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apartment hunting tips/suggestions


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i am about to start my search for an apt. in the DC/Baltimore area and I was wondering if anyone here has any tips or advice

I've never done this before, so any help would be greatly appreciated

and suggestions...

i am from out of town so I'm not too familiar with the area... i'm looking for a place on the cheap side (recent college grad living on an entry level salary) in an area that is on the safer side..

any area that has a decent to good bar scene that is more of a brooklyn (read: hipster) than a manhattan would be pretty good too, but honestly.. wherever i can find a place would be good enough for me

plus, if it is redskin country, all the better


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I moved out of the area in 2006 but I remember that it is very expensive. Wheaton comes to mind as a place you might want to check out. Olney is another option I would look into. I lived down by Huntington Metro station in the townhouses and it was reasonable but all the way on the other side of town for you.

If you were able to swing it somehow so it's affordable, consider trying to purchase a home rather than rent. When you file taxes, you get to claim the interest paid.

Good luck

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If you rent an apartment, make sure you live on the top floor. My upstairs neighbors are loud as hell, inconsiderate, and just plain dumb. Who the **** over the age of 27 actually plays Rock Band everyday until 2 a.m? What ****ing losers.

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If you rent an apartment, make sure you live on the top floor. My upstairs neighbors are loud as hell, inconsiderate, and just plain dumb. Who the **** over the age of 27 actually plays Rock Band everyday until 2 a.m? What ****ing losers.
If you rent an apartment make sure you get the bottom floor. Your neighbors can hear you stomp, jump, and run on the top floor.

We were on the top, but felt guilty 'since we have a kid. No we are on the bottom... the lady above is is sketchy 40-year old who thinks she is a teenager. She's got some younger guy and they have a creeky bed, he doesn't have a job and I think he's a drug dealer.

Apartment living is the suck...

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Woodbridge baby! Relatively cheap and just a little bit of a drive to metro/D.C. I don't think it satisfies your roommates "close to Baltimore" criteria though.

No offense but I thought he said someplace safe :)

I lived out in hoodbridge for a short time with my now ex until we moved to my place in Ashburn and I've got to tell you that place is... interesting.

I wanted to go to McD's to get breakfast but couldn't because some guy was surrounded by like 10 cops with guns drawn and that was just the first night. I have a few stories like that.

Old bridge road traffic sucks :)

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