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Every VP Candidate has done interviews in week 1 except Sarah Palin

Midnight Judges

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I understand why the McCain campaign has advised her to hide from the media. The Republican base has gotten behind her despite knowing very little about her and nothing about her foriegn policy tendancies. They don't want her to say anything that would counteract people's imaginations.

It's starting to look like they are afraid of what she might say and what she doesn't know. She's being tutored on foreign policy right now but at what point does this begin to expose her as dodging the media? No vice Presidential candidate has gone this long without answering a single question, let alone granting an interview. For example, Geraldine Ferraro and Dan Quayle both did interviews at their conventions.

At what point does the McCain campaign take the training wheels off?

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I think this WILL become a story pretty soon. It's two weeks since her nomination. It's already a little odd for those who think about it that she didn't field questions at her initial press conference. Heck, she could have at least done a cozy FOX interview with pre-approved questions. The longer she avoids them the bigger a deal it becomes. Everyone loves to bash the media, but I think people also respect the role they fulfill in society.

She passed her first test admirably... but perhaps this is intentional... maybe they're trying to build this into a big story so that she can come in with low expectations again and her first interview will become a major news story.

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Good Question

Lets look at the RISK/REWARD of this situation

Is there a Risk in minimizing her exposure early?

Not yet, The press will beat that drum until she does....I do not think it is costing support yet

Is there a Reward to minimizing her exposure early?

Yes, She is being coached to deal with national politics and a gotcha media. There is a high potential of a Gaffe that could cost her dearly (like Obamas clinging line). Just like Obama early, she is not well defined politically, people like her alot....this will go down when she defines herself...SO, the longer it takes to define her....the less support is lost for the election

Given that the Media is in the Tank for the Obamination, its not a bad Idea to treat the Press as "Hostile Territory"

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Actually I think she was nominated on the same night the Redskins played the Giants...could that be 2 weeks ago already?

The thread title is interesting. Any sourcing?

I'm assuming he meant since the announcement that McCain selected her...on Aug 29.

Official Nomination was Sept 3.

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Anyone who watched Joe Biden's interview on meet the press from this morning will not be able to say they are in the tank for him. They asked some very tough questions. It will be posted on their website so I'm sure the media bias crowd will take the time to see first hand what they are talking about.

Barrack Obama did an interview with the biggest Republican cheerleader in Bill O'Reilly.

The Democrats are facing tough questions in the media and even in the Republican media. Why can't Palin?

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.....She passed her first test admirably........
I think she passed 3 tests (not including vetting)

1) The Initial Speech ....Great introduction

2) The Initial Onslaught of the Media (No reaction...let them eat static, some official responses to accusations but nothing from her....good strategy)

3) Convention Speech...Another Great speech, assisted by the media hype it was well watched....high risk and she answered the call....despite the Teleprompter going out and loony liberals rushing the stage

4) First Interview will be the next test

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She doesn't know enough to give an interview yet. She's still being brought up to speed.
May the gods help us all.

One thing I'm sure they're working on, when she speaks off the cuff her diction is rather poor. There are some youtube clips of her speaking that sound like an eighth-grader, droppin' the consonant at the end of words an' such. She sounded good at the convention, so the contrast with these more unguarded recordings is kind of jarring.

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I want to here more about her politics, less about her family.

That would be nice

this is her schedule for yesterday:whoknows:

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Colorado and New Mexico

10:00am Media Interview

10:30am Satellite into AARP Convention

11:30am Media Interview

12:30pm MT “The Road to Victory Rally”

Colorado Springs, CO

1:45pm MT Depart Colorado

2:50pm MT Arrive NM

3:30pm MT Media Interviews

7:00pm MT “The Road to Victory Rally”

Albuquerque Convention Center

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The Democrats are facing tough questions in the media and even in the Republican media. Why can't Palin?

Why are you so anxoius?

Is it because you hope she falls flat on her face or is it because you want answers?

Based upon your posting history, I have a pretty good idea what the answer is.

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Why are you so anxoius?

Is it because you hope she falls flat on her face or is it because you want answers?

Based upon your posting history, I have a pretty good idea what the answer is.

edit: HH, I think I pre-empted you here: If you want to change the subject, you are welcome to start a thread all about me. :)

Are you afraid Sarah Palin might fall flat on her face?

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If you want to change the subject, you are welcome to start a thread all about me. :)

Are you afraid she might fall flat on her face?

I'd bet she'll have a few misstatements; probably make some mistakes.

Hopefully she'll just be able to retract them and move on, like the other inexperienced candidate in this race. :)

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If you want to change the subject, you are welcome to start a thread all about me. :)

Are you afraid she might fall flat on her face?

Good job. Answer a question with a question.

Why not drop the act and stop pretending that you want to hear what she actually has to say.

You are looking for something to attack the GOP on. Right this instant, it's that she didn't do meet the press this morning. BFD.

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They are still trying to teach her what a VP does. I mean you don't want her to be stumped if that was the first question.

10:00am Media Interview

11:30am Media Interview

3:30pm MT Media Interviews

They discussed policy? For all we know they could have asked her for moose burger recipes. Call me when she's answering hard questions.

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I'd pretty much guarantee she will.

I'll bet she won't have an "I could no sooner disown Jeremiah Wright than I could the black community" moment. I'll bet she won't have a "They're going to tell you he's not patriotic, that he doesn't look like the other presidents on the dollar bill....oh....and did I mention he's black" moment. I'll bet she won't have her people criticize Obama, only to excuse it with, "Well, sometimes these campaigns get a little bit of a hair trigger."

And it's funny. She COULD do all of those things, with all sincerity.

She could distance herself from her church, her pastor, and her beliefs. She's already been attacked multiple times for her "radical evangelical" stances. But ya know what? A person of integrity holds onto the things (and people) that matter to them whether it's popular or not.

Further....Do you think Sarah Palin looks like any of the presidents on the dollar bill? Don't think for a second that there are people out there who won't vote for her simply because she's a woman. But I don't see her using it as a crutch, or "playing the card." Hell, she PRAISED two women of the opposing party -- one from this campaign cycle -- for laying the groundwork for her opportunity.

Now, I'll admit that the McCain campaign responded to the Obama camp's criticism of her experience with the "I know you are, but what am I" defense. But they stuck by it. They didn't retract it. They didn't try to have their cake (you're inexperienced) and eat it too (oops, hair trigger.)

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They are still trying to teach her what a VP does. I mean you don't want her to be stumped if that was the first question.

They discussed policy? For all we know they could have asked her for moose burger recipes. Call me when she's answering hard questions.

I'm sure she made sue exactly how much influence and power she would be allowed before agreeing to be VP....she will not be a wallflower.

I can also assure you she will not answer tough questions with "that's above my pay grade" or "present".:rolleyes:

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