The fact is Obama was like 8 when Ayers bombed the Pentagon, you can condemn Ayers for bombing the Pentagon but after that he has done a lot of work with charities and work with the poor. The only people that harp on this are desperate Republicans that cant find something substantial to attack Obama on.

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Frankly I find it disgusting that this crisis, that without question started with the lending organizations themselves, has been used by clueless right wingers to slam programs seeking to spread home ownership in bad areas.

That's good because frankly I find it disgusting when clueless left wingers refuse to admit that all this garbage being shoved down our throat can be attributed to Fannie, Freddie and Congress.

Lending institituions rarely issue loans that they cannot sell of to Fannie and Freddie. Therefore it is Fannie and Freddie who have been able to set the rules on what is "guide" and what is "non-guide" (trust me I spent two years at Freddie doing this).

Congress in the late 90s made it their mission to see that these garbage loans be issued and now we will pay for it dearly.

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That's good because frankly I find it disgusting when clueless left wingers refuse to admit that all this garbage being shoved down our throat can be attributed to Fannie, Freddie and Congress.

Lending institituions rarely issue loans that they cannot sell of to Fannie and Freddie. Therefore it is Fannie and Freddie who have been able to set the rules on what is "guide" and what is "non-guide" (trust me I spent two years at Freddie doing this).

Congress in the late 90s made it their mission to see that these garbage loans be issued and now we will pay for it dearly.

So a republican is telling me that a highly educated millionare CEO and his highly educated expert team of executives need a government entity to tell them which loans are bad? This is your conservative republican position? I mean other than providing DTI ratios, credit score requirements, etc... a government entity needs to tell these private sector experts that allowing a McDonald's cashier to state that they make 60k a year is a mistake?

That's your position as a conservative republican?

Again this problem has shown us that these corporations need a nanny state to keep them from going suicidal. It has not shown us that they went suicidal because of a lack of a nanny state.

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So a republican is telling me that a highly educated millionare CEO and his highly educated expert team of executives need a government entity to tell them which loans are bad? This is your conservative republican position? I mean other than providing DTI ratios, credit score requirements, etc... a government entity needs to tell these private sector experts that allowing a McDonald's cashier to state that they make 60k a year is a mistake?

That's your position as a conservative republican?

Again this problem has shown us that these corporations need a nanny state to keep them from going suicidal. It has not shown us that they went suicidal because of a lack of a nanny state.

If the government made laws making it almost impossible to say no to people and told banks you have to make loans to people so long as they meet these minimum requirements then yes they should take the tax revenue they got to fix this error in law.

Companies should be allowed to loan money to people whom they wish and if the government think high risk people should be given credit then let them do the loans

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If you only blame the Democrats you are wrong.

If you only blame the current administration you are wrong.

If you only blame any previous administration you are wrong.

If you only the mortgage and banking industry you are wrong.

If you simply blame the Republicans you are wrong.

If you simply blame Congress you are wrong.

If you simply blame all the people that overextended then you are wrong.

If you only blame ACORN you are wrong.

If you only blame the rest of the organizations and people that I got tired of typing you are wrong.

If you blame everyone in the process, you are right.

There you go.

The problem isn't any one thing. It's the direction our culture has taken over the past 20 years. That needs to be adjusted and it's not going to be easy. Pointing fingers at The Other Guy is just going to make it harder.

Time to decide whether of not the country is more important than party politics.

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If the government made laws making it almost impossible to say no to people and told banks you have to make loans to people so long as they meet these minimum requirements then yes they should take the tax revenue they got to fix this error in law.

Companies should be allowed to loan money to people whom they wish and if the government think high risk people should be given credit then let them do the loans

The government didn't do that. The loans that are failing and causing this crisis are not ACORN loans or any other loans targetting areas that banks would normally not want to open a branch in.

Feel free to show me PROOF. Not a conservative article. PROOF. Go to PMI or another market research company and read the studies. See for yourself what failed.

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The government didn't do that. The loans that are failing and causing this crisis are not ACORN loans or any other loans targetting areas that banks would normally not want to open a branch in.

Feel free to show me PROOF. Not a conservative article. PROOF. Go to PMI or another market research company and read the studies. See for yourself what failed.

The failure is made up different things, people who bought homes just to flip, people who owned multiple homes they could not afford and people who bought homes they could not afford, but sueing banks who refused to not wanting to rikh their money is wrong too

Banks can get personal and in turn people have the right to not to do business with that bank

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