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Mike Wise: Left Chilled By Draft (M.E.T.)


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The Redskins have the worst front office in NFL History.

Snyder believes the team is 1 or 2 players and a head coach away from winning the Superbowl in the next season.

Trading a 2nd and 6th round pick to Bill Parcells for some washed up loser(Jason Taylor).

Cutting the better of the two punters to make your draft look less pathetic than it actually is.

Jon Jansen and Chris Samuels have had 6 head coaches and 7 offensive coordinators since being drafted.

An old beat up offensive line trying to learn a new system every season.

No continuity, stability or identity.

The bad thing is that after a 4-12 season, who's gonna be held responsible? Zorn would be my guess.

And the cycle starts all over again.

Who would possible want to coach for the Redskins besides someone desparate or someone looking for a huge payday?

Can anyone say Bill Cowher at $6M per season.

Captain! The credibility and logic meters are reading zero! She canna take much more of this!


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I see alot of stats being throw out there to BRooks advantage, but it is just to put it nicely stretching the truth a bit dont ya think, or perhaps a honest mishap. People say that Brooks had a better hang time, I am sure as heck aint going to believe that after seeing Brooks fans mislead the stats. I can buy Brooks winning for being for constant, not for out kicking him.

If the stats are 'stretching the truth' as you say, please provide the real stats relative to: Hang time, punts out of bounds, run-back yardage, etc.


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Lousy article. :doh:

Sorry but Frost knew this was a competition and should have been prepared to go EVERY game. That's been his whole problem the last 3 years...the mental part of him game.

"From all the buttery comments from Smith about the kid during training camp, to the way in which Frost wasn't even told he would be punting until the day of a game, this contest was rigged."

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A couple of points to make here.

I can't believe A cut punter made the headlines of the front page of the Washington Post's sports section. Frost sounded like a prick all preseason long, like he deserved not to have anyone brought in for competiton. He sounded pissed at the thought of going against Brooks. He needs to get over himself, he's not a good punter.

In addition, UnWise Mike said it in his article HIMSELF, punters take years to develop in the NFL. If a rookie's average is only 3 yards behind a 4th year man, maybe we see the potential for Brooks to end up being better than Frost, maybe by next year. Frost has absolutely no resume to keep him here.

To go against the Skins, J.T. Tryon has no place on this team. He was completely outplayed by others in the secondary and hasn't shown much progress.

I don't know if they plan on bringing McMullen back to the PS, but Thomas isn't doing anything and if the put Kelly on PUP or IR, we are up the creek, sans paddles. There has to be come contingency plan we don't know about, because we only have three WRs who can do anything.

Finally, what's done is done. We have to get ready for Thursday. Whether we like it or not, this is the team the organization has picked to move forward with and, as a fan, you can get excited for the start of the season or stay behind and dwell on 4th-string running backs. I've waited for football for months, let's do this.

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Usually Wise does a decent job. The Bugel article as well as the Blache article were good stories. This is a joke. Derrick Frost was a terrible punter overall. If he would have had good hang time and it would have helped him but he could never do that. The dude is a punter. A punter! Maybe someone should tell him that. But then you have the accomplished (:D Jason LaCanfora calling him to get a scoop (since the guys at the NFL Network got them before him), and posting his rant in a story to take shots at Vinny. Ridiculous. Frost will get another job, but he will never be more than average. He will have games where his average is 50 yards per punt, but then he will have that inevitable shank when his team needs him most. I wish you could read some of the threads dedicated to your crappy punting over the years Frosty. Glad your are finally gone.

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It has been a VERY long time since the Redskins (even pre-Snyder) decided to go with the younger unheralded draft pick or undrafted free agent instead of the 'established' mediocre or average veteran that has for so long been able to stick around and collect a paycheck.

While the salary cap implications have meant keeping some players beyond their primes (Jansen, etc.) this year's moves take the team further into the future with players whose career horizons extend beyond 2008 or 2009.

Anyone who doesn't see or understand that has been watching with at least one eye closed.

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It has been a VERY long time since the Redskins (even pre-Snyder) decided to go with the younger unheralded draft pick or undrafted free agent instead of the 'established' mediocre or average veteran that has for so long been able to stick around and collect a paycheck.

While the salary cap implications have meant keeping some players beyond their primes (Jansen, etc.) this year's moves take the team further into the future with players whose career horizons extend beyond 2008 or 2009.

Anyone who doesn't see or understand that has been watching with at least one eye closed.

I know! I'm scared, man. :paranoid: Someone hold me.
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I agree that Wise is usually good. But the fact that he used some of this article's space to defend his earlier punters article seems to be the key. Okay, dude, we get it: there was some drama here, and it culminated in Whiny McFrost's outburst yesterday. Next?

Seriously, shut up, Frost. Every time I listened to JimmiJo and The Murph interview him, he was pissing and moaning. Glad he's gone.

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Read up:


Don't shoot the messenger. I happen to think the draft picks had the playing field tilted in their favor vs. those they were competing against.

So you edited out the Snyderatto comments and the same diatribe that you've been spouting on various threads yesterday. :applause:

Frankly, it seems that you keep on doing this not to send a viewpoint but to get a angry response from another poster.

It's getting on the verge of baiting and trolling.

I replied to your comments about keeping the draft picks yesterday and with the exception of Tryon, gave you arguments on why 9 of the ten picks should have made the roster. And I have also said that I was personally suprised that we didn't keep McMullen.

Oh, and let's not have a pity party for Frost. I know that JLC and Wise and the Times and other posters like yourself want that and jump at any excuse to go after the FO. But Frost failed, period. He still was inconsistant showing his true colors with the 26 yd. shank and he got beat by a rookie in net yardage.

For all those who don't understand with kicks and punts......it's not the distance that measures a good punter. It may not even be hangtime. What measures how effective a punter is the net yardage and where the opponents field position is located. Brooks beat Frost in net yardage.....so please somebody (UnWise Mike football genius or JLC "Redskins Insider") please explain how this competition was rigged so the loser of the competition won.

Oh and as for the Vinny decisions, are so many people that naive that they think only the master manipulator;) Vinny Cerrato is the only GM that has input on cuts based on cap #?

Ok, so you mean to tell me that Willie Anderson and Deltha O' Neil were cut b/c of the coaches decision?

I didn't think so.

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For all those who don't understand with kicks and punts......it's not the distance that measures a good punter. It may not even be hangtime. What measures how effective a punter is the net yardage and where the opponents field position is located. Brooks beat Frost in net yardage.....so please somebody (UnWise Mike football genius or JLC "Redskins Insider") please explain how this competition was rigged so the loser of the competition won.
They won't ever explain any of their misinformed opinions because they don't have to. It's easier for them to write mindless blather so their articles and blogs get read - creating B.S. controversies and pissing fans off is an easy way to do it. The only thing better than being an anonymous internet poster/troll is being a "sports columnist".
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who cares....Baby Frost is such a non-story...Frost is showing why we let him go...no character...Frost SUCKS and I am so glad he is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and the WP and MW can suck my nad for their ridiculous poor coverage of the 'skins, just poor....so much more we could be reading about....what a joke.

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My email to Wise:

Mr. Wise,

Normally, I appreciate your work much more so than your counterparts at the Post. Columnists like Sally Jenkins are so agenda-driven that I find it difficult to stomach her work.

You certainly take every opportunity to blast Vinny Cerrato and Dan Snyder, but for the most part, I think you do it in a much more intelligent, sly way.

But your most recent article is incredibly off the mark. You are really fishing for a reason to slam the front office here.

The entire purpose of draft pick is that you are taking a leap of faith of sorts. You draft a player you believe has good upside. You don't always expect that player to immediately be better than his current competition.

Derrick Frost is a below average NFL punter. More than that, I've never seen a punter "choke" on such a regular basis. I would MUCH rather have a punter that kicks the ball 45 yards EVERY time than someone who punts it 45 yards, 65 yards, and then 18 yards.

Frost even did it again the other night with his last punt. It was a total shank job. Those shanks KILL your team. And they totally offset any quality punters from earlier in the game.

When Frost punted, no one had any idea where it was going to go...maybe he'll crush one, maybe it will be average, maybe he'll stink it up.

Durant Brooks is one of the better punters to come out of college in the past 20 years. He was so-so this preseason--probably not quite as good as Frost. But we KNOW what Frost is-- we KNOW he's going to shank critical punts-- he's done it during his entire tenure with the Redskins. With Brooks, you roll the dice a bit with his inexperience and hope he can realize his talent. That's what the draft it all about.

Are you suggesting that every drafted player that gets outperformed in the pre-season should be released?

The rush to judgement on this particular draft class is ridiculous. Let's go ahead and play a few games first.

As for Frost....the Redskins made the right decision....and it had nothing to do with trying to justify a pick.

Thank you very much for your time.

Ed Kleese

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There is our response. Frost is unbelievable. Talk about burning bridges. Did her ever think maybe his inconsistency got him to where he is today? Fact is, Brooks was not take in the 6th round for nothing. Brooks did nothing to give the Redskins reason not to keep him. Frost punted well, But, he did in pre-season 2007 too.

Great find! I think that this article puts Frost in his place...

Come on UnWise Mike, its not that hard to find a good article to bash the skins with and actually make a good appealing argument. This was just a swing-and-a-miss.... better luck next time....

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The Post is the bastion of front-runners.

The paper beat up the Capitals unmercifully after the salary purge in 2003-2004, but then when the team came on in 2007 to win the division all of a sudden the club and its owner were being applauded as 'visionary' :laugh: :laugh:

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