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Factchecking Obama


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Yet MANY small business owners (like my brother the plumber) don't have separate personal and business accounts -- his small business and indiviual earnings are the same.
Do you think that provides any cover of reasonable truth to that statement? The tax is on an individual earning $250K, the fact that the source of the earnings was from a small business has nothing to do with it.

How about this:

George Bush supports the imprisonment of Jews.

Its a true statement, absolutely verifiable. And stupid, misleading and pointless.

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Here's a head up while "fact checking" on McCain-Palin. Rumors are circulating in Alaska that Palin may have lied about being pregnant. Word has it that the child was her daughters. Three major issues here if this is true.

1. She lied.

2. Fathers rights may have been violated.

3. Health Issurance fraud by misrepresentation.

I hope conservatives can take what they have been dishing out.


That kind of stuff is just ridiculous. If it turns out to have a basis in fact I'll sing a different tune, but in general this kind of stuff is idiotic.
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It's a shame that there is no way to just look at each potential candidate's plans in an objective way rather than listening to political hacks sling bull**** back and forth. Honestly, are there any good sites that simply lay out facts? I don't give a **** about Palin's illegitimate mutant baby from another planet, just like I don't care about Obama's ability to use mind-altering techniques to control his constituency. Is there any way to see through the bull****? Bob Barr is the only one that, if you review his interviews, is handing out specifics on how he differs from the other two. And unfortunately, he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning.

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Here's a head up while "fact checking" on McCain-Palin. Rumors are circulating in Alaska that Palin may have lied about being pregnant. Word has it that the child was her daughters. Three major issues here if this is true.

1. She lied.

2. Fathers rights may have been violated.

3. Health Issurance fraud by misrepresentation.

I hope conservatives can take what they have been dishing out.


Dibs on the oldest one... (Daughter of course... not the oldest person in the picture)

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Here's a head up while "fact checking" on McCain-Palin. Rumors are circulating in Alaska that Palin may have lied about being pregnant. Word has it that the child was her daughters. Three major issues here if this is true.

1. She lied.

2. Fathers rights may have been violated.

3. Health Issurance fraud by misrepresentation.

I hope conservatives can take what they have been dishing out.


Perhaps you have a sarcasm that's unknown to me, but you're joking, right? I've fallen trap in the stadium for assuming someone was being sarcastic, when they weren't. If not, seek help sir. Seek help.

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My conclusion was that, based on the scores of these groups, that neither Obama nor McCain changed their positions a lot, in the year before they announced their candidacy.

The exercise is futile as Obama started running for president before becoming a senator. Every vote was cast with an eye to the presidency.

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It's a shame that there is no way to just look at each potential candidate's plans in an objective way rather than listening to political hacks sling bull**** back and forth. Honestly, are there any good sites that simply lay out facts? I don't give a **** about Palin's illegitimate mutant baby from another planet, just like I don't care about Obama's ability to use mind-altering techniques to control his constituency. Is there any way to see through the bull****? Bob Barr is the only one that, if you review his interviews, is handing out specifics on how he differs from the other two. And unfortunately, he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning.


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The exercise is futile as Obama started running for president before becoming a senator. Every vote was cast with an eye to the presidency.

Probably true. I've said for some time that every Senator, and every Governor, want to be President. That some of them simply realize that they don't stand a chance, right now. But that every one of them wants it.

(My reasoning: Nobody gets to be a Senator/Governor without being ambitious and competitive. And when you're an ambitious, competitive Governor/Senator, there's only one "promotion" you can have.)

The main reason I looked at the ratings that the posted groups gave to McCain/Obama was to see if the group suddenly began slamming the candidate when he became the nominee. I was checking on the integrity of the people doing the ratings.

OTOH, if your point is "Obama was running for President, therefore he's an ambitious, manipulative, opportunist", then I'll point out that I'm certain it's a coincidence that W and Jeb chose to claim residency in the two GOP-controlled states with the two largest amounts of electoral votes. And, once there, chose, as their entry-level job in the political system, to be Governors. (The preferred path to the Presidency, since Governors don't have voting records that their enemies can label them with.)

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He said McCain, far from being a maverick who’s "broken with his party," has voted to support Bush policies 90 percent of the time. True enough, but by the same measure Obama has voted with fellow Democrats in the Senate 97 percent of the time.


If I had time I would look for it now, however I am feeling lazy. It would be nice to know how many times McCain has reached across the aisle and voted with the Democrats throughout his entire career.

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I read somewhere today in my local fishwrapper that Obama has voted along with Bush 75 percent of the time.

Probably not something he wants to shout from the podium.

I asked someone in an earlier thread how to find out such information. It was one of those "How can McCain agree with that idiot x percent of the time?" I would like to know how often Obama agreed with that idiot also. And on what

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Congressional Quarterly does rankings. I've posted the link before I don't feel like finding them. They have produced two numbers for Bush's years in offices. "a support Bush" number and "party unity" number (how much do you vote w/ your majority party, and the majority of the other party votes the other way).

McCain's support Bush number is 90%. Obama's support Bush number is in the low 40's (maybe even 40).

McCain's party unity vote is 81% making him one of the lowest Republicans (I want to say that there were 3 Republicans below him).

Obama's party unity vote is 97, which makes him one of the highest Dems (there's a whole bunch of them at 97 though).

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Congressional Quarterly does rankings. I've posted the link before I don't feel like finding them. They have produced two numbers for Bush's years in offices. "a support Bush" number and "party unity" number (how much do you vote w/ your majority party, and the majority of the other party votes the other way).

McCain's support Bush number is 90%. Obama's support Bush number is in the low 40's (maybe even 40).

McCain's party unity vote is 81% making him one of the lowest Republicans (I want to say that there were 3 Republicans below him).

Obama's party unity vote is 97, which makes him one of the highest Dems (there's a whole bunch of them at 97 though).

So you are saying that statistically and historically, McCain has been the one who was more bipartisan?

I guess he was also in the Senate a lot longer though, so he had many more opportunities.

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Probably true. I've said for some time that every Senator, and every Governor, want to be President. That some of them simply realize that they don't stand a chance, right now. But that every one of them wants it.

I think most congressmen and governors are running to get re-elected. Obama was in a unique position. He was tagged as a presidential hopeful well before he even ran for a Senate seat.

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So you are saying that statistically and historically, McCain has been the one who was more bipartisan?

I guess he was also in the Senate a lot longer though, so he had many more opportunities.

Here's a link:


Does anybody really doubt that McCain is more bipartisian than Obama?

Some people will argue that Obama's numbers are high because he's wanted to keep the base happy since he came from the Senate, but he did serve in the state Senate from a liberal area in Chicago, and they've supported him well even in Democratic primaries indicating to me that they were happy with him and believe he shares their ideals, so unless you want to make the arguement that he's pretty significantly taliored his opinions/voting record for an extended period of time (going back to when he was in the state Senate), it doesn't seem to hold much water.

Whenever this gets discussed, I always say essentially the samething. I believe Obama actually believes he might be able to change the tune/way Washington works, but it just isn't practical.

Nobody is going to be happy working with somebody that thinks they're wrong the VAST majority of the time.

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