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Metallica: "Death Magnetic" Holy ****!! The Kings have returned!

Commander PK

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I'm loving that they dropped the other crap logo, and went back to their classic one. Cool album cover. I suspect "Suicide & Redemption" is one of the songs in the trailer at missionmetallica.com. I'm shocked to see "The Unforgiven III" Hopefully this is better than their last attempt to "get it right." I really REALLY hope this album delivers.

Here are the song titles in the running order . . .

That Was Just Your Life

The End Of The Line

Broken, Beat & Scarred

The Day That Never Comes

All Nightmare Long


The Unforgiven III

The Judas Kiss

Suicide & Redemption

My Apocalypse

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for the love of all that is metal; can they PLEASE let the unforgiven go already!!!

that song ****ing sucked the second time they made it and I dont think it will get any better. I just get the chills whenever James bellows at the end "ooooh ooooooooh ooooooooooooooooh"

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Metallica died with Cliff Burton, I don't think the remaining members even know what metal is. From the reviews I've read there are a few good songs, but 60% is crap. If they had all died we could look back with pride at the best metal band ever. Now they're just a bunch of poseur clowns.

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Metallica died with Cliff Burton, I don't think the remaining members even know what metal is. From the reviews I've read there are a few good songs, but 60% is crap. If they had all died we could look back with pride at the best metal band ever. Now they're just a bunch of poseur clowns.

I have a feeling you may be eating those words in September.

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Metallica died with Cliff Burton, I don't think the remaining members even know what metal is. From the reviews I've read there are a few good songs, but 60% is crap. If they had all died we could look back with pride at the best metal band ever. Now they're just a bunch of poseur clowns.

Don't forget about And Justice for All....

I'm pretty sure Cliff only helped write one of those songs

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Interesting interview with Kirk Hammett. Calls the new album a "modern" ...and justice for all.


That's a pretty balsy statement, as I think that Justice is one of the top 10 metal albums ever made.

I hope he's right. If they produce another St. Anger or Re-Load, might as well start wheeling out the coffins.

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That's a pretty balsy statement, as I think that Justice is one of the top 10 metal albums ever made.

I hope he's right. If they produce another St. Anger or Re-Load, might as well start wheeling out the coffins.

good album, yes.

top ten all time? NO WAY!

i can name 10 off the top of my head that are better.

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New song from Death Magnetic :laugh:

Damn, rick rolled!!!!

Painkiller you **** :silly:

(it's still better than most of St. Anger sadly :laugh: )

Y'know I think even Metallica thought St. Anger sucked after it came out b/c when I saw them live the only St. Anger song they played was Frantic (this is either right before or right after it was released)- the rest of the set was from MoP, RtL, AJfA and the black album.

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As much as I want to get excited for this, I just think it'll be a letdown.

Face it, these aren't the hungry guys that were hell bent on world domination through metal in the early to mid 80's. I don't want to say the band died with Burton, but it certainly died after the black album. I know people bash it, but I like it...probably because it was my first Metallica cd when I was 12.

However everything after has been crap. St. Anger would have been a good album for anyone else, but by Metallica standards it was horrid.

But they're not young and hungry anymore. They're old and over the hill. I pray they prove me wrong, and I'll pick up this album out of sheer hope that they'll get back to their roots. I hope that the return to their old logo is a symbol of that.

However, the real treasures on Metallica.com are the downloadable live shows you can get. The free ones aren't that good, but I bought two for 10 bucks each. The one I like best is from Wembley Stadium last summer, it rocks. It gets constant play on my ipod in the car, especially the version of Disposable Heroes, Hammet's solo is amazing.

But yeah...I don't want to get let down, so I refuse to get my hopes up too high and think that this will be a return to glory.

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Damn, rick rolled!!!!

Y'know I think even Metallica thought St. Anger sucked after it came out b/c when I saw them live the only St. Anger song they played was Frantic (this is either right before or right after it was released)- the rest of the set was from MoP, RtL, AJfA and the black album.

Yeah they were unhappy with the songs and production quality, though most of them have said how the process of making St. Anger is what makes Death Magnetic possible, so who knows.

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