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MY Sig

Capt Rich Fla

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I'd hit it with a broom

We have a winner! If it's not offensive I'll keep it. I don't want to be the guy with the obnoxious sig. I'm already the obnoxious guy with the sig. (thought I'd throw that in there before someone else did):D I just want my sig to mine. Like tastes like chicken. When your ripping through a thread you don't even have to read it you know who it is. It has to be original. If you've ever seen kingpin before that's where I got it. Maybe if I shrink it in size. (which for me would be about as easy as performing open heart surgery):D Let me read a few more I'll see. I have some other ideas I guess.

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It has been braught to my attention that my sig is little disturbing. Should I change it? Don't be too hard on her. She's the love of my life.:D And as I said in the thread, my computer retardedness knows no bounds. Someone may have to help me with a new one. AGAIN. Need input guys.

Yeah to be honest it freaked me out. :ahhhhh: Go ahead and keep it though, it will grow on us. :thumbsup:

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LOL So it's been brought to Capt Rich Fla's attention that his sig is disturbing...so what does he do? He creates a thread about it and brings even more attention to it , OLS

I have no idea why I find this so hilarious.

Well it is the Tailgate. I thought things around here are supposed to be a little more relaxed. Besides, isn't it a little more refreshing than another Obama McCain thread?:doh: I can't take many more of those.:silly:

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