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Colt Brennan Shows MAJOR Improvement (Highlights Included)


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Holy ****. Colt Brennan knows who I am!!!

How was it a rush to judgement when the coach was saying the same thing?

You, my friend, are a verbatum human being who clings to the spoken word.

Zorn was justing throwing the idea around to Colt that having the ability and what not is fine, but its show time.

And, the young man did his thing tonight, don't you think?

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He looked good against guys that will be bagging groceries in 6 weeks...

I hate this argument, because he was playing WITH guys that will be bagging groceries in 6 weeks. He made his "future stockboys" perform well. The Colts' 3rd string QB threw a pick 6 and didn't make their "future grocery baggers" look like anything BUT future grocery baggers.

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You, my friend, are a verbatum human being who clings to the spoken word.

Zorn was justing throwing the idea around to Colt that having the ability and what not is fine, but its show time.

And, the young man did his thing tonight, don't you think?

Did I not answer that question in my first post?

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this was one of the biggest wins of the season so far. Great start to the Zorn/Colt era. Tom Brady was a 6th round pick you know...........

sar·casm /ˈsɑrthinsp.pngkæzthinsp.pngəm/[sahr-kaz-uhthinsp.pngm]

–noun 1.harsh or bitter derision or irony. 2.a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark

Some of us really need to relax. But thanks to everyone who offered their thoughts on how he may not really be the next Tom Brady and/or clarifying that we've only actually played one pre-season game. Oh, yeah--again:

sar·casm /ˈsɑrthinsp.pngkæzthinsp.pngəm/[sahr-kaz-uhthinsp.pngm]

–noun 1.harsh or bitter derision or irony. 2.a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark

Ya gotta love this board.:laugh:

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Remember that Colt played in a pro style offense at Hawaii run by June Jones who coached in the NFL. Colt did not look confused tonight. On each of his pass plays he picked out the right receiver to hit so Zorn is going to be pleased when he reviews the film tomorrow. When was the last time the Skins had a number three quarterback who looked so sharp? It has been a very long time. He knows how to scramble too and make something out of nothing when the play breaks down. He has talent. If any of you heard the radio broadcast, I would like to know what Sonny said about him.

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It's amazing what one week of practice can do for a guy. His stat line w/ highlight vid:

Redskins QB Colt Brennan completes 9 of 10 passes for 123-yds and 2 TD vs. the Colts.


That first TD was absolute perfection :applause:...it helped having a receiver taller than 5' 9", of course lol...still, he threw a beautiful TD. His 2nd TD, that would probably not be too successful against starting defenses in the NFL, because the Colts' entire secondary seemed focused ONLY on Colt Brennan and kind of lost track of the Skins receivers. Colt had a few options for a TD pass there. Starting defenses, though, won't usually stare at the QB like a deer in the headlights. That first TD, though, would have been successful no matter if starters or backups were on D.

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I hate this argument, because he was playing WITH guys that will be bagging groceries in 6 weeks. He made his "future stockboys" perform well. The Colts' 3rd string QB threw a pick 6 and didn't make their "future grocery baggers" look like anything BUT future grocery baggers.

Yes, good point. The counter point is that the starting defenses are faster, bigger and stronger, so you have to be quick to your reads and have sound fundementals. It doesn't matter if Dwight Freeny is lining up against Samuels or whoever the Colt backup DE is lining up against Wade, Freeny is going to get there faster. The push a starting D-Line gets is better than the backups vs. backups. The starting secondary is going to read your eyes and pounce better than the backups.

It's just different. It's hard to prove, but it just is.

To take NOTHING away from the guy. He played well.

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Amend to your wait and see approach. You are right. But something tells me that Colt and Zorn are on the same page. Campbell looked sharp tonight and Collins was so so. If anything, Brennan has raised the odds in his favor.

I noticed how Coach Zorn looked at Colt after Brennan threw his first TD. Did you see that excitement in Zorn's eyes and the reaction of Colt's teammates?

Obviously, someone else's interpretation of Zorn's facial movements in response to Colt throwing a TD is direct proof that Zorn has tabbed Colt to be the future of this franchise.

Please, you act as though this team hates Campbell and was excited that Colt is succeeding. I saw no difference in when Campbell threw his TD and when Colt threw his.

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Good first game. I don't think Collins is in jeopardy just yet, but another two or three games like that... :whoknows:

I say if CB has another game like this next week, up the ante and put him in right after Campbell, just to see what he's got. CB haters are going to complain that he was facing utter and complete scrubs that aren't going to make the team.

(Keep in mind that most of the receivers he was throwing to weren't as good as Moss and Randle El, either.)

Give CB a chance to prove them wrong. I think what could possibly happen is that Collins and Colt could be co-backups. For example, Brennan would come in in the middle of a game if JC were to get dinged and have to come out for a quarter or two. Conversely, if JC were to miss a few weeks, Collins would get the nod as the starter.

One thing is obvious: TC is more experienced than Colt Brennan, but TC isn't adapting to the system as well as CB is. One reason for this is that I just don't think that TC's got quite the right makeup for the system to begin with. A R&S offense is basically a very extreme version of a WCO. Lots of short timing routes that can usually give YAC opportunity, too, which set up the run and such.

I liked Colt's decision making. You always want a guy to be really close to the middle in his confidence, and that's where Colt was. He didn't try to force throws under pressure or when he knew it wasn't there, so he hits the checkdown. Not the sexiest or most glamorous, but getting 4-6 yards on a checkdown does you a lot better than losing 5 yards on a sack, going nowhere, or throwing one up into no-man's land where someone can yank it down and start running the other way. At the same time, when he saw the downfield option (pass to Jason Goode, medium pass to Billy McMullen, deep TD throw to Maurice Mann are all notable examples) he wasn't gun-shy about taking it.

Few rookie QBs drafted in the 6th round look this good, even in a preseason game. If this is Colt Brennan's starting point, I can't wait to see his upside.

HAIL!! :point2sky

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now all you guys know what Colt is all about! i guess you guys needed to see it with your own eyes! Unlike people from Hawaii, we already know what Colt is all about!

And now you know what Campbell is about, and why a lot of people on this board are championing for Campbell.

there's a huge disconnect, really, where a lot of Colt-supporters think that the Jason-supporters dont want Colt to make the team - thats simply not true.

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Insultingly, yes. You are still on your podium looking down at him and waiting for him to not be as brilliant as he was tonight.

"Well I'm here with nothing but praise of him this evening. He looked VERY impressive out there tonight, showing great poise in the pocket, and great touch on his passes. He looked comfortable, and confident with where to go with the ball."


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No matter what string he played against, his throws were right on the money. Just perfect, accurate throws. I was really impressed, and if this isn't just a one time happening, we could really have a bright prospect on our hands. He seemed cool and crisp in his decision making, except for that delay on the last TD pass. (That guy was open for like, 5 minutes! It took Brennan forever to pass it to him.)

I'm not hopping on the "Brennan or Bust!" bandwagon just yet, but I'm really looking forward to his performance next week.

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Great thread and Vid. Colt looked great! I hope he continues to impress and get better. I think with a good offensive line and a little bit of time, he can move the ball and get the skins the "W" It was a good start!

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I applaud your sense of fair play and coming out with the thread. Nothing wrong with being open minded and saying what you're seeing as opposed to some of us who are willing to get our exercise jumping to conclusions without anything visual to back it up.

It's going to be great if the lower draft picks step up and exceed expectations. Could be a monster draft! Just gotta see continued improvement and consistency in the team as a whole with each game. Getting rookies to be consistent is expecting a bit much...we'll just have to wait and see.

Someone kidded about Hawaii having an orgasm with Colt's first TD. Well, the second TD had the state XXX-rated! LOL Not embarressed about it...everyone should have the fun we have with Colt. He'll be loved in Hawaii whether he makes the NFL or not. OTOH, I overheard some TSA folks in the Honolulu Airport talking about what they would do with any CB haters that they managed to ID. Something about "full body cavity" searches...LOL

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He seemed cool and crisp in his decision making, except for that delay on the last TD pass. (That guy was open for like, 5 minutes! It took Brennan forever to pass it to him.)

I'm not hopping on the "Brennan or Bust!" bandwagon just yet, but I'm really looking forward to his performance next week.

You have a 330lb goon looking to make a meal out of your butt, flush the pocket, look left, middle, than right, and still make a good throw for a touchdown. I think most of us would probably be screamming "MOMMA".:laugh:

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Colt just looked like he was having fun out there tonight. i tell ya if ya give him an solid o-line he will tear teams apart! some people are surprised by how comfortable Brennan was and how in command of the huddle he was. We have to remember that he quarterbacked the WCO at Marter Dei high school(a national powerhouse) Colorado(during his redshirt year) and at Saddle-Back Jr. College(a national JC powerhouse in football). Im with Spitfire 71 on this one in terms of the R&S offense in that it is an extreme for the WCO but it is the essentially the same concept of a fast paced offense that will use the short quick passing game to wear out the defense and create wider lane passing lanes and possibly gut the defense up the center with the run.

Brennan's problem was two things. adjusting to the speed of the pro game and getting to know the depth of WCO at the Pro level where the playbook is much bigger.

Colt looked great tonight and even if they were guys who probably wont be on the Colts in the next 2 months, the fact of the matter is they are on an NFL team now and they do have talent because if they didn't they wouldn't even be given a shot. Kudos to Colt and JC as well on a great night for the Redskins!:dallasuck

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That second TD was pretty impressive to me. When watching the replay you can see Davis break free for an instant and you can tell that they locked eyes. Brennan readied the ball but realized that the defenders caught on and they sucked into Davis.

He then threw a quick dart to Mason for the, relatively, easy score.

He didn't force the ball. For a rookie from a run 'n gun, that was pretty impressive.

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There are other discussions on this message board where they are already arguing about how colt could be the 2nd string, some people are even bringing up that it is down right stupid to even have the thought of CB5 displacing JC at some point. I'm not trying to fuel those arguments, but I can tell you this Colt Brennans performance tonight is going to help push the envelope of all the quarterbacks on this team to another level. JC will push harder, study the books harder, train harder. Todd Collins will train harder and try harder not to lose a job to a rookie and Derek Devine... welll.. he just needs more opportunities. He wasn't given a fair shake at tonights game, he came in just to handoff the ball to the running backs.

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