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The Cult of Colt (Merged)


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Re- lifelong Skins fans and newbies.

How does a person become a lifelong fan? Don't you have to start somewhere? Does getting constantly criticized and ridiculed by a 15-30 year-old lifelong fan make you want to stick around?

Is there no room in the virtual stadium for MORE fans?

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The LOGIC is that it would be interesting to watch Colt get a few PRESEASON reps with the starters.

Doesn't hurt the team at all.

Or does it?

Because Jason Campbell is our starting QB and HE needs those reps, not Colt. Interesting as it would be, it's not what's needed. And if the argument is to keep first team offense on the field and let Colt play with them after JC is done, then yes it could LITERALY hurt the team. If one of our starting WR were to get hurt just to play a rookie to make it interesting, I think you would find a whole lot of unhappy fans. :2cents:

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Re- lifelong Skins fans and newbies.

How does a person become a lifelong fan? Don't you have to start somewhere? Does getting constantly criticized and ridiculed by a 15-30 year-old lifelong fan make you want to stick around?

Is there no room in the virtual stadium for MORE fans?

There is plenty of room. But it's pretty clear why most(not all) of you are here, and why you would stop rooting for the Skins if just ONE specific player left this franchise.

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Bandwagon fans. I know the ones that aren't and care about this team - and I wont name names because they know who they are too, but majority of them are bandwagon.

Personally I don't care how they came to follow the Skins. The fact is they're here rooting for them. No need to bash them for that.

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Re- lifelong Skins fans and newbies.

How does a person become a lifelong fan? Don't you have to start somewhere? Does getting constantly criticized and ridiculed by a 15-30 year-old lifelong fan make you want to stick around?

Is there no room in the virtual stadium for MORE fans?

Well said.

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Look, we can argue as much as we want about how ineffective or effective his throwing motion is, but in the end, Zorn wants to adjust it.

Like its already been said, I personally don't appreciate Zorn bashing CB fans...or CB fans who came here and said "You'll have a solid starter who can lead you to the Super Bowl in a year or two" basically saying "Hey you guys have Colt now, drop whatever you have invested in whatever QB is in front of him and JUST worry about him".

Oh, and I hate the fans that say "Zorn is wasting CB by putting him on the bench"

And yes, there are examples of all three of the above.

point taken but you should then talk to those people. for example do not quote me then talk about zorn bashers? i have said all along i want colt to watch and learn from zorn. the only thing i asked was whether zorn's comments affected colt or do you think zorn may be pulling on the reigns a little with the rookie.

Bandwagon fans. I know the ones that aren't and care about this team - and I wont name names because they know who they are too, but majority of them are bandwagon.

yes people that have not been fans as long as you may be considered band wagon fans. well i for one jumped on this bandwagon because colt got drafted by the redskins. although many skins fans have said my hatred of dallas has made me a fan by default. so since i always hated dallas, in a round about way, have always been part of the redskin nation. all be it viewing from afar. most people i have met have been hospitable. a few have not when i look at profiles it usually has to do with age and maturity coupled with tolerence or lack of it.

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Because Jason Campbell is our starting QB and HE needs those reps, not Colt. Interesting as it would be, it's not what's needed. And if the argument is to keep first team offense on the field and let Colt play with them after JC is done, then yes it could LITERALY hurt the team. If one of our starting WR were to get hurt just to play a rookie to make it interesting, I think you would find a whole lot of unhappy fans. :2cents:

I don't think it does Colt any good either. Just a few reps isn't what's needed right now and doesn't do a whole lot if anything to help him learn imho. Reps and reps. Practice, practice, practice. That's what he needs and he's getting plenty right now in a pretty nice learning environment between the practices and preseason games. That'll probably slow down here soon when the season begins, so get it while he can.

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just a wierd thought. i wonder how many of the fans that bash us for supporting colt are diehard JC fans. do they have his jersey maybe pics or wallpaper of him on their computer. if that is the case makes sense.

some colt fans are unrealistic and think he should take over for JC, most of us know what is best for the team and for young colt. we say we want to see colt be put in here and there because we know these 5 games are the only colt action we will see for the rest of the year. JC needs his reps, yes but if he can execute the opening drive plan to a T and prove that he is getting the O, and the starters are so important, pull the most important starter the QB, give collins reps with the starters for a bit and hey loook at colt for a few with the big boys in the off chance he needs to come in this season.

most of us are not calling colt to start but many are grouping all of us BANDWAGON fans together.

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just a wierd thought. i wonder how many of the fans that bash us for supporting colt are diehard JC fans. do they have his jersey maybe pics or wallpaper of him on their computer. if that is the case makes sense.

some colt fans are unrealistic and think he should take over for JC, most of us know what is best for the team and for young colt. we say we want to see colt be put in here and there because we know these 5 games are the only colt action we will see for the rest of the year. JC needs his reps, yes but if he can execute the opening drive plan to a T and prove that he is getting the O, and the starters are so important, pull the most important starter the QB, give collins reps with the starters for a bit and hey loook at colt for a few with the big boys in the off chance he needs to come in this season.

most of us are not calling colt to start but many are grouping all of us BANDWAGON fans together.

I'm a JC supporter. I don't have his jersey or anything, but I certainly support him when he is on the field. I also support Collins and Colt when they are on the field. They are all Redskins, and unless they become Cowboys, I will always wish them the best.

Bottom line is, we can go back and forth all day on reps with starters etc. The man controlling all this is Zorn. He is the coach and we have to support his disisions at this time. If he turns out to be a bad coach, then so be it. But right now Redskins nation is focused on Zorn leading this team, Campbell leading this offense, and the Washington Redskins returning to glory.

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I started a JC thread and had very few participants. Seems like people are more comfortable in bash mode than support mode.

Observation - University of Hawaii fans and Skins fans have a lot in common. Both are in rebuilding years and not being taken seriously (and being bashed) by outside elements.

All the more reason to unite behind something positive!


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The LOGIC is that it would be interesting to watch Colt get a few PRESEASON reps with the starters.

Doesn't hurt the team at all.

Or does it?

There is no logic in the above statement. It's just a selfish excuse to appease you fans in Hawaii to see how your guy does in a situation while hurting the team as a whole because it wouldn't be giving the STARTER the reps he needs in prep of the season. There's really no sense in arguing because it's not like it would happen.

However, I'm a Redskins supporter - I support JC so long as he's the starter and as far as I know that hasn't changed. If Collins or Colt become the starter I will support them as well. The bottom line is that you Hawaii fans need to learn that there is a pretty large possibility that you are looking at a minimum of a year or two before Colt Brennan ever steps on the field at the same time as starting NFL players. If it happens this season it's simply due to catastrophic injuries to two quarterbacks ahead of him on the depth chart.

Seriously, let it rest. It's not logical and you look very selfish asking for such things.

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most of us are not calling colt to start but many are grouping all of us BANDWAGON fans together.

This site is as good as it gets for an anti-Brennan troll. All he has to do is pump Brennan up by making unlikely predictions, then sit back and enjoy Skins fans (some) bash him and the people from Hawaii.

The disgruntled Skins fans seem to think (or want to believe) that a great majority of the Brennan fans [here at ES] are located in Hawaii. I'd guess there are at max 10 to 12 posters from Hawaii with unique IP addresses and more than 10 posts, so yeah, hardly the bombardment that some would like others to believe.

But regardless, if the ultra small minority located in Hawaii ruins your time at ES, simply put us (or whomever you choose) on IGNORE.


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This site is as good as it gets for an anti-Brennan troll. All he has to do is pump Brennan up by making unlikely predictions, then sit back and enjoy Skins fans (some) bash him and the people from Hawaii.

The disgruntled Skins fans seem to think (or want to believe) that a great majority of the Brennan fans [here at ES] are located in Hawaii. I'd guess there are at max 10 to 12 posters from Hawaii with unique IP addresses and more than 10 posts, so yeah, hardly the bombardment that some would like others to believe.

But regardless, if the ultra small minority located in Hawaii ruins your time at ES, simply put us (or whomever you choose) on IGNORE.


IMHO it's easier to be labeled a "Colt basher" than anything. I support the entire Redskins team and I look forward to seeing Brennan come into his own in the league hopefully. His story is pretty incredible and I'm curious to see how his talent translates to the NFL game.

However, the fact remains that there are quite a few unreasonable Colt supporters on this forum that seem to think that Zorn needs to learn to do his job better and that Colt should be in consideration to take over the starters role at some point this season. They need to be realists and understand that there is a good possibility it will be quite some time befor ehe steps on the field with the first team. I happen to be someone that thinks that Campbell has Pro Bowl level talent and am awaiting this year to see how things work out.

That doesn't mean I want Brennan to fail or that I won't scoop up his jersey one day if he ends up the Redskins starter in the future.

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"It was the best of Colts, it was the worst of Colts -"

Nice work TK.

Not often you see even a paraphrased reference to Dickens in a football thread.


Damn shame I'm not getting paid for this. :laugh:

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However, the fact remains that there are quite a few unreasonable Colt supporters on this forum that seem to think that Zorn needs to learn to do his job better

and that Colt should be in consideration to take over the starters role at some point this season.

I chimed in yesterday in regard to Zorn and Colt. Perhaps you guys consider myself as one of the few unreasonable Colt supporters, I don't know, but I did question Zorn's apparent mixed signals (re. Colt's mechanics) - not that he's doing a lousy job. Mr. PCS then chimed in to provide some plausible scenarios.

I keep reading that these unreasonable people from Hawaii (some of them) are calling for/wanting for Colt to be the starter in the immediate future.

Exactly whom are these people? Can you or anyone link their post(s)?

Lets see who these folks are and where they are located (assuming Mr. PCS is willing to provide assistance).

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There is no logic in the above statement. It's just a selfish excuse to appease you fans in Hawaii to see how your guy does in a situation while hurting the team as a whole because it wouldn't be giving the STARTER the reps he needs in prep of the season. There's really no sense in arguing because it's not like it would happen.

However, I'm a Redskins supporter - I support JC so long as he's the starter and as far as I know that hasn't changed. If Collins or Colt become the starter I will support them as well. The bottom line is that you Hawaii fans need to learn that there is a pretty large possibility that you are looking at a minimum of a year or two before Colt Brennan ever steps on the field at the same time as starting NFL players. If it happens this season it's simply due to catastrophic injuries to two quarterbacks ahead of him on the depth chart.

Seriously, let it rest. It's not logical and you look very selfish asking for such things.

Some of you need to get off your high horses and stop assuming that all Hawaii fans think alike. I'm wholly support JC! Like you, I will support whoever the coaches put at #1. Some of us 'Hawaii fans' do understand that CB will take are year or two to learn what he needs to do in the NFL. We're just excited to see him for a few more games before they give him the clipboard.


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The LOGIC is that it would be interesting to watch Colt get a few PRESEASON reps with the starters.

Doesn't hurt the team at all.

Or does it?

That time is reserved for JC who is the starter. We need to see how he does with the first string and not the guy who's going to be holding the clipboard.

On edit: To address the high horse comment. Most here have been fans of the team all of their life, I think its you who needs to get off the high horse.

Further, we are a franchise that prides itself on not being fairweather fans or bandwagonners (aka cowgirl fans), so you new peeps from Hawaii are going to get treated like rookies.

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That time is reserved for JC who is the starter. We need to see how he does with the first string and not the guy who's going to be holding the clipboard.

On edit: To address the high horse comment. Most here have been fans of the team all of their life, I think its you who needs to get off the high horse.

The high horse comment was meant for those who continue to lump ALL Hawaii fans as Colt cultist.

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I chimed in yesterday in regard to Zorn and Colt. Perhaps you guys consider myself as one of the few unreasonable Colt supporters, I don't know, but I did question Zorn's apparent mixed signals (re. Colt's mechanics) - not that he's doing a lousy job. Mr. PCS then chimed in to provide some plausible scenarios.

I keep reading that these unreasonable people from Hawaii (some of them) are calling for/wanting for Colt to be the starter in the immediate future.

Exactly whom are these people? Can you or anyone link their post(s)?

Lets see who these folks are and where they are located (assuming Mr. PCS is willing to provide assistance).

I answered one of these posters recently who said Colt would be the starter in a year or two. It think it was in the thread about Brennan skeptics, I want to hear from you. That's still wishing JC a very short lived career, don't you think?

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I answered one of these posters recently who said Colt would be the starter in a year or two. It think it was in the thread about Brennan skeptics, I want to hear from you. That's still wishing JC a very short lived career, don't you think?

Ahhhh..That was my thread. I'll go back to see what was said and in what context.

Thanks for pointing out an example and where to find it.


I found where you mention ONE incident, but could not find the actual post. I checked your history (around 7-29-08) and saw no reply to the poster whom made the 1 to 2 year prediction (in any thread). I also searched the whole thread using search keys "starter" "patient" and "2" resulting in nada.


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I would like to go on record as saying that I am NOT one of the Colt fans that thinks he should be starting. Everybody knows that it takes tremendous skill and talent to become a starting QB in the NFL, especially for a rookie. Colt is the best I've seen at UH but by no means is he one of the top 32 QBs in the world at this point. I do believe his time will come IF he continues to improve.

I was happy that the Skins picked him up because they are not a team looking for IMMEDIATE results from drafted QBs. This could possibly be one of the best positions Colt could have ended up in. He will have less pressure and more time to hone his skills and hopefully improve. Perhaps one day we will see him get his chance with the Skins or elsewhere if the circumstances permit (I am NOT wishing any unfortunate circumstances with the Skins, BTW).

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Let me try opinionate what 1st 2nd 3rd QBs are.

1 string QB Starter

2 string QB Backup (maybe future QB, but has talent to immediately start)

3 string QB Usually Rookie with possible future (No possibility to start, unless the feces hits the fan)

I'm not a delusional fan that see's only what he wants to see.

Jason Campbell is our guy.

Todd Collins is our backup (no future)

Colt Brennan is our murphy's law backup (with future)

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